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Posts posted by Martinblair1690

  1. It would be good if both groups could have a reserved section right along the back of the Copland Rear have a it a few rows down aswell , then the whole of the rear has a bit singing then more people would be likely to join in. The UB's do a great job in bringing a bit of atmosphere in the Copland but it doesn't to make it right along the whole of the stand , seems to get into the middleish where I sit then fade away.

    If they did do this , then anyone who has to get moved move them to the section the UB's have atm.


  2. Seen ''bigots sick web posts'' on the Reformers office windows , or something along those lines. Must have been this. Scum of the highest order! Well done The Reformer on bringing this to peoples attention.

  3. TBH, I don't think he is. He's fell away from the game by the sounds of things. He went to a few clubs after Rangers and was promised contracts by them all and they never happened. I think his last club was Clyde. He plays junior football now, I can't remember the team.

    His names William something.

    Mclachlan? My mates big brother.

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