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A Horse With No Name

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Everything posted by A Horse With No Name

  1. Thanks bd! Just like 'The Meaning Of Life' i'll find an answer... Cheers!!!
  2. I've already put a pic of Auchenhowie on that thanks Badger - i'll find another way of getting the image under 200 k's
  3. Cheers Jadams - didn't fancy downloading stuff to that bucket site (looks a bit dodgy) - i'll see if i can sort it out later using your tips! Got a Optio and the images are BIG so i guess i'll need to learn the act of downsizing for my File and RM! Ta! Tried using the Gif one (as opposed to the JPEG i had downsized to) and no joy - still 1.4MB ish! Will try again some other time mate Cheers anyway!!!
  4. You'll have to Download itunes (they'll give you the email addy in the shop) and from there it's just a case of whatever you Updload to your PC will get put on your ipod, when you connect the Adaptor to recharge the battery etc! Be careful though, when you delete stuff from the PC it will get deleted from the ipod when you recharge it in future! Now, if someone could tell me how to download Movies etc...
  5. I'll give that a go later, Cheers Boab!!!
  6. Tried uploading my Personal Pic (1.4 MB scaled down from the Digital Camera) and it won't do it - Is there some reason apart from size, and if it's just size how can i scale it down more? Same with Pics 'inside' the threads - hows it done! I'm bloody useless at image editing and techy stuff!!!! Any advice????
  7. He really should have played Kenny Miller from the start and brought on McFadden late on! 20/25mins to go... To my mind Alex succumbed to mhedia pressure and played him because of the Tartan Army and those in the Media continually coming out with this "James must play..." "He's a talisman..." I remember Alex did the same thing at Rangers once or twice, with the same affect! He used him to great affect during the qualifying campaign and should have stuck to his guns!! Can't really blame him though as he was under a lot of pressure!!!
  8. Judging by the reaction i've heard so far they're gearing up to push that bullshite PR line... :barf: Didn't see much of the match last night (saw couple of mins when i entered Pub) but from that brief glimpse it looked like Benfica (apart from being rank rotten) just allowed him possession untill he got near the box, and absolutely no-one closed him down before that!!! We done the same with Ronaldinho, until he got over the halfway line - so maybe i'm being unfair on him, and he is a decent player... Can't see it though!!!!! I don't see much footie (Haven't had tv since Sept 2006) so i can't really give an assessment - but fellow Bears/Bearettes WHAT'S YOUR VERDICT??? I suppose at the end of the day 'IF' someone were to offer them really BIG money for him that'd be the question answered...
  9. What a way to make a 'subtle' point! Wonder if Allan McGregor can be tempted when we play the Unwashed at the Midden....
  10. Can you get that Lorry to come by my way!!! <_<
  11. Thanks guys! I'll ask around a bit more - don't wanna fork out £100 if it's more or less the same! Cheers anyway!!
  12. I'm about to get the latest version of MSOffice, mainly for working with my Statistics file (the 2003 one is at capacity and keep running into 'Too Many Different Cell Formats' problem, along with others) and was wandering has anyone else got the new Spreadsheets and is it much better.. Am i wasting money (£100) gettting the new Student/Office Version? Any advice from Bears/Bearettes who have new one???
  13. If the good Home results (European etc) at Parkhead tell me one thing it's the impact of Intimidation from the fans!!! When opposition comes out and the Goalie etc have one eye behind them and towards the crowd then it must detract from their game!!!! The fact that Parkhead was only 1/3 full and Hearts got a good result seems to me to be connected - TAKE AWAY THE INTIMIDATION AND THEY'RE KRAP!!!
  14. No. I don't think I will. Its good we got scored on in my opinion. If you want to make another thread about it, go for it. 3-1 up. Terrible that we conceded isn't it. Lucky it is 3-1 or they'd be a fooking Lynch mob at your door! :willy: This thread is worse than your usual "what do you think of the Unemployed" nonsense!!! Lighten up - i'm only pulling your leg.... ... but then If we were to get b**t i'd be breaking it!!!! I'm kidding CR ffs!
  15. I remember playing that ages ago - did all the missions but couldn't get control of all the area's... whenever i came close to 95% areas i got one or two more areas under attack!!! :angry2: Also couldn't get the wee mini game on the bike done - couldn't get through all the hoops in time! :pipehorse:
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