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New Signing (1/12)



  1. Am i reading this right, you got tickets for Rangers outside Parkhead? WTF were you doing outside Parkhead in the first place I went there to see if I could get a ticket as I never got allocated one. Wasnae sure if there'd be any chance and thought I might end up watching on the box. Got tickets both times. You picked up both Oldfirm tickets outside Parkhead? I got them the other side of where the buses park at the other end of Springfield Road from the stadium.
  2. Am i reading this right, you got tickets for Rangers outside Parkhead? WTF were you doing outside Parkhead in the first place I went there to see if I could get a ticket as I never got allocated one. Wasnae sure if there'd be any chance and thought I might end up watching on the box. Got tickets both times.
  3. I've managed to get tickets outside the piggery for the Rangers end a couple of times over the past few years. Would never have thought that this was possible until I gave it a go. So give it a try - you might get lucky.
  4. could someone PM the link to me as well please
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