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Posts posted by JFK-1

  1. To be fair to Accrington after having had a look at their fan forums recently they operate on short term contracts for everybody because apparently that's the only way they can do it with limited finances.  They can't afford to give a player a 3 or 4 year contract when he might turn out to be a dud.

    But the obvious other side of the coin is if he turns out to be a good un and you only have him on a 12 month contract your options are extremely limited.  It has backfired on them in this instance and that's the breaks.  They're unhappy he is going to Scotland because that cuts out a development fee but that's also the breaks.

    The transfer system is heavily loaded in favour of English teams in most circumstances and on the rare occasion it works in our favour I think it's hypocritical in the extreme to complain.  They wouldn't bat an eyelid if they were taking one of ours on a Bosman but paint us as the bad guys in this instance?  I think not.

  2. 49 minutes ago, daverfc13 said:

    Totally agree , we seen against Celtic what can happen when u put the ball in the box, Halliday fucks up his cross, doesn't beat the first man, yet we still get a lucky bounce and Miller scores

    It could be said that almost all goals have an element of chance.  The McKay goal was fired through the pack and on another day a man could have been in the way though in this case it wasn't the type of 10 man pack we often face.

    We generally have so much possession and pressure that if anything maybe we just aren't taking enough shots.  You would think that in such a situation if we just keep firing shots at goal sooner or later most of the time something has to give and I don't care if we're scoring with deflections as long as the ball is in the net.


  3. 20 hours ago, Perth_Campsie_Ger said:

    I just hope these players remember where they were and where we have got them to when other clubs come sniffing.

    Dont think anyone would begrudge them a move if the money is right for the club but id feel pretty miffed if they tried to force a move to a mediocre epl club that could pay 3x the wages

    At the end of the day these guys have families to think about and their families have to take precedence.  If someone made them an offer that could make them as much money on a 3 year contract as it would take to earn with us in 10 years they have to go for it given that there is a very limited time and possibly limited opportunities in which to ever earn that kind of money.

    It's up to club management to try to get the best out of it for the club it can't be the players priority.  All I expect of them is that they give 100% while they are with us. 

  4. My greatest memory of a Euro night wasn't away but at home to Marseilles in 1992 when we drew 2-2 with them on the night.  This was truly pulsating end to end stuff as we went 2-0 down then pulled it back and the first time I realized what a truly great player Rudi Voller was.  For me he made the difference for them on the night and without him in their side I think we would have won the tie.  Every time he got on the ball I and the entire home crowd were cringing.

  5. 23 minutes ago, kanjo said:

    If they finish 3rd, those odds will get changed too.  If they make the final they play a playoff game 2 days before the final with us.

    Well regarding odds if I were the bookies I would make Falkirk favourites to finish second since they only have a home match against Morton to clinch second in which Falkirk have so much to play for and Morton have nothing to play for.  And aside from that Falkirk have earned their league position and wont want to blow it at the final hurdle.

    Everything is in our favour including being the better team.  Another bet I would make is that if you told their fans that you have to bet on this match and your life depends on getting it right how many do you think would bet on their own team?

  6. 5 hours ago, K.A.I said:

    I think the criticism the team have been getting on the past 3 results is perfectly merited but I like the tone of the article too - compare that to some of the other groups and pages you see on Facebook where you have some wee spotty teenager or student putting up pictures of us lifting the trophy and saying eat that or if you can't get behind the team gtf for about a million likes.

    I like a nice balanced view taking everything into account - like that.

    But we really do need to fuck-up our ideas or there's a real chance we will get beat in that final. Honestly can't stress that enough.

    There's always a real chance of being beaten before any game but the chances of winning it are no different than they were when we won the semi.  Ask the bookies what they think the chances of Rangers being beaten are.  Their livelihood depends on getting that right.

    Rangers 4/9

    Hibs 28/13

  7. 1 minute ago, legalbeagle said:

    Would be very unlikely to have Forrester back, Waghorn should be fine, although my only concern is that he has been 'ready for the next game' for a couple of weeks now.

    I think if it were up to him he would have been in a couple of weeks ago but for whatever reasons the manager decided against it.  I think he must know within himself if he is ready and he must get some sort of run at St Mirren.  He has been so eager recently it will be interesting to see how he goes at it.  He's like a coiled spring waiting to be released right now. 

  8. Forrester has to be a serious doubt but given that the manager said in a recent interview that Waghorn was "disgusted" not to be in the running at Livingston I'm confident he will at least have a seat on the bench to start against St Mirren and has to be given a run at some point.

    He will be at a minimum on the bench for the cup final too and despite all the gloom and doom over recent performances I'm still confident we will take the Scottish cup with relative ease.  Scottish cup final at Hampden with a Euro spot at stake bears no comparison to a Tuesday night away match at Livingston with nothing of any consequence to play for.

    At the end of the day we have been a better team than them from the first kick of the season and that hasn't suddenly changed.

  9. As things stand all of Scotland is a feeder nation but the situation is ever evolving.  The English have sold their soul to TV and there is no putting that particular genie back in the bottle.  The landscape is unrecognisable from that which Graeme Souness stepped into 30 years ago and you can be guaranteed it will have undergone another transformation in just the next decade or so.

    TV rules the roost and as we all know Rangers leaving the SPL has been done to death over the years but it is a certainty to happen and I don't see us remaining in the Scottish setup much beyond the next decade so any current or near future agreements will be rendered moot.

    The last straw might be the blatant attempt to corner the champions league for a small group of elite teams some of whom aren't even really elite at core.  Chelsea and Man City are artificial giants simply because they are the current toys of billionaires and just happen to be in the favoured league.

    There will be some sort of new breakaway league in the next decade or so comprising those from the unfavoured leagues who are actual giants but are being blocked access to the big stage due to this artificial situation.

    It's ludicrous that the likes of ourselves with our average attendance and a team such as Ajax Amsterdam with their fabulous history while enduring this situation are being relegated to relative mediocrity by artificial selection based on nothing but geography.  Something has to give and at the end of it all natural selection will always prevail. 

  10. Aside from being one of our greatest ever players one of the things I liked about Laudrup is that he seemed to quickly integrate in Scotland and in a relatively short space of time began to develop a Scottish twang to his accent while using Scottish dialect.  Think it was after his first year he was being interviewed end of season and when asked what he was going to do between now and pre season he says "going my hoalidays"

  11. On ‎4‎/‎24‎/‎2016 at 8:04 AM, Helicopter Sundae said:

    Hivs have it all to play for in the Play Offs. Should they get promoted, their tails will be up.

    They can't gain promotion before the final because the play off with the second bottom SPL team comes after the final which I feel works in our favour since we will have nothing else to be concerned about.  This is a massive match which we must win to complete the miracle season.

    The prospect of Europe at this stage is for me a far more attractive proposition than the actual winning of the cup and I would say that we only have to play to our abilities to beat them because we are a better side.  Hopefully Waghorn and Forrester will both be back in there which should pep things up somewhat.

    I feel confident about it as I think the adrenaline and drive will be at the same levels they were for the semi.  The fans know how important this is so a similar semi final level of energy will also be evident in the crowd to drive them on. 

  12. I'm guessing the finances must look pretty respectable right now given that they wouldn't have been budgeting for a run all the way to the Scottish cup final and will look even more respectable if we win the cup and get a crack at Europe which he admitted is at least a year ahead of schedule.

    Have to be looking at a minimum million at the gate alone for just one Euro tie.

  13. 26 minutes ago, Corky True Legend said:

    Strange. I thought it was Mark Warburton who had achieved the miracle. When did Dave King get his coaching badges?

    The manager isn't the issue on this topic the Chairman is.  There are numerous topics where we are already all giving the manager the credit he is due but a manager can do nothing without the backing of a co-operative Chairman.  That's the first link in the chain. 

  14. Accrington have a policy of short term contracts and this will always happen to them operating a system like that.  Naturally they are pissed off that they are losing two players for next to nothing who they deem to be worth a minimum 3 million for the pair which would have covered them financially for years but that's life.

    Exactly the same thing happens to us when EPL teams start whispering in players ears about mega million pay packets.  Nothing to be done about it but move on.  If they have an issue they need to talk to the footballing authorities because Rangers can't change the rules. 

  15. Putting all this 30 million stuff aside for a moment which was always intended to be a ball park figure over a period of years to cover not just transfers but essential stadium repairs etc too what exactly is it Dave King has done that merits any criticism from either the press or anyone else?

    The main pledge he made was that he would get us back into the SPL and he also stated at that time we didn't want to be doing it through play offs which was fairly bold stuff given the events of the previous few months.  Accomplished with weeks to spare and in a Scottish cup semi final after playing the "best team in Scotland" off the park with a weakened side.

    He also said the aim was to get the team back into Europe and even stated that initially that might be the Europa league.  All things being equal we are strong favourites to take the Scottish cup which would be another check box ticked so I just can't grasp what this man has done to merit any criticism.

    Keith Jackson and others were saying exactly the same things at the start of this season as they are right now after a relatively modest close season spend in which the manager had only a few weeks to target and assemble his squad and here it is all over again as the bookies already make us 11/4 with Aberdeen a distant 12/1 for the league next season even before we spend a penny.  Maybe they are better judges than Jackson is since their profitability depends on their judgement while if Jackson was any reliable judge we would have been humiliated in the semi?

    Dave King has accomplished in 12 months what we could only have dreamed of at the end of last season and that's what he must be judged on at this stage.  If we ran away with the SPL in the same manner you can be confident Jackson and his ilk would still be saying exactly the same things at the end of next season too.  How many of you thought 12 months ago that we would even be realistic challengers first season back?

    The criticism of the Chairman is entirely unwarranted at this stage when he has given us all he promised on the field and a lot more besides.

  16. Jackson is a cunt who is simply trying to stir shit either to sell papers or he is one of them who just can't stand that we're back in an impressive manner and the biggest thing around and he thinks he can drive our manager to leave.  An example of the shite he talks.

    46 minutes ago, Virtuoso said:

    Saturday's 1-1 draw with relegated Alloa provided Warburton with all the evidence required to copper bottom his assessment that he needs at least five good quality additions to his squad if he is to make a proper fist of in next season's top flight.

    Strangely enough exactly the same score line THEY got at home to the mighty Ross County and THEY haven't even secured the league yet while we have secured ours.  Does this mean that THEY need "at least five good quality additions" to compete with Ross County next season?

    As for 30 million back when King said it I never read anything into it but that he meant 30 million over a period of years not a season like this fuckin' moron seems to think.  After everything we have been through this stupid bastard thinks it's rational for anybody in Scottish football to go out and spend 30 million at a go to compete with pish that can barely fend off Aberdeen and can't beat Ross County when there is a league at stake?

    He can go and take a fuck to himself because the bastard is also trying to put the boot in for our manager too.

  17. 11 minutes ago, chris182 said:

    £6m+ probably this summer, more if he reproduces the same next season

    If somebody offered 6m in the Summer they would probably take it though maybe not because the manager certainly wouldn't want to let him go and I suspect what he wants must carry some weight at this time.  I would prefer to wait till next Summer when presuming we make Europe and he performs well there the price could rise to 10m+

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