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Everything posted by Somemightsay7

  1. Chelsea have the 3rd best record in the league against the big 6 and have got results against City, Villa, Newcastle, Man Utd and Spurs this year. They've been in good form this year, that's not up for debate and only 5 points behind Villa who have been praised to the heavens this season. To sack him now when he's finally getting the team performing is stupid.
  2. They've lost 1 of their last 15 league games and just won 5 in a row. In 2024 they're got the 4th most points in the league, only 2 less than Liverpool vs 2023 when they were 13th. He's actually got them in a really good place.
  3. Really not sure who they go for now if they want a young manager. Amorin or McKenna?
  4. Tbf Lukaku isn't a bad shout, you just never know what to expect from Belgium these days - massively flattered to deceive over the last few years given how good their team has been.
  5. You'll have made more money off me this season than any of these bets.
  6. Wharton's been brilliant since he moved in Jan tbf. Can't see him being at Palace for much more than another season. It's strange he's made these choices now and not the last international that was only in March. Surely that would have been the time to see the likes of Wharton, Jones, Quansah etc.
  7. Trafford, Quansah, Gordon and one of Jones/Wharton to drop out would be my guess.
  8. Yeah I think the most difficult part of this isn't the teams in the SPFL - it's the teams in the top half of the Championship. I'm assuming there will be a grace period if they have a plastic pitch and get promoted (They have 1-2 seasons to get it changed) but that's one hell of an investment if they get relegated straight away. For some teams it might end up more costly getting promoted than not.
  9. Jones tends to play a bit deeper than Elliot so is closer to what Henderson would be, I'd imagine that's why. Either way I can't see Jones making the final squad.
  10. That obviously should have been disallowed based on the current rules, but I do think VAR needs to move away from disallowing goals for minimal incidents that happened 50 yards from goal if the ref hasn't given it. Offsides (semi-automated), possible red cards and penalty box incidents only would be such an improvement. The whole point of VAR was to prevent obvious clangers, not re-referee every goal.
  11. That is the worst, most forced pitch invasion I've ever seen
  12. Brought in Mateta in my FPL team for this very reason Surprised he even went pretty much full strength.
  13. Sorry I only comment on teams 14th or above.
  14. Glasner has been immense for this Palace team. Turned them into one of the most in form teams in the league and managed to get Mateta, who has been dogshit for the last 2.5 seasons, to be the most inform striker in the league. Turns out you don't need a full summer and pre season to get a poor team performing.
  15. Utd bought the wrong Ajax winger.
  16. Arsenal Had a feeling they would struggle today.
  17. Why? It would actually get decent support.
  18. This is my concern. I've not seen any real change in the way we play for 3 managers now. Even when we're winning it's still mostly a slog. I have faith in Clement getting it right, but we said all the same things about Beale when he got his own players in. We have no other option than giving him the benefit of the doubt through.
  19. This is it exactly. The type of players you buy depend on entirely on how you want to play. We can't rely on a new manager coming in each time and telling us how they want to play and buying players to suit it, we don't have that money. We need to have that defined up front then bring in a manager that suits it. Last year Beale wanted to play very narrow with no width so we signed players to suit that, as soon as Clement came in he wanted to play with width and we had no one. If we're going to let Clement have full reign this summer we need to agree that we're commiting to that way of playing and if he doesn't work out we need to bring in a manager that wants to play in a similar way.
  20. I like Clement and I have more faith in him than the previous 2, but I'm not a fan of giving yet another manager free reign to rebuild the squad. What if this one doesn't work out either? Do we have to get rid of them all and rebuild again next summer when a new manager has different plans? We're a big enough club that we shouldn't be putting all the power into the manager, who if succeeds he'll likely be gone within a season or two and if he fails will be gone within 12 months. We seem to be so incompetent within the recruitment/scouting/football operations departments that we rely on the manager doing everything. We're going down the same route as Man Utd which is a route no one wants to follow.
  21. We can't keep sacking manager after manager and expecting things to change. This is why a sporting director and proper structure is important, otherwise we put all the power into the manager and then when it doesn't work out we need to, yet again, do another rebuild. We either need that structure to define how we play and who we sign or we need to put faith behind the manager and give him time.
  22. I swear those saying if we signed shankland we'd have won the league haven't watched us this season. The whole team from front to back is awful. 15 goals conceded in our last 8 is pathetic. We're so far away from just one striker from winning the league.
  23. Finisher and number of goals scored are different things. Son has overperformed his expected goals by 5.7 this season, the only one better is Foden at +7.2 but a couple of his have been free kicks so it's not a perfect comparison. He's always one of or the best in this regards and has been for years, he just doesn't get as many chances of others - partly as he predominantly plays off the left, but the chances he gets he converts better than almost anyone. Here is an article on it.
  24. I never said he was the best striker. xG overperformance is used to compare the best finishers. Son is known to be one of the highest overperformers. Son being a brilliant finisher isn't a controversial take.
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