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Everything posted by DTWSSTKS

  1. Some of them should be pushing it as opposed to being players
  2. Cmon. It's a great bit of kit but it's not that good. You'd need to take the buffing machine straight from the hands of the great architect of the universe to polish Dessers into something resembling a player.
  3. Not sure who the fruit loving freak is but cheers Tiger.
  4. I wonder if it's the AS5160 or the AS430C, was never a fan of batter powered cleaners.
  5. It absolutely does. Had the Karcher BD 50/50 Scrubber Dryer been purchased, it would've been a clean sweep all the way in Europe too.
  6. Shit colour of blue but a magnificent piece of equipment.
  7. No. They are only for floors. The Belgian buffer is the man for this job.
  8. With this type anger you should rename yourself ScottyIsn'tWellHouse.
  9. Perhaps the ongoings at Ibrox be they cleaning or playing are more important than a bunch of West haters being obliterated. You seem angry Scott, do you have family in the West Bank or something? Either way, thank you for contributing to making it 5 pages. Means a load pal.
  10. An old sock of my grandmother's. You?
  11. Suppose you're correct. They do hang around the Roof (non Kemar) though.
  12. Absolutely true. Surely they could bung one of the soldiers a few pounds to clean it when they are parachuting off.
  13. Not sure why you're on about me being banned.
  14. Hahah. Excellent choice. Throw in a nice hat and scarf set so as to alleviate any ideas of her knowing her place etc.
  15. Hahaha Taski don't necessarily supply a team of workers with their machines.
  16. Because of the raised circular nature of the floor inside Ibrox, vacuum cleaners are apparently quite ineffective
  17. Amokachi was an extremely fast player.
  18. We'll just have to see. There is talk about using them on the concourse of the Govan rear.
  19. Hahah. No, the buffing machines were a passing observation that I asked about. They were delivered on this morning, I helped unbox one then had to do to the meeting upstairs, came back down and what a difference in the floor shine.
  20. Probably get a good deal on them if someone is seen to be advertising the product 🤔
  21. No, wasn't on the tour, was dropping something off,
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