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Everything posted by greig72

  1. I seem to be the only one reading this thinking that the exact same could be said on the other side. The vast majority of both sets of fans are decent, functional human beings, and you get idiots from either side. This much is surely obvious. Think about the way that we're percieved internationally. Some of our fans are stupid enough to sing sectarian songs, and some of our really stupid fans are dumb enough to film it and put it on YouTube, so come on.
  2. To the people arguing that this brings to light an issue that embarrasses Celtic - I don't really see it that way at all. I see it as something which embarrasses us. There's no doubt that to the neutral onlooker, it embarrasses us far more than Celtic, since even if the allegation is 100% true, it's our fans who are out there gleefully basking in the issue right now in 2008. The issue of whether BJK is impossible for us to know now, and think about it for a minute - to the neutral who hears this chant, or sees the t-shirts, what is he going to think? Is he going to think - 'here's a group of people who have each individually looked at the evidence and come to a conclusion based on the facts'? I doubt it; if someone was stringent enough in their research to investigate the facts and come to a conclusion, I doubt they'd then be foolish enough to turn up at a football ground and engage in ridiculous taunting. And here's something I think we can all agree on - 99% of people who chant along don't know the first thing about the situation, or at least don't know the first thing about it from independent research. In other words, most people who chant BJK learned everything they know about it from the other punters making the same noise.
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