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Posts posted by BryanRfc

  1. (tu)

    I'm not looking star names and stuff though - I just want the players who are suited to their job.

    I would've preffered Vieira/Beckham for the experience, but they wouldn't come. :(

    i also bought ballotelli. He scored 4 in a uefa cup qualifier then broke his leg :lol: 20million i payed for a 17 year old :|

  2. scc86a.png

    your attackers are just about the same as me :D

    Given / Hart

    Zableta Richards lescott Srna

    De Jong

    Wright Phillips Moutinho Zhirkov (ooft) / Fleck


    Vagner Love

    :D stopped playing this last month maybe start again :)

  3. Wait till people run down their stamina with headless chicken attacks, take them down and click R3 to submit them

    If their stamina bar is slow they cant escape, won countless matches this way

    how do u escape if someone does it to me ? xbox btw

  4. I tried to register to colpandroar but it kinda froze at the registration form <cr>

    try it again mate, i just done it and it holds for a min then goes through and logs you in :D

    I waited for a good 10 mins and its just stayed like this;



  5. Couple of programs to download:



    First one, clears all temp files from internet etc and lets you clears your registry and things left over from uninstalls. 2nd one is a defragger.

    Also try this:

    Start->My Computer->Right Click your Hard Drive and select Properties.

    Disk Cleanup->More Options->System Restore and Shadow Copies.

    Now if you do that it deletes all the system backup that have automatically been made, but for some reason it's default size is something daft. Mines was like 80gb after about 4mths of using Vista :(


    You can do that to make the size a bit smaller, only if you feel confident though.

    Hope any of that helps :)

    i forgot i had that CC cleaner and forgot how good it was i did that mate and restarted the computer and it seems to be going no bad again thanks bud im gonna defrag tomorrow as i know it takes a while Thanks alot matey ;) appreciated

  6. Okay so recently over the past fortnight my computer has been getting slower and slower. I'm thinking of putting it back to factory setting's but I don't want to lose all my movies, music etc. Any idea's how to get it back to normal ? Or a way of finding out all the shite on it .There's a lot of stuff that I've downloaded, installed then un-installed cause they were crap or whatever and I think they sometimes hang about on the PC like the folders and stuff anyway of finding them or where there located ? Im running Vista btw .

    Cheers ;)

  7. If i traded in my 360 with two controllers, wireless adapter, headset etc

    How much do you think i would get in return?

    Around 160 quid mate they only take £13 for controllers and mines was still in the packet :anguish: and you can get an xbox for 150quid new

    Not worth it is it

    nahh mate i was gonna buy a ps3 couple month ago as my xbox was getting worse and worse (ive had it since they were released) and i really wanted a 60gb ps3 which i couldnt find anywhere because i wanted to be able to play ps2 and ps2 games on it and i wasnt wanting to spend my money then the Xbox broke. So i decided on a new xbox arcade and just stuck my hard drive on top and sold the kung fu panda and indiana jones and the extra controller i got with it haha :lol: (the other xbox is still working too :| :| :anguish: gave it to ma da for a birthday present hahaha )

  8. If i traded in my 360 with two controllers, wireless adapter, headset etc

    How much do you think i would get in return?

    Around 160 quid mate they only take £13 for controllers and mines was still in the packet :anguish: and you can get an xbox for 150quid new

  9. I'm playing Red Faction : Guerilla, inFamous, Motorstorm : Pacific Rift and Battlefield 1943 the now but I've got most of the good games for the PS3, about 38 I think :anguish: Got most of them off eBay for peanuts but it's some collection. You're an Xbox 360 user aint you?

    aye mate but i really wanna play that metal gear solid game u played it ?

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