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Posts posted by grahamteuchter

  1. You make a valid point mate and i'm sorry to hear your son was frightened.In an ideal world everyone would 'turn the other cheek' but the reality is that we are dealing with all walks of life and people react differently in a volatile situation.

    We are dealing with enemies of Britain here and it's very difficult to stand by when everything we stand for is being eroded.

    This is going to be an annual event now and you can guarantee the scum will up the ante when it comes to provacation.Sadly,an event which should involve children and families could become rather dangerous.

    Finally,although i seen the odd Rangers top throughout the whole crowd, to suggest there were a lot is rather inaccurate in my opinion.

    Oh don't get me wrong, I don't condone it but I totally understand why people retaliated. They make my blood boil and my hatred for everything they stand for grows by the day. It's been brewing for a long, long time now and we all know the scum are getting away with far too much. However, today shouldn't have been the time and place for it. As a previous poster said, they manipulated today to play right into their hands. They wanted a reaction and got it, which will be at our expense and set back all our justified arguments.

    With regards to the Rangers tops, I was meaning polo shirts, t-shirts etc as well as actual tops. Like you, I didn't actually see too many actual tops but there were plenty of people wearing colours in one form or another.

    I don't see that, i see this being a massive own goal by them.

    They were protesting at an armed forces day for the country of their birth. I cannot see how any anti protesters can be lambasted because of their reaction to the vermin who should not have been there in the first place.

    We all know the arguament...and we all agree that they shouldnt have been there and that these people are scum.

    But to say that we cant turn around and ignore them is all wrong. Today was about the armed forces who we are so proud of. They have just spent the past few years getting shot at and losing friends , families and loved ones. If they can put up with doing that, then im pretty sure that we can put up with a few shitey wee agrivators. This was their day and it was marred by this. No one is justifying the republican demo on this page. They are upset that some people have stooped to their level.

    If the armed forces can put up with bombs and bullets, then we can put up with stupid shouts. We are better than them. We know it, we dont need to stoop to their low low low level.

    This could have been a day where we showed that we are the better side and care genuinly about our country but those who charged at them let us all down and more importently the servicemen and woman.

  2. It's on the STV website


    STV are deleting comments left by people who are upset by what the Republicans did.

    EDIT: I am now banned from posting my views on this topic, fucking joke.

    More shocking media reporting...Since when is no surrender to the IRA a sectarian chant...this is a political (and i would say moraly) issue. There is no mention in the piece about protestants and catholics .... its about British pride and republicans trying to cause upset. If we went to Iran and starting protesting it would have as much to do with Glasgow as they do. They have their little (near bankrupt) country and we have ours.

  3. There just isnt a hope in hell of a takeover right now..nope....More chance of John Paul coming back from the dead and shouting the classic line FTP!

    All this talk about people of people who have a "source".. Is there a load of guys swapping briefcases and shooting each other with umbrellas for the scoop on Murray

  4. spot on but sometimes ibrox is that quiet you have to ease it out but it has come out squeaky as f**k

    bring back terraces i say

    Yes!!!!! Exactly!!!!! Wish the enclosure was still standing...Thats when the atmosphere was lost and our new farty atmosphere started

  5. I'll in no way get my hopes up about Rangers implementing any of the changes proposed in the report. I hope they do but you must understand my scepticism.

    I completely understand (and share) your scepticism mate.

    No-one is pretending a meeting of a club-funded committee is going to mean instant results. That's not going to happen. However, IMO, it is good news because it invites all fan representatives (Assembly, Assocation, Trust, NARSA, ORSA etc) to comment in an open, constructive fashion in a suitable environment.

    Moreover, I'd certainly hope (and will request) that after the initial discussion at that meeting, the issue should be opened up to the support at large to debate in a practical fashion with key club employees.

    Throughout the STS project, we have tried to maintain a constructive, positive attitude towards what we want to achieve. We've also ensured that every website and fan group we're aware of is kept informed as to progress even if they may disagree with the intentions of the report.

    To be clear, we're not naive, we're not stooges and we're certainly more than capable - as we've seen in the report - of ensuring the club are criticised. We also recommend the Assembly is overhauled so right away that should prove a talking point for those that have complained about it for long enough but done nothing.

    I think people have to ensure they read the whole document and, while we don't expect everyone to agree with every point, not allow the odd issue to cloud their judgement and spoil what has been a very positive project so far.

    After all the project is solely about the betterment of the club. Surely no-one can argue with that.

    As I have said on so many occasions, THAT is the way forward. United we stand and all that.

    I am very much looking forward to seeing how this plays out


    Thats brilliant news. Its a great step forward. Well done everyone involved

  6. New kit leaked online.

    It's Adidas! :gerbad:


    Mate its not the real top, were sticking with Umbro next season (tu)

    The Umbro deal finished mate.

    It is the new strip!

    No its a fake....those pictures came from the fantasy pages of footballshirtculture.com. Its a section where people send in their fantasy kits. That has been on there for yonks and has been put on this page about 3 or 4 times...

    I wish they were real as they are nice looking tops...its still Umbro and its still not out!

  7. My deepest apologies to everyone. For some strange reason I thought a Rangers forum would be a good place to rip Celtic a new one. My mistake!

    This room should be sponsored by Tampax because there are some right moody buggers on here who seem to be on their bad week..

  8. personally i dont care if they deduct points id rather support a mid table rangers that is aloud to sing and embrace its history and heritage , than support a fake rangers with all the points in the world

    dear lord :anguish:

    can just imagine this guy well chuffed that while the tims done 27iar, he's getting to belt out the famine song, the billy boys and anything else that gets banned

    Aye some people seem to think that Ibrox is some kind of Anti- Tague Karaoke venue.... Its a football club that we love!!!!!

    Im not wanting to be watching a mid table team while that lot win the league every year...Fuck that!

  9. :rolleyes:

    Glasgow Celtic were the first Irish team to win the European cup which they have "traditionaly" called "The Big One". Coupled with the clubs "traditional" nickname of "The Bhoys"this has led many people to wonder if the term "Bhoys get the Big One" might be a reference to another Celtic "tradition".

    Another Celtic "tradition" refers to this incident as well. "Traditionaly" Celtic players used to form a straight line like the conga. The last man would call out "form a circle, form a circle". This soon developed into a "tradition" which sounds like "the Cuddle". Keen students of history will see a pattern developing here.

    In recent years Celtic have attempted to raise their profile on the world stage. They have done this by signing a number of Oriental players. In an attempt to make the Orientals feel at home, Celtic fans have developed one of the most impressive "traditions" in world football, when the massed ranks of fans sing their stirring anthem to the Orientals "You,ll never Wok alone"

    Celtic have also started a "tradition" of forming "speshul relationships" with other clubs. This also commemorates their "original tradition" since they always get "fu*ked" away from home.

    Celtics final "tradition" also goes back to their historical beginning when the fans sing the anthem----

    " If you know your history, its enough to make your arse go "oh, oh oh OOOHHH, OOOHHH.

    Ha ha awesome...so true : :clap:

  10. The song is not sectarian and never has been, which has been proven in a court of law.

    The argument of why anyone would sing outside of the game unless they where a christian, church going member of an orange lodge, is open for debate.

    I dont think anyone would argue that on both sides, religious traditions are equally abused by folk who only see a church at funerals or weddings, if that.

    On this occassion the MP has been hung out to dry, a non-story driven by agenda.

    Very true

    His wife is not bad either


    There lies a soldier of the UVF

    Don't bury me in any f****n valley

    Hello Hello we are the Billy Boys

    God bless my home in dear old Ulster

    Some of these arent Rangers songs.... and were not always sung by the fans. The traditions start from the start of our club not the late 60's and early 70's...

  12. Don't take offence to this,But this is why the Atmosphere is shite at Ibrox.

    The atmosphere is shite because a lot of people there are glory hunters and are spoiled by success...the booing of players etc etc. We have plenty songs that dont have any possible misinterpretations of racist or sectarian songs yet we hardly sing them. Why do some of us just like the (apparent)bad ones? Right now scumdicks fans love it when we hang ourselves with the constant "they sing stuff so why shouldnt we" We need to be smarter than that. The clubs reputation is at stake

  13. They indeed would be a perfect kit..the ultimate kits but they are from the fantasy section on footballshirtculture.com

    Our new kit will be on there first when it is leaked. Honestly though...this is far too late...Talk about missing the boat after winning the double. Classic Rangers marketing again... It should have been out after we got the cup..

    why so the club can cash in on the glory hunters

    We are in the shit...we need to sell 25 million of these new tops

  14. I wont sing the famine song at Gers games now because it will get Rangers as a club into trouble and i dont want that, im sure nobody does

    I know its not offensive or that but when its Rangers who are going to suffer then we need to stop singin it

    Exactly....The reputation of the club means more than anything.

    The Scum bags love it when we sing songs that can be misinterpreted as racist ..sectarian or whatever...by continuing to sing we are playing into their hands and the media lap it up again and again

  15. Yeah well of course it's fine to say that but in practice plenty of god botherers are fine in government, to an extent.

    But it does show a worrying rejection of rational thought in an office where such a thing should really be paramount. It's certainly not fucking god who's going to save our grandchildren from becoming a rag tag bunch of feudal tribes huddling on the land near the Arctic circle to escape the floods and firestorms.

    We're sliiiightly off topic here though I feel!

    Maybe off topic but there can be some important points in this. I think that the people who se religeon or god as an excuse for war would use something else if they didnt believe...Ive always wondered something...its always bugged me.....but all the people who are screaming about being a good Protestant and how they are all against them....how many of these people go to church. I mean the churches are empty right now and surely if they cared that much about their religeon being destroyed then they would go to church. Being a protestant isnt being a Rangers fan...its a part of the Christian faith (obviously the best part)

    Politicians need to be independant though and not be swayed by either side as they represent many groups of people

  16. Aye he is a cracking player...Would be great to have him here...There was a few in the US side that look quite good. I think they could be good buys and be good for marketing our club in the states. Well if Bain gets the finger out and tries to market us...the wee broooon shite that he is

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