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Posts posted by manofthefuture

  1. Just wanted to gauge bear opinions, listening to his interview saying he's worried about how he'd get back into the brum team for a guy at his age. If he were Scotland manager (as opposed to buggering off for the big bucks) he'd be giving it the old 'he's a great asset to the team' gab. Holding the captain over a barrell like that is a bigger crime than my grammar.

    On a similar note, central midfielders for Scotland, Ferguson over Fletcher all day every day, he actually knows how to put in a good performance with shitty players around him.

  2. For me it depends on context, if I went into Annie's and started calling folk H** this and orange that I'd be out on my arse before I knew it, but with some of my friends in Glasgow and Aberdeen it's just banter. When the t******* or the sheep shaggers call me it it riles me up because they're basically just insulting me without knowing what they're talking about. I can definately understand people getting pissed off with it because it's an insult, plain and simple.

  3. I think Weir's been looking very shaky over the past few weeks.

    Wilson and Bougherra for a few games would do nicely.

    I agree with this point, Weir could do with a wee rest, one or two games thats all but he has been shaky not least in the 3-3 each draw at Hamilton.

    He's been selling himself really bad over the last four or five games (that I've seen).

    Committing to tackles he'd never win, being caught out of position etc...

    Wilson's been an absolute necessity.

    Definately, big Davie really needs a rest, I daresay Broaders and Wilson would do the trick at CB.

  4. I like him at Right back, because I hate broadfoot at Right back and I like novo or Davis in Right mid.

    Nah, Broadfoot's a mlles better defender, granted his touch and mobility isn't as good, but I'd have Whittaker on the bench as a plan B if Novo and Beasley are underperforming or unfit. Much rather see Davis stay at CM, it's a different team with him pulling the strings.

  5. McGregor

    Whittaker Bougherra Wilson Papac

    Novo Davis Thomson Beasley

    Boyd Miller


    I'd only change Whittaker to Broadfoot, I don't rate whitty as a full back at all. Have him as a sub, versatile player who can play in a number of positions.

    Beasley is a certainty if he can get that december form back!

    Spot on, could easy swap them round if things get a little tough.

  6. http://www.thescottishsun.co.uk/scotsol/ho...d-for-Ross.html

    Was just wondering if the collective (or not really if, cos that's a given, but why) will single him out for worse treatment than normal Celtic players, seeing as how we developed him. Personally I think because PLG chucked him its more a case of Rangers making the wrong decision as opposed to him being treacherous, and if he plays well for Scotland I really won't mind.

    It's probably a case of a shitty rag with a shitty story but it got me thinking anyway.

  7. This is one deal we could have done without.

    We have McCulloch, Thomson, Edu and Davis who can play CM. Take Davis out of the equation and we have very little creativity in the middle of the park. If Davis picks up an injury we are fucked! But hopefully it means that Davis will never have to play RW again.

    I wish Pedro Mendes all the best. A decent signing who showed glimpses of real quality but too often he played on the periphary of the game. However, his goals will be remembered.

    Great point - without Davis we have zero creativity in midfield. Zero pace as well if McCulloch and Thomson team up. This is not good.

    Especially if Beasley and Novo aren't fit, I think most here agree Davis in CM is better than Mendes and with the other 3 cleaning up it would be strong, but hopefully Edu will really start to come onto a game, and McCulloch's on pretty good form atm. Plus, anyone seen much of Gregg Wylde, apparently he's got good pace?

  8. Credit where credit is due, last season i was one of his biggest critics.

    ditto mate, I was on his case a lot last year but now he seems to be like a novo, not much technical skill but works his arse off. But by the same token, KT is being written off now, and at his best is better than big lee at his best. I think he will have to drop out for creativity as our midfield is very strong when on full fitness and form, but I've been impressed since pre-season (but not a moment sooner!)

  9. I know I posted earlier saying I didn't really care but with the examples listed I do think it's a double standard that we are officially not allowed to sing a poxy song. Personally I think that anyone should be able to say whatever they please, and anyone can reply to it however they please, it would make TV much more interesting. But to be fair Jim Traynor spent an hour with the establishment gag, but then again that was comedy gold.

  10. Of course I do, and I exercise my right to switch it off. And it's fine to want people to like your club, but if we're allowed to call Tam Cowan a stupid prick that's never been funny, ever, then I think it's okay for him to call us h***. I don't like it, but I'll have to go along with it. and I did hear about the greenock thing and if true it is a decent story, but as the song goes, no-one likes us, we don't care.

  11. I can't believe anyone cares, if you don't like it, don't tune in, I couldn't give two shits what anyone says about the Rangers, we still sing TBB and the scum fans got hammerred in the media for not respecting the minutes silence, so it's not double standards, and it's a bit ironic that people laugh at paranoid septic fans but moan about some wee fanny calling us h***.

  12. haven't really seen much of him, I'm aware Sportsound at least thinks he's the shit but they also thought Gary Caldwell was good (bit sad to see him go, always enjoyed guaranteed goals against the scum, at least cakmanus is still there). Next season we'll see, but if he stays fit then I'd bet on him being a decent player like Broadfoot, good not great and consistent.

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