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Posts posted by IbroxLoyal1872

  1. Looking forward to seeing Waghorn at full steam on the 21st. Really stood out against St.Mirren in my eyes. Real burst of energy that the squad has been missing since we skelped the mhanky mob. Hopefully he gives us a similar goal to his one in December when he sent Fyvie to the Copland shop for rolls 

  2. Would like United just in case we do end up in the play offs and it will give us a gauge of how well or badly we could do. But tbh I highly doubt it will come to that!

    Would hope it doesn't come to that but good logic none-the-less. Would love a good away day like that

  3. From the Feyenoord website --sorry about the poor translation

    Oud-jeugdspeler Tarik Fagrach vervolgt zijn carriere mogelijk bij het Schotse Rangers FC. Dit meldt Dfah Holland, de voetbalschool waaraan Tagrach verbonden is. De aanvaller werd deze maand weggestuurd uit de jeugdopleiding van Feyenoord vanwege slecht gedrag. Meerdere clubs zaten achter de 17-jarige Marokkaan aan en hij heeft de kans om een driejarige profcontract te tekenen bij het Schotse Rangers FC.

    Rangers FC is voor velen beter bekend als Glasgow Rangers. Deze club werd in 2012 falliet verklaard en werd teruggeplaatst naar de vierde divisie. Onder de naam Rangers FC maakte de club een doorstart en zette het de weg omhoog in. De club speelt momenteel in de Championsship, het tweede niveau in Schotland.

    Former youth player Tarik Fagrach continues his career as possible to the Scottish Rangers FC. This report Dfah Holland , the football which Tagrach connected . The attacker was this month expelled from the academy of Feyenoord because of bad behavior. Several clubs were behind the 17 -year-old Moroccan , and he has the chance to sign a three-year professional contract with the Scottish Rangers FC.

    Rangers FC is for many known as Glasgow Rangers. This club was declared bankrupt in 2012 and was returned to the fourth division. Under the name of Rangers FC made ​​the club a restart and put it on the way up. The club currently plays in the Champions Ship, the second level in Scotland.

    Think this is somebody McParland's been keeping an eye on?

  4. Nothing confirmed as no official word from the club yet but social media and Feyenoord fan sites indicate we've signed the 17 year old centre forward

    Not much info on him other than he's played for Feyenoord under 18's and has recently been let go from his contract (again nothing official on this) Also says he's comfortable playing on the right wing.

    Anybody able to clarify this?

  5. I think in this case it's more of a tongue in cheek nickname that their supporters have given him because of his (lack of) stature (5'3) and the fact he's left footed.

    He basically laughed about it when they mentioned it in the interview.

    fair enough at least we know the lad's got a sense of humour. We'll see what unfolds come January

  6. Hopefully it's guys from England who we've barely heard of rather than guys playing well in the SPL (Souttar would be my exception to that rule) because Foderingham, Waghorn, Kiernan & Tavernier have shown that you can get really good value and quality down there if you know what you are looking for.

    There was a feature on Sky Sports News yesterday about how many goals Peterborough are scoring and how a lot of it was down to a young midfielder called Anderson, who loads of clubs are tracking, and another player called Oztumer who their support have dubbed 'the Turkish Messi'.

    I hadn't heard of them until yesterday and there's probably loads more players of a similar ilk who are also playing well just now and that's the sort of players that I would think and expect Warburton & McParland will be looking at because it's a market they know really well rather than the boring, presictbale, overpriced, obvious guys playing in the SPL route.

    Agree with this entirely. Warburton/McParland's knowledge and contacts in the english market have been very beneficial to us so far and with any luck will continue to bring us good fortune. Not sure about this 'Turkish Messi' Character though. Was only last month we had the 'Israeli Messi' on trial. It's a shame young players get burdened with such pressure IMO

  7. Watched the game yesterday, whilst I admit the overall performance was below par, there seems to be a lot of panicking and fans having an attitude that gives an eerie feeling of de ja vu of last season. Whilst I do feel the standard of play has slipped over the last few weeks I also feel this isn't just a drop in player performances but also partly because Warburton has brought the fear factor back to Ibrox and it's no longer seen as an easy three points. Teams now play 10 men behind the ball and wait to catch us on the break. This is something the team will need to adapt to and fast. Having said that I do agree with the overwhelming majority that an out and out striker needs to be bought in January. Whilst I am not questioning Waghorn's end product or his workrate I just feel he is more suited to be played out wide ( Preferrably on the right ) with McKay on the left and a clinical finisher in the centre of the final third.

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