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Posts posted by BryanRfc

  1. Instead you're sitting here hurling abuse at him.

    Abuse you say ? Do you use that term loosely ?

    Show me these abusive comments.

    Do you cheer when he scores for OUR team ?

    Yes (tu). I feel the team getting a goal is more important than an individual scoring.

    enough said end this discussion

    :lol: And you were calling me childish ?

    Bit of a hypocrite no ?


    you cheer him for scoring then slate fuck out him on this :lol:

    Its a goal for the TEAM aswell is it not :rolleyes: ? How many more times shall I repeat myself untill you understand ?

    I also celebrated when Foster scored an OG for our TEAM! Doesn't mean I have to like him does it ?

    but its now played a big part in our season just like kenny miller has played a big part in our season

  2. Instead you're sitting here hurling abuse at him.

    Abuse you say ? Do you use that term loosely ?

    Show me these abusive comments.

    Do you cheer when he scores for OUR team ?

    Yes (tu). I feel the team getting a goal is more important than an individual scoring.

    enough said end this discussion

    :lol: And you were calling me childish ?

    Bit of a hypocrite no ?


    you cheer him for scoring then slate fuck out him on this :lol:

  3. Instead you're sitting here hurling abuse at him.

    Abuse you say ? Do you use that term loosely ?

    Show me these abusive comments.

    Do you cheer when he scores for OUR team ?

    Yes (tu). I feel the team getting a goal is more important than an individual scoring.

    enough said end this discussion

  4. Not from me (tu) he will never be accepted.


    It's more shocking the guy was wearing a celtc strip 2 years ago and our fans are even thinking of accepting him ;).

    the guys ran his arse off all season for OUR club scored a few goals set PLENTY up for boyd been a brilliant player chases everything.Played well against celtic the past couple games.And why you stull cant accept the guy is sheer stupidity and very chilidish.

    How so?

    He scored against us for Celtc and celebrated just as much as he did when he scored for us against them, he has no loyalty or integrity. He has missed more chances than he's scored this season and as for the running his arse off all season and chasing everything, Nacho Novo does just as well if not better and with the added bonus of Novo not being a double turncoat rhat.

    hes done 10 times what nacho novo has done this season

  5. Not from me (tu) he will never be accepted.


    It's more shocking the guy was wearing a celtc strip 2 years ago and our fans are even thinking of accepting him ;).

    the guys ran his arse off all season for OUR club scored a few goals set PLENTY up for boyd been a brilliant player chases everything.Played well against celtic the past couple games.And why you stull cant accept the guy is sheer stupidity and very chilidish.

  6. Bill gates :drool: we could clone superplayers

    lmao :lol: sounds good they could have seven legs and expandable necks so they would never miss a header !!!!! :gerbad:

    A mixture of DNA from Albertz,Laudrup,Same English,John Greig,McCoist,Goram ,Cooper and Numan ?:drool:

    numan plainly because his style of clothes guys a :praise: i saw him in M&D's one time with a beast of a brown leather jacket on guy looked like a right Cooolio

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