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Posts posted by FatPirateHooker

  1. fuck off this scumbag doesn't deserve our respect

    the mhanks wouldn't give our players respect so fuck him and good riddance

    as for petrov. You having a laugh? He is a tim therefore a cunt. fuck off

    I couldn't give a shit what the mahnks would or would not do.

  2. :anguish:

    I hate these lists, it's the same players every year.

    Do the people that make the list even watch other players or take form into account?

    Kaka?! He's done fuck all for the last three years.

    Nice wee quote Danny produces during Kaka discussions :sherlock:

    Kaka won the Balon d'Or and WPOTY 2 years ago, so I wouldn't quite say he's done nothing for 3 years.

    He's done nothing since the 2007 Champions League final. So how does that merit him a place in the list for the best players in the last year?

    He wasnt saying he should be on the list, he was saying he has done more than nothing for the last 3 years. 2007 was 2 years ago.

  3. Fantastic player. Him and Petrov are the only two ex-Celtic players I genuinley like atm. His record in Scotland and against us was frightening, 320 appearances something like 220 goals for Celtic?

    Just a shame he never moved to Man U or Barca eariler in his career, Atleast he got La Liga, PL and CL winning medals in his short stints there though.

  4. Too much cash is never enough.

    A new billionaire owner, a blank cheque book for the gaffer and the chance to become totally and utterly untouchable in Scottish football with a growing presence in europe.

    A target doesn't want to play in Scotland? Stick another £25K on his weekly wage.

    Men in white coats will be arriving shortly young man.

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