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Everything posted by djgazbcm

  1. for SCOTLAND see ALSO RANS,,,FLATTER TO DECIEVE,,and WE WILL ALWAYS FALL AT LAST HURDLE.....as FUCKING USUALL... ...............................WHY FUCKING BOTHER............................................................
  2. alan mcinally just summed it up ,,they bring huntellar on,we bring oconnor on,no comparison,,,and he even blames weir,,,we await the backlash...
  3. haha it was poor had it been caldwell on n dun that the site woulda crashed wi post overload callin him a wanker EXACTLY MATE ,why the fuck he played that is totally beyond me,hes the fucking last man ,by miles.what a poor defensive decision..keepers ball all the way..
  4. we keep freezing going forward,,oh no its just my connection,,
  5. Unlucky ? fuckin shocking miss so what was robbens? a tremendous save get tae fuck boruc took eduardo out there no mistake
  6. Non existent thanks to the slovenia result. (I think??) whats slovenia result and if we score i take it its a months wait,ffs
  7. so whats our chances of play offs now if result remains?
  8. GOT IT ON http://www.iraqgoals.net/ch3.html cheers craigrfc,,,not
  9. been listening on radio,we seem to playing well,why on earth could we not have played like this the whole campaign,we would be fucking safe by now...FFS
  10. anyone getting the game online,i cant get it anywhere ,any working links please?
  11. Heard that also...what did steven fletcher do wrong to be dropped,thought he done well 2nd half... team .........gordon hutton weir mcmanus whittaker .............caldwell................... ....brown fletcher maloney..... ...........miller s fletcher.........
  12. would like NI to win although it will fuck us up,,they deserve it more....scotland ,given the dross in our group should have cantered 2nd spot anyway.should at least had 13 points by now. all the best NI
  13. calculations a bit off again a £10 bet on ladbrokes would get £1919.53 scotland 13/8 to win northern ireland 6/4 to win slovenia draw with poland 9/4 czech draw with san marino 8/1 what a bet,,someone on here said this has to happen for us to qualify,,,,will he wager that tenner????
  14. , i think its to see where fans loyalties lie OH NICE TO SEE WHO HAS JUMPED IN WITH 2 FEET HERE ...looking to start something,ADMIN,,,you taking note. WELL AS YOU WHERE THE PROPRIETER,of the lets bullshit this guys attempts of saying we have no chance of qualifying,,what the fucks your point... it cant happen NI VS SCOTLAND,,,so why are you still being silly....if NI qualify according to you we wont ,,,are you contradicting yourselve now....
  15. it cannot possibly be a NI vs scotland playoff,have u guys not read other world cup qualification posts ,according to them the only way we can get in is if NI dont qualify,SO WHAT THE FUCKS THE POINT OF THIS THREAD...
  16. IS THIS THREAD CALLED "do you have a penis and what size is it ,oh and no wonder why FF call us fuckin gay",,,,just an observation
  17. no bad wit??????,looking for help ?not wize cracks put a bet onthat mate for a tenner you will win a fortune... well about £600...not bad m8 no hang on what odds are we to beat holland 2/1....ni to beat slovaks evens at best,,,slovenia vs poland 2/1 draw and czech v san marino draw must be 5/1 then so thats about £1080 no bad
  18. no bad wit??????,looking for help ?not wize cracks put a bet onthat mate for a tenner you will win a fortune... well about £600...not bad m8
  19. no bad wit??????,looking for help ?not wize cracks put a bet onthat mate for a tenner you will win a fortune...
  20. I also touched on that point that we have to wait a full month..our games should have been staggered and all last group games played on last day... on the group 3 quote above,,,,yes we need most of the remaining games to be draws ,but if slovenia win their remaining three matches,or NI win their 2,or if poland win their 3 and slovakia only need to win 1 of their last 3,then we look to group 1 ,,the rest are pretty decisive already... so out of the 8 groups we are depending on just 2 ,,,thats my point,,and being scotland we always fall flat on our face,,or fail,,by a baw hair.. thats my point,,we dont want to build our hopes up and again fall short,,,,i can see it now we beat holland,,,exctasy.....but month later we lose out for playoffs.. in typical fashion....all i am pointing out guys...
  21. noticed that,so i got arse fucked when you left, we may never get some sense guys when i'm here,cheers love yous cos i'm gay lol ok! all you talk about is war and afghan. lol i know thats why i miss being on the frontline CAUSE IM GAY,,,u couldnt handle it tbh.... ,,have a half decent come back when youre lady enough why dont you? ok if i ever become a lady i shall. your very interesting :D no YOURE very interesting..
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