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Everything posted by Hoomandez

  1. Well ive just witnessed the most one sided match in my life celtic mustve scored then sat back had 7 defenders on at the end couldnt believe man utd never won but i seem 2 remember we got slaughtered for our performance against Barcelona for so called anti football . but yet this manky mob will be brave men lol joke man what yous guys think p.s Awww noticed another scum ball runs on again tonight
  2. be the fucking usual lads sweeped under the carpet cause there meant 2 be the worlds best fans fucking joke so they r fenien bastards p.s Berbatovs a fucking idiot
  3. hahaha about 3,000 if lucky they could still sell there allocation then make there voices heard or maybe they listened 2 us when we told them 2 go home lol
  4. Nice 2 see the most loyalist and well traveled celtic fans make another no show at rugby park hmmm seem 2 have seen them do the same last week in the davie cooper stand at fir park hmmmm giros must not pay as much as they thought
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