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Posts posted by Briton

  1. That Paul Le Guen was some sort of tactical genius in Europe, and that Walter is some clueless numpty

    Cleary Walter can do just as good a job on the occasion

    PLG was nothing in Europe - the players just tried a lot harder imo. Only natural when you're playing the likes of Livorno in Italy.

    Frankly, PLG gets credit for nothing in my book, and receives only criticism. And I am glad he's gone.

    How things change eh Danny...remember how excited you were when you heard he was coming? Frankly to say he desreves no credit for the good things and should take all the flack for the bad is a bit silly.

    PersonallyI think you are being very short sighted and a great oportunity has been missed but of course we'll never know.

  2. Goal was fine, he made sure he was in line with Prso to ensure that he remained on side, Boyd's goal I feel was fine also even though it will probably be debated for a while, it looked to me more like ball to arm rather than arm to ball so it wasn't deliberate and therefore not a foul.

    Yes...Boyd actually turned his face away, he never intended to handball it. IMO that should still be handball but under the current rules it was a fair goal.

  3. I honestly can't see why my fellow Bears are falling over themselves in their praise of Burke,hasen't anyone else noticed the more defenders he goes by,the closer to the corner flag he gets?(dosen't take a lot of talent to do that) The problem is he hasn't the smarts to know when or where to release the ball,his final ball has always been awful,and he is not a kid anymore. (td)

    That is my view of him in general but last night there was end product. Some good balls into the box...he made the first goal alomg with Novo and almost scored himself. Credit where it's due.

  4. No, Ferguson was miles on onside.

    Strange how a Rangers fan is trying to find so many negatives in what was a great result for us.

    Get a grip man, what the fuck's negative about thinking/saying he was offside???? I'll take any goal for the good of our team.

    I hate folk coming on here moanin jus the same as you obviously do, but I thought last night the crowd coulda been better and one of the goals wis affside. So what?

    If you want to question a goal it would be Boyd's but that too under the rules was a legitamate goal. Another rule that there is an argument to change IMO.

  5. [

    Yes the truth hurts sometimes, maybe its not the case but how can you justify playing a keeper who is 20% match fit can be better than a fullly fit prospect, ive heard from a good source that Walter Smith escalated the training schedule for klos by 2 weeks rather than play Robinson on the Bench, doesnt give Robinson much confidence should he be called upon.

    Yes i'm a fan of Rangers but no fan of smiths man management.

    I'm no fan of Smith and I think he is wary of bringing youngsters through but there was abbsolutely no need of that shite regarding Catholics.

    If you can confirm other, then thats fine by me but can you give me any other reason. If hes not good enough then letizi should not have been released, Smith has no problem giving other outfield youngsters a try.

    You don't make someone that they are not good enough even when someone is injured i front of you then expect him to come in and do a job for you.

    If I can confirm what? Are you seriously suggesting that it's because of his religion?

  6. [

    Yes the truth hurts sometimes, maybe its not the case but how can you justify playing a keeper who is 20% match fit can be better than a fullly fit prospect, ive heard from a good source that Walter Smith escalated the training schedule for klos by 2 weeks rather than play Robinson on the Bench, doesnt give Robinson much confidence should he be called upon.

    Yes i'm a fan of Rangers but no fan of smiths man management.

    I'm no fan of Smith and I think he is wary of bringing youngsters through but there was abbsolutely no need of that shite regarding Catholics.

  7. Started slowly but was one of the few who got better as the night went on. two moments of silliness in the 45th minute almost spoiled it buit he looks a good enough player and an asset to the squad. Personally I don't think he was a priority...Brown would have been more useful but there we are. Hopefully we'll get him in the Summer.

  8. Let's not get too carried away eh? This was a pretty poor side we were playing. OK we're all pleased that we did a professional job on them but in a way this has made me even more annoyed at last weeks result. We could be going into a home game now on an amazing record of 14 games unbeaten in Europe and with an excellent chance of extending it.

    While we can give credit for tonights great result it only balances last weeks very poor performance. Same could be said when we played Molde under PLG I suppose...they were even worse. To me we've thrown away 3 co-efficient points to these teams.

    Should also be remembered that Alex McLeish was unbeaten in his last six European games and they were in the Champions League. Personally I have little confidence in Smith when it comes to Europe.

    It was mainly because of the memories of the humiliations in Europe under his management that I didn't want him to come back, I can only hope he and his team prove me wrong. One things for sure...we could have done worse than Osuama in the next round. Certainly not easy but beatable.

  9. No reason why Hemdani, Ferguson and Thompson can't all play in the same team. That's the makings of a pretty strong midfield. Hemdani is a class player and showed it again tonight

    Im not sure about that...remember Hemdami played defence tonight. Although Ferguson got two tonight we could struggle even more for goals with those three in the same midfeild. Was a bit disappointed with Thomson at first but I thought he was one of the few who got better tonight as the match went on.

  10. Man of the match for me tonight, along with Ferguson and Novo, even though he faded a little. Nice to see some end product for a change. I've been one of his biggest critics but it was nice to see him put dangerous crosses in, have a hand in the all important opening goal and almost score himself. Never went down easy as well...don't know if someone had a word with him but he came out of a few tackles that last week would have seen him crashing to the deck.

  11. There has been a lot of mud thrown in our direction from Isreal about us being cheats. It's all gamesmanship, i know, but my question here is...

    Have we had any players in our time who fit into the catagory of "cheat"?

    ...depends what you mean by cheat. Every player who ever played the game has gone down when he hasn't been fouled. If you mean regular 'simulators'...Lovenkrands I suppose and Burke tends to 'over emphasise'.

  12. B) --><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Ted I B @ Feb 22 2007, 05:24 AM) </div><div class='quotemain'>
    There are a core of fans, especially away, who consider themselves to be 'hardcore' and will never change due to stupidity or ignorance, or both.

    If they won't behave in a football stadium, they just shouldn't be allowed in.

    They'll change when we're kicked out of Europe or a cup or lose a league title due to points being docked. Oh they'll change alright... :angry2:

    No, it won't. A group of these diehards believe that it is their God given right to sing about Fenians and make red hand salutes. If you disagree your a hand wringer that has capitulated to the New labour/mhedia/catholic conspiracy to destroy Rangers and the Protestant way of life - or that is how they put it on Follow Follow.

    They have a world view that is just completely out of touch with reality and that sees everyone and every issue in terms of Green and Orange. They will not change because they do not want to change. One of them actually said he would willingly go back to the dark days of the early 80s if it meant Rangers reverted to not signing catholics and being able to sing the Billy Boys.

    The threat of losing points or being kicked out of Europe isn't going to do much to them. The only solution I can see is for the club to come out explicitly and say that as a proud Scottish and British Football club we welcome and respect the multi faith and multi cultural nature of modern British society and if you are not prepared to do the same please stay away.

    Spot on. (tu)(tu)(tu)

    Good post. IMO we need to deal with peeople who think they can do what they like regardless of how it affects Rangers by banning them sine die.

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