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Posts posted by bluesnaw

  1. I see Sir David (Edgar, not Murray) didn't take long to high-tail it outta here! I wonder if he though he had nothing better to do than turn up, spout a few sound bites, and we would all fall under his spell?

    Well he didn't exactly get the warmest of welcomes :blink:

    Shit happens and sometimes people growl in the bear's den.

    Fortitude, son... fortitude. It's a prerequisite if your going to enter the big bad lime light, and you can't scurry away in the huff if you don't get your ego stroked by the masses.

  2. i am not a member of the trust but at least edgar will stick up for the fans, and not like the our owner who makes me want to vomit everytime he opens his mouth.

    He doesn't stick up for, or talk for me. I'm big enough and ugly enough to make my own mind up, and vote with my feet and my wallet if I have to!

    As yet, I don't see the need to.

    i am sure you can speak for yourself, but i suppose even if we dont win the title this season you will still see nothing wrong.

    You suppose wrong! I have never accepted second best for my team, but I also know that that's how football goes sometimes.

    I'm not Walter Smith's biggest fan, and I do have some sympathy for the Chairman... but I also understand that he's responsible for what happens at the club, and responsible for sorting things out. It’s a job nobody on here would relish, that’s for sure.

    People are living under the delusion that up until ten years ago everything was great, and we had nothing better to do than crush all that came before us. Not so! There has always been times of unrest at Ibrox, and there will be again, no doubt.

  3. i am not a member of the trust but at least edgar will stick up for the fans, and not like the our owner who makes me want to vomit everytime he opens his mouth.

    He doesn't stick up for, or talk for me. I'm big enough and ugly enough to make my own mind up, and vote with my feet and my wallet if I have to!

    As yet, I don't see the need to.

  4. Indeed. Still do! Mostly for reading rather than posting as I find a lot of the articles here very interesting.

    As I say, we were (rightly) criticised for being too inclined to think FF was the be all and end all. We are attempting to stop that. Though I see it's not a universally popular course of action with your regulars?

    Let’s get one thing straight here: FF is a cesspit filled to bursting with the FTP brigade, who seem welcome to ply their trade with impunity.

    I’ve even heard from a couple of reliable sources (one from a household name in Scottish football, whom I know personally) that the Scottish media and the like love FF as a bottomless pit of material to fill their pages.

    Slow day? Just log on to FF and you won’t have to look too far for material to vindicate the assertion in the Scottish press that it’s all about big bad Rangers’ supporters. It’s neither constructive, nor clever… and until you and the rest of your cronies realize that the better for us all.

    You think you’re smart with your populist rants, but they are nothing more than sound bites designed specifically to appeal to the lowest common denominator in our support. To the more educated amongst us, you come across as a self-promoting buffoon. It’s not difficult to see why the press patronize you and your like.

    What we need is leadership capable of realizing that our (the fan’s) passion for Rangers makes us our own worst enemy at times, and that public defense of songs like the billy boys and the BJK campaign is manna from heaven to the media.

    Let’s also get one other thing straight (something you mercilessly promote to your own ends), there isn’t a media campaign against us that’s born of hatred of all things Rangers. Look at it dispassionately (something good leadership should be capable of) and you’ll see that it’s the “global warming” scenario.

    Put simply, the press are in a feeding frenzy at the minute and we’re the target - it’s how things work. Unfortunately, the more we rage against them in the manner we do, the more they feed…

    Where is the charm offensive? Who courts the press on our behalf? Seventeen point rants and ill-conceived statements from an organization that purports to represent the ordinary fans simply has them salivating for more. That in turn opens the door to the real enemies (well know Scottish composers, high profile IRA sympathizers from Glasgow university and the like) to step up their libidinous campaign to discredit the whole of Scotland as a sectarian gutter.

    You’re fanning the flames, mate… and you can’t even see it. What we need is politically minded souls prepared to get into bed with Murray and the rest. Raging against the machine is futile. This thing can only be dismantled from the inside, and you have a better opportunity to do that than any of us.

    Leave your ego in the house of a morning, my friend, and use your position wisely… if you can!

  5. 'Murray is entitled to dismiss those who won't give their real names'

    IF THE disaffected of Ibrox really want their voices heard there is one thing they can do that might help, one thing above all others that might have Sir David Murray, Martin Bain and Walter Smith giving them the time of day. When they go on their websites with their thoughts on the state of the club they could start using their real names instead of the ridiculous monikers they carry on with.

    Is it any wonder that Murray and Smith have barely concealed contempt for these people when one of the leading voices on one of the leading fans' forums calls himself Grandmaster Suck?

    Murray, and everybody else at Ibrox, is entitled to dismiss as irrelevant the thoughts of somebody who doesn't have the maturity to put his name to a posting. It is absurd that the chairman should be expected to pay attention to a lobby that won't even tell him who they are. If actual names, checked and verified, start appearing at the end of these messages on places like Follow Follow then Murray would sit up and take notice, for certain. You'd be talking about a captive chairman at that point. Once these guys climb out from behind the cloak of anonymity and say to Murray "right, here we are, out in the open" then they might get the respect they believe is lacking right now.

    You only had to look at one of these websites last week to realise that those who think that Murray should be taking them seriously are deluded. For instance, would any of these revolutionary voices (a fair chunk of them making absolutely valid points) take to heart any criticism of themselves in their own day jobs if the analysis of their performance was signed by somebody called SpongeBobSquarePants as one of the more cogent evaluations of Rangers' plight was on Follow Follow last week?

    Rangers people may indeed Deserve Better as the Rangers Supporters Trust motto goes, but if they feel that strongly about it they could at least identify themselves. They all know that Murray looks at Follow Follow. He complains about it from a position of strength. He checks it out. Quite often, I would suggest. If their club is going down the toilet, if the situation is as grave as all that, then why wouldn't the members stand over their own remarks instead of hiding like children behind nicknames?

    Here's what I mean. After the RST made their announcement last week many threads started to appear on the website. The cyber fans formed a queue to endorse the We Deserve Better campaign, each one posting their thoughts. Here's a list of some of the contributors...

    Mr Super Bad

    The Gunslinger

    tartan penguin



    wordy rappinghood

    Franky Four Fingers

    Now, seriously, can any of these guys see a day when they're going to get a dialogue going with Murray?

    "Ah, Mr Snowman, come in, sit down. Now I've read what you and Mr Canoe, Mr Gunslinger, Mr Penguin and Mr Rappinghood have said and as grown-ups I respect your opinions"

    Get in the real world, chaps.

    There was also a debate at one point, in the wake of Walter Smith questioning how many fans actually support the RST, and here again we had a long stream of people either saying they were members or saying they were going to join and not one of them appeared to use their real name, unless there's been a massive run on the Deed Poll office headed by Mr Runningbear and Mr Bubablue.

    Now, there are people on websites who won't reveal their identity because they are bigots, because they have nothing at all to contribute bar their warped take on the world. I'm not talking about those clowns. I'm talking about the supporters who have something sensible to say, who are deeply worried (but not abusive or hysterical) about the recent developments at Ibrox – and there are loads of those. On Friday, I had a look for myself and there is plenty of lively debate and interesting thinking, plenty of heartfelt pleas and strong analysis of Rangers' plight.

    Website convention dictates that you don't use your real name. Fair enough, change the convention. Make a statement. If you feel strongly enough about this then put your name to it instead of pretending to be a Gunslinger when, in fact, you're a bit of a coward. Banners calling for Murray to go will have zero impact on the man. It's a vacuous statement. As we've said here before: fine, Murray Must Go...and then what? Who takes over? Who stumps up the salaries? Who drives the operation? Nobody wants in. Nobody with money or the ability to take the club forward wants anything to do with it. Not now and not for the foreseeable future.

    As Murray and Smith have pointed out, it's difficult to say how many people actually support the RST. Personally, I find them a hard lot to warm to what with David Edgar's stuttering and stammering in the past whenever my pal Graham Spiers asked him to explain why the singing of the Billy Boys was acceptable to some Rangers people.

    Also, one of Edgar's deputies sent me an e-mail late last year which, to be frank, was pretty gross. I wouldn't be a huge fan of the RST, but each to their own.

    They have followers, no doubt. There is concern, that's evident. But too many football supporters are faceless cyber warriors, all fire and brimstone with a keyboard at their fingers and as quiet as church mice when they're asked to go public. Franky Four Fingers will open no doors. Start naming names, boys. That's my advice. Really and truly, I can't see Murray taking a blind bit of notice of you otherwise.


    I once wrote a letter to a local rag castigating a local SNP supporter for his persistent anti-English rhetoric (bordering on xenophobia) week in, week out, and made the mistake of including my name and address. Thinking, of course, that the discerning readership would see both sides of the argument in an adult sort of way… not a fooking hope!

    I’ve never had such a torrid time for the months that Followed: from anonymous hate mail to phone calls from the local police about “persistent complaints made by me”. It was truly awful. I for one would never think about putting my name on a web site… especially on such an emotive and hate-filled subject as the old firm, no way!

  6. So I’m cynical about David Edgar and I’m a muppet with a hatred for Rangers‘ supporters? You obviously don’t know the difference between shit and the brown, smelly stuff that comes out your arse!

    It’s called having an opinion, and being able to think for myself . I’ve been on this planet long enough to sniff out the likes of Edgar and his ilk without having to think too hard. If you need somebody to point you in the right direction and tell you what to think… fine. Only leave those of us old enough, and long enough in the tooth to spot a chancer when we see one to our own opinions.

    For someone who attacks another forum on the basis of certain posters I would have expected a bit more than personal abuse.

    If you’re talking about follow follow, then I have every right to criticize them. The part about personal abuse, I’m not quite sure what you mean… you might want to expand that for me.

    In the final analysis, if you don’t like people with contrary viewpoints, then that’s your issue. As long as I live and breath, nobody will tell me what to think and how to think it. I see things with my own eyes, and that‘s how it will always be.

    Rangers means as much to me as anybody else on the planet, don’t ever doubt that!

  7. 1. The Chairman has failed to react substantitively to any of the points raised, and instead chosen to ignore legitimate concerns of paying customers.

    2. The Chairman has said the fans groups 'offer no solutions'. We have offered practical advice at every meeting we have had over a number of years. That the Chairman and Chief executive chose to ignore most of that advice is down to them, but it is simply misleading to claim they were never offered it.

    3. He says people who are members of fans groups and populate websites are 'not exactly Captains of Industry'. That's a rather sneering put-down, by definition, of everybody who reads this post.

    4. He says the Trust think they 'know more about tactics than Walter Smith.' We don't. Not only have we never said that, we have said several times that the football people at the club know far more about football than we do. You'd have to ask the Chairman why he chose to make such a patently untrue assertion.

    5. He accuses the trust of 'mischief-making'. If he'd like to point out anything in the 17 issues raised which is incorrect, we'll happily rescind it.

    6. He says the Trust is an extremely small band of people. 5,000 members isn't a full Ibrox, but I'd counter it's a fair representation of support - certainly a big enough customer base to avoid insulting and ignoring.

    7. He says 'real fans' know he's doing a good job. Define a 'real' fan to us.

    8. His overall assertion is that the RST is intent on de-stabilising the team. We'd simply like to point out that it isn't us sanctioning the transfer of our top goalscorer halfway through the season.

    Thank you for your time.

    We deserve better.

    David Edgar I assume?

    I see you only a have a few posts on this board… call me cynical (and in your case I’m entitled to be) but why wait until now to come onto this board with your usual agenda-driven nonsense?

    Could it be that you somehow need our patronage? And anyway, what‘s wrong with cozying up to the Murray haters on follow follow these days?

    What a muppet coming out with this nonsense you seem to have a lot of hatred for Rangers supporters.

    So I’m cynical about David Edgar and I’m a muppet with a hatred for Rangers‘ supporters? You obviously don’t know the difference between shit and the brown, smelly stuff that comes out your arse!

    It’s called having an opinion, and being able to think for myself . I’ve been on this planet long enough to sniff out the likes of Edgar and his ilk without having to think too hard. If you need somebody to point you in the right direction and tell you what to think… fine. Only leave those of us old enough, and long enough in the tooth to spot a chancer when we see one to our own opinions.

  8. 1. The Chairman has failed to react substantitively to any of the points raised, and instead chosen to ignore legitimate concerns of paying customers.

    2. The Chairman has said the fans groups 'offer no solutions'. We have offered practical advice at every meeting we have had over a number of years. That the Chairman and Chief executive chose to ignore most of that advice is down to them, but it is simply misleading to claim they were never offered it.

    3. He says people who are members of fans groups and populate websites are 'not exactly Captains of Industry'. That's a rather sneering put-down, by definition, of everybody who reads this post.

    4. He says the Trust think they 'know more about tactics than Walter Smith.' We don't. Not only have we never said that, we have said several times that the football people at the club know far more about football than we do. You'd have to ask the Chairman why he chose to make such a patently untrue assertion.

    5. He accuses the trust of 'mischief-making'. If he'd like to point out anything in the 17 issues raised which is incorrect, we'll happily rescind it.

    6. He says the Trust is an extremely small band of people. 5,000 members isn't a full Ibrox, but I'd counter it's a fair representation of support - certainly a big enough customer base to avoid insulting and ignoring.

    7. He says 'real fans' know he's doing a good job. Define a 'real' fan to us.

    8. His overall assertion is that the RST is intent on de-stabilising the team. We'd simply like to point out that it isn't us sanctioning the transfer of our top goalscorer halfway through the season.

    Thank you for your time.

    We deserve better.

    David Edgar I assume?

    I see you only a have a few posts on this board… call me cynical (and in your case I’m entitled to be) but why wait until now to come onto this board with your usual agenda-driven nonsense?

    Could it be that you somehow need our patronage? And anyway, what‘s wrong with cozying up to the Murray haters on follow follow these days?

    Is this response not a perfect example of how people will criticise the RST no matter what it does?

    It has been attacked for using one particular forum and urged to use others.

    Yet, when it does, it is still wrong!

    I'm not criticizing the RST (don‘t think I ever have done), I'm aiming my contempt at David Edgar.

  9. 1. The Chairman has failed to react substantitively to any of the points raised, and instead chosen to ignore legitimate concerns of paying customers.

    2. The Chairman has said the fans groups 'offer no solutions'. We have offered practical advice at every meeting we have had over a number of years. That the Chairman and Chief executive chose to ignore most of that advice is down to them, but it is simply misleading to claim they were never offered it.

    3. He says people who are members of fans groups and populate websites are 'not exactly Captains of Industry'. That's a rather sneering put-down, by definition, of everybody who reads this post.

    4. He says the Trust think they 'know more about tactics than Walter Smith.' We don't. Not only have we never said that, we have said several times that the football people at the club know far more about football than we do. You'd have to ask the Chairman why he chose to make such a patently untrue assertion.

    5. He accuses the trust of 'mischief-making'. If he'd like to point out anything in the 17 issues raised which is incorrect, we'll happily rescind it.

    6. He says the Trust is an extremely small band of people. 5,000 members isn't a full Ibrox, but I'd counter it's a fair representation of support - certainly a big enough customer base to avoid insulting and ignoring.

    7. He says 'real fans' know he's doing a good job. Define a 'real' fan to us.

    8. His overall assertion is that the RST is intent on de-stabilising the team. We'd simply like to point out that it isn't us sanctioning the transfer of our top goalscorer halfway through the season.

    Thank you for your time.

    We deserve better.

    David Edgar I assume?

    I see you only a have a few posts on this board… call me cynical (and in your case I’m entitled to be) but why wait until now to come onto this board with your usual agenda-driven nonsense?

    Could it be that you somehow need our patronage? And anyway, what‘s wrong with cozying up to the Murray haters on follow follow these days?

  10. much as i would like to see youth given a chance , there is no way that Aaron, Furman, Edu and Fleck would dominate SPL games against any team

    they have 5 1st team games between them

    our top midfielders such as Mendes and Davis struggle at times to dominate these games

    I don’t see why we’re so set against youth in this game. Why is it that we don’t think a teenager has the maturity to be as good as they can be? FFS, we sent sixteen year-old boys to fight the fecking Germans in two world wars, yet we don’t dare expose them to the rigors of the “modern game” until they are in their mid-twenties!

    Rangers (and many other teams) have history of fielding mere boys who went on to become great. Moses McNeil was only sixteen when he decided to start a new football team, and see where that went. Derek Johnstone scored in cup finals for us at sixteen, and went on to play in Barcelona at seventeen.

    There is a whole list of greats who played debut games barely out of shorts and snottery breaks:

    Willie Waddle - 17

    Willie Henderson - 17

    Eric Caldow - 19

    Ralph Brand - 17

    Alfie Conn 17

    Willie Woodburn - 18

    Colin Jackson - 17 and so the list goes on.

    Bring in the youth I say, and to hang with Walter Smiths obsession with ignoring the greatest potential this club has.

  11. We may well be a 'big name' but that counts for feck all when the likes of Bolton and Wigan are paying average players £50k a week. Players want the best deals going and who can blame them. £20k a week playing for Rangers in a two horse league or £50k playing in the EPL against Chelsea, man U etc week in week out? No Brainer as they say...

    Yes, but like most, you're completely missing the point. The market we operate in doesn't allow us to pay fifty-grand a week, but we are in a unique position and we should be able to cash in on it. If not, it'll just be the same old, same old for years to come.

  12. Ok, it’s not news to anybody that we’re in a bit of a financial pickle at the minute, despite protestations to the contrary emanating from the corridors of power at Ibrox. We can never be certain how bad the problem is - unless you believe the merchants of doom, of course - but my thoughts are that this is far from irrecoverable.

    However, here is my concern. Having scoured the books for the past few years looking at the revenue streams and their worth to the business, it seems impossible to balance the books without two or three key things: success on the park (raise more revenue), reduce operating costs (allow existing revenue to go further), or - as a last resort - divestment (flog the family silver to keep the wolves from the door).

    In reality, prudent businesses would never see these things as mutually exclusive, and will often use all three wisely as a way of keeping the business solvent year on year. But, most successful businesses would encapsulate these tools within an overall business plan capable of winning and maintaining a competitive advantage. We don’t seem to be doing that.

    Rangers (as a business under Murray) seems to have entered a cycle of attempting to buy success, which hasn’t really worked, and forms a very shaky foundation to try and build on. Yes, it will bring reasonable success from time to time, but will inevitably lead to a vicious cycle of mounting debt, the inevitable period of fiscal prudence, which leads to a weakening of the squad, which manifests in less success on the park and the need to buy success, which leads to more debt… ad infinitum.

    It seems to me our three prize assets are not being used effectively: our name, foreign players wish to play in the EPL, and Murray park. Let’s deal with each in turn.

    Our name is synonymous with the “huge club” tag and, despite the reality, foreign players and coaches still see us as one of the big guns in football. This is something we can use to attract talent from the far reaches of Europe and beyond, should we need them. Couple that with the desire for most professionals to play in the EPL and we have a surefire winner in attracting “names” to our club.

    Why not market Rangers as a springboard to the EPL? As long as we can couple an effective deal structure - one that doesn’t allow people to run out on us after six months - with an effective replenishment policy and robust scouting network, it could work.

    Above all, our youth policy (the true lifeblood of the club) is the most disappointing aspect of our current set up, where we seem to have an array of talent waiting in the wings, but we’re not using them to best effect. Our “conveyor belt of talent” should be nurtured to feed the main squad primarily, but also as saleable assets to other clubs. That is simply not happening. We seem to think of nineteen and twenty-year olds as boys. Bolloxs! They are men. Players like big DJ were scoring goals and winning European trophies at sixteen or thereabouts!

    In short, we need a new business model that encapsulates these things, but above all, a manager that understands that days of asking to buy players to fill a gap must become a thing of the past, and the system should be capable of generating a high percentage of the playing requirements.

    I’m not saying I’m right, but what is clear, is the need for a new business philosophy at Rangers….

  13. What's all this 'richest club' stuff? Just because Man City, QPR or whoever have super wealthy owners does not mean the club it'self is 'rich'.

    People don't seem to underdstand that basic fact. Rangers is a PLC and Murray can't just put his own money in... unless it's a new share offer or the like.

  14. Surely the 'Rangers' brand is an attractive one for a sportswear manufacturer?

    Our problem is (and I’m no marketing expert) is that we don’t have a distinctive brand in the same way as Celtic do with their “hoops“. We have the club crest perhaps, but then so does every other football club.

    Just a thought, but maybe if we had something recognizable about our strip year on year that distinguished it from every other red, white and blue kit.

  15. Such a shame. I feel so sorry for the man. Yeah, it was his own fault, but that doesn't mean he shouldn't have help. Anyone would tell you he is a larger than life character, and if there was ANYTHING I could personally do for him, it would be done without a shaddow of a doubt. His son Regan is a little cunt, he doesn't realise how lucky he is to have what he has. At the end of the day, although its no excuse for Gazza's actions, he put in the effort and hard work to become a Professional footballer and be one of the best players ever, and the little bastard has no trouble sitting on, lying on, eating bought by the money his father made.

    I still hope and pray that Gazza recovers and becomes the great father, Husband and overall character that we all love, that we were accustomed to before his addiction.

    Good Luck Gazza.

    FFS, Regan isn't a little cunt, he's a wean that's known nothing but an absent, drunkard of a father who kicked the shit out of his mother. You think the poor we mite is "lucky" to have a father like that... what kind of twisted fucking world do you live in?

    Yes, we all hope gazza recovers, but his family needs to heal also. It's unlikely he ever was the "great father, husband and overall character that we all love" and you so painfully gush on about. He's utterly incapable of such things.

    Are you people really so fucking weak minded that just because a drunken, wife-beating fuck played for our team, we should afford him some sort of misguided respect?

    Families in Scotland have been living with this shit for years (especially in Glasgow), with all the fall out and social consequences it brings, and you honestly think this man deserves sympathy above his long-suffering family?

    I despair!

    Gazza is ill. Do you think he wants to be the guy who beat his wife or has an alcohol problem? No, I don't, but do you think his family wants to be the family of a drunkard with no regard for anybody but himself? Do you think they enjoy being put through such mysery, or do you think they think it's all a joke and and one big hee haw... I don't think so!

    Some of your words make me sick pal! I'm not your "pal"!It's clear from the videos of when his children were small etc that he loved them, he was a good father. Er, no ot's not! I'm glad there are some people who believe in him getting better because if we lived in a world of you, Gazza would have no chance of recovering. I too hope he recovers, and I think I said that first off.

    You should be ashamed to sprout the shite you have said, especially the part in bold. Regardless of what happened the man is Critically ill. I don't disagree that he's il, but it's about his family now - his fate is in his own handsHe doesn't want to be the man who is addicted to alcohol and hit his wife. Do you think is he didn't have his illness he would have done it? I think not.

    I realise there are families out there being subject to this but at the end of the day, it's the ones who do it because they feel superior or because they can I have no sympathy for and the ones who are ill have to be helped.

    It saddens me that you think every man who beat his wife, is a bad, bad man. Any sort of abuse is not right and should not be tolerated but sometimes it's not because he wants to, it's because his illness 'tells' him to. - what planet are you on?

    See my notes in bold.

    I stand by every word! From you sanctimonious twaddle, I would guess you don’t know very much about the pain and misery families go through at the hands of a drunken bully? Yes, I can sympathize with Gazza, but I do feel a great deal more pity for his long-suffering family too.

  16. Such a shame. I feel so sorry for the man. Yeah, it was his own fault, but that doesn't mean he shouldn't have help. Anyone would tell you he is a larger than life character, and if there was ANYTHING I could personally do for him, it would be done without a shaddow of a doubt. His son Regan is a little cunt, he doesn't realise how lucky he is to have what he has. At the end of the day, although its no excuse for Gazza's actions, he put in the effort and hard work to become a Professional footballer and be one of the best players ever, and the little bastard has no trouble sitting on, lying on, eating bought by the money his father made.

    I still hope and pray that Gazza recovers and becomes the great father, Husband and overall character that we all love, that we were accustomed to before his addiction.

    Good Luck Gazza.

    FFS, Regan isn't a little cunt, he's a wean that's known nothing but an absent, drunkard of a father who kicked the shit out of his mother. You think the poor we mite is "lucky" to have a father like that... what kind of twisted fucking world do you live in?

    Yes, we all hope gazza recovers, but his family needs to heal also. It's unlikely he ever was the "great father, husband and overall character that we all love" and you so painfully gush on about. He's utterly incapable of such things.

    Are you people really so fucking weak minded that just because a drunken, wife-beating fuck played for our team, we should afford him some sort of misguided respect?

    Families in Scotland have been living with this shit for years (especially in Glasgow), with all the fall out and social consequences it brings, and you honestly think this man deserves sympathy above his long-suffering family?

    I despair!

  17. Yet again the reputation of our club and the support is tarnished on the BBC.

    Just about the last programme BBC Scotland aired in the old year contained 2 digs at the Rangers support and rioting and shoplifting in Manchester.

    The New Year is less than 4 days old and not only are the Manchester 'riots' now compared to an armed conflict that has seen hundreds die but the question is raised by an Asian as to how someone from his background could possibly support Rangers - in other words we are racist.

    When is the club going to grow a set of balls and do something about this?

    The Head of BBC Scotland should be hauled in front of Bain/Murray and told in no uncertain terms that between now and the end of the season the only access that the BBC will have to Ibrox is to film and commentate on SPL matches.

    No other access and no interviews should be granted to BBC personnel, including press briefings with the proviso that the situation will be reviewd at the end of the season.

    Or, is this something else that the vast majority of our support are simply going to ignore like everything else.

    I'm interested to know the opinions of those who took part in the recent BBC protest and those who rubbished the need to protest against this supposedly impartial organisation that we all pay for.

    You’ve got it the wrong way round, mate. Nobody from a football team hauls the head of the BBC up… who is it you think Murray and Bane are? The BBC is one of the most powerful organizations in Britain and they do as they please. Make no mistake about that.

    An interesting perspective but I think you underestimate the power of Rangers.

    Make no mistake about it Rangers and celtc are the biggest news items in Scotland and no media organisation can afford to have no or limited access to either, including the BBC.

    Utter rubbish!

    What is utter rubbish?

    The suggestion that the BBC need Rangers or Celtic more than we need them. I’m afraid there are too many deluded fools on this site that somehow think Rangers or Celtic are powerful enough to exert influence over an organization like the BBC. And that somehow Murray, Bane and co can snap their fingures and the BEEB will fall into line... I don't think so.

    The Evening Times, or Radio Clyde maybe, but the BBC? Wise up.

  18. Yet again the reputation of our club and the support is tarnished on the BBC.

    Just about the last programme BBC Scotland aired in the old year contained 2 digs at the Rangers support and rioting and shoplifting in Manchester.

    The New Year is less than 4 days old and not only are the Manchester 'riots' now compared to an armed conflict that has seen hundreds die but the question is raised by an Asian as to how someone from his background could possibly support Rangers - in other words we are racist.

    When is the club going to grow a set of balls and do something about this?

    The Head of BBC Scotland should be hauled in front of Bain/Murray and told in no uncertain terms that between now and the end of the season the only access that the BBC will have to Ibrox is to film and commentate on SPL matches.

    No other access and no interviews should be granted to BBC personnel, including press briefings with the proviso that the situation will be reviewd at the end of the season.

    Or, is this something else that the vast majority of our support are simply going to ignore like everything else.

    I'm interested to know the opinions of those who took part in the recent BBC protest and those who rubbished the need to protest against this supposedly impartial organisation that we all pay for.

    You’ve got it the wrong way round, mate. Nobody from a football team hauls the head of the BBC up… who is it you think Murray and Bane are? The BBC is one of the most powerful organizations in Britain and they do as they please. Make no mistake about that.

    An interesting perspective but I think you underestimate the power of Rangers.

    Make no mistake about it Rangers and celtc are the biggest news items in Scotland and no media organisation can afford to have no or limited access to either, including the BBC.

    Utter rubbish!

  19. Yet again the reputation of our club and the support is tarnished on the BBC.

    Just about the last programme BBC Scotland aired in the old year contained 2 digs at the Rangers support and rioting and shoplifting in Manchester.

    The New Year is less than 4 days old and not only are the Manchester 'riots' now compared to an armed conflict that has seen hundreds die but the question is raised by an Asian as to how someone from his background could possibly support Rangers - in other words we are racist.

    When is the club going to grow a set of balls and do something about this?

    The Head of BBC Scotland should be hauled in front of Bain/Murray and told in no uncertain terms that between now and the end of the season the only access that the BBC will have to Ibrox is to film and commentate on SPL matches.

    No other access and no interviews should be granted to BBC personnel, including press briefings with the proviso that the situation will be reviewd at the end of the season.

    Or, is this something else that the vast majority of our support are simply going to ignore like everything else.

    I'm interested to know the opinions of those who took part in the recent BBC protest and those who rubbished the need to protest against this supposedly impartial organisation that we all pay for.

    You’ve got it the wrong way round, mate. Nobody from a football team hauls the head of the BBC up… who is it you think Murray and Bane are? The BBC is one of the most powerful organizations in Britain and they do as they please. Make no mistake about that.

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