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Posts posted by Oso

  1. I will be parading at dawn with the Wellington Branch of the RSA (Returned and Services Association, NZ equivalent to the RBL) as a "Foreign Returned" member. I will be wearing an NZ Poppy, my UK Veterans Badge, RLC beret and medal.

    I can see a few being downed and in the evening the Mrs and I will be going to a concert of 1940s swing music (her choice, not mine).

  2. pompii was buried by lava

    Not quite true. Pompeii was buried by a pyroclastic flow, best described as red hot dust that flows like a liquid until it settles. Had Pompeii been buried in lava it would have been destroyed completely and would not be able to have been excavated.

  3. Cannot think of any logical reason for him to attend that game other their continuing war for ideological and racial superiority.

    Here is something we must challenge and change with immediate effect. "Irish" is NOT a race, it is a cultural and national identity. We must get this through to the powers that be that there is no significant genetic difference between being Irish as compared to any other Western European nationality. Objecting to a religion that protects peadophile priests or objecting to the scum singing pro-iRA songs is not racist, you are objecting to a cultural, and ideological point of view. We must remove the racist argument from the table as soon as possible and take that weapon away from them.

    So if you are "discussing" a point with a green and grey bigot who accuses you of being racist, make it clear that you are not a racist as the Irish are not a race but a national and cultural identity.

  4. Reviving this thread and returning it to topic.

    Rangers have 12 games remaining. Queens Park have 14 games remaining.

    Assuming that QP win their 2 games in hand, then they will be at 43 points as compared to our 59 points. This give a potential net lead of 16 points.

    Therefore win 6 games puts it beyond all doubt. That makes it Stirling Albion, at home on 23rd March.

  5. It came as no great surprise given that Ferguson was on the verge of being sacked last season when they lost 7 games and drew 1 from 9 attempts before owner Tony Sage changed his mind and they got a few victories to end up 3rd in the table, then out of 20 games this season they have won 5, drew 4, lost 11, losing the last 5 games on the spin and being scoreless in 4 of them.

    Tony Sage is the Australian equivalent to Vladimir Romanov,if you like, in that he makes some weird decisions in the running of his football club and is partly responsible for some of the signings whether the manager likes it or not. His decision to put his players on a reduced contract during the off-season didn't endear him to the players and in fact a few refused the deal and left, but that should not be used to hide the fact that Glory under Ian Ferguson are underachieving considering the players they have in their ranks.

    To be honest with you, the style of play under Ferguson has been brutal when compared to other clubs with far less resources,both in monetary terms and the fact they have no other opposition when it comes to scouting and signing young talent in the massive State of Western Australia. In fact, apart from the fans who actually support Perth Glory, you would be hard pushed to find any person with a neutral perspective of football who would go to watch Perth Glory for entertainment.

    To say that Ferguson's time in the A-League as head coach/manager has been eventful would be an understatement to say the least where his reputation has taken a battering, firstly with the now extinct North Queensland Fury and then the Perth Glory,after his stellar work with the Central Coast Mariners as assistant coach to Lawrie McKinna.

    It might be a blessing in disguise that he has been dismissed because I wouldn't have worked as a coach under the alleged interferences of somebody like Tony Sage (if true) so I would like to see him get a chance to show his ability at a properly ran club, but I feel the chances of Ian Ferguson getting another head coaching position in the A-League will be mighty slim,so like Ally, it would not surprise me to see him leave Australia for work.

    As an aside to this, the new interim coach is Alistair Edwards who coincidentally began his senior career on the books of Rangers as an 18 yr old back in 1987.

    I think Perth Glory have competition for the most shambolically run club in the A-League from the Wellington Pheonix. Daily headlines in the paper here for board interference in the playing staff, financial mismanagement, fan disconnection with the board and get this,getting 5,000 fans a game but want to move from the 35,000 Westpac Stadium to a 1,000 seat stadium to save money. Just sell tickets for a resticted area so you only have to steward a limited area.

  6. If QP have accumulated 30 points after eighteen games it is reasonable to conclude they might accumulate 30 points in the next eighteen games. Either way No more than seventy points will be required to win the league. Seven wins.

    As the assurance and investment companies are so wont to tell us "past perfomance is no indicator of future results".

    Note that I am working on the "ABSOLUTE" earliest time, if both teams win all their coming games. I will try to keep a track of this once I am in NZ and keep the counter going. Every point that QP drop will make it earlier.

    I am in no doubt that we will lift the title earlier than the 6th of April but we just have to keep track of it.

  7. Rangers are on 49 points with 20 games played out of 36.

    Closest rivals are Queens park on 30 points after 18 played.

    Assuming QP win both of their games in hand, they will be on 36 points, thus 13 points behind.

    The way I see it, if both teams win all their games from now, if we even draw with QP at Hampden on 6th April, the league is won. Any points dropped by QP will obviously accelerate this. Maybe we could have a party at Hampden to celebrate the winning of the title.

  8. so u would rather languish in a league that hates us. if. and i mean if we arew admitted to thew new set up as an associate member , you would rather let those chunts be the driving force! let us make our own destiny. is thats not what we done with going tro div three? how long u gonna tyake this shit for. leave em behind. let them play in schoolyards and bheast young kids. lets leave em, gtf away from this shit and create a new history for our kids and future grankids to follow and adore. . . we will always be rangers. we hav been always will be. i think green is thinking outside the box here and all i am saying is think abt it. withing ten yrs gers playing against top english sides. if we dont start thinking abt tyhis, we are fucked no justy us. whole of scottish football . this is theee final nail in the coffin. our game will not survive. what rangers afc against clydebank afc ... ? that it? cos trust me, very few teams will survive this armageddon of scottish football. within two years..done

    I can't be bothered deciphering this poorly written piece. E- for presentation, therefore content cannot be graded.

    Comment to student: Please learn how to use puntuation and correct your abysmal spelling. Proper capitalisation of proper nouns and at the start of sentences, double spaces after a full stop et al, would have allowed me to be able to read this piece.

  9. It's like something hitler would have said in 1941 when all the victories had been his and the only way left for him to go was down ... they have sown the wind so now they must reap the whirlwind!

    You quoting Sir Arthur "Bomber" Harris's famous speech painted a picture in my head, mainly involving air strikes on the SFA offices, Hampden and the piggery. (To the fascist anti-sectarian police: this is a joke) ;)

  10. Assuming that the gate is split 50/50, this will cause Dundee United some financial loss. Their average gate this season is 8212 (Courtesy of Football 365) so say they have 6,000 home fans.

    6000 * £25= £150,000. Half of that goes to Rangers therefor they receive £75,000 less policing, stewarding etc.

    Their top attendance this year was 13,538 so using that as a model

    13538*£25 = £338,450. Half going to Rangers means they receive £169,225 less policing, stewarding etc.

    This represents a net income loss of £94,225 whilst still incurring all expenses. Now I don't pretend to be even able to guess how much stewarding a match will cost but that will be significant but we can assume very little profit will be made on the back of their own fans. Also factor in the loss of catering the financial hit gets even bigger.

    All in all, so we miss seeing the game but we send a message to others that hate us and have actively acted against us. A message that states, we will cost you money and give you none when we can because of your actions.

  11. Next time the wee fascist tries it on in the stand, collective action must be taken. If he tries to remove you, every bear round you must prevent him. WE are morally right.

    Record, yes we do have the right to record by law, these idiots breaking the rules and when they go too far, collectively raise merry hell. Three people can bully one person, 50 people cannot bully 5000 if the 5000 stand united as we can only be policed if we agree to be policed.

    Then once the game is over, send a DVD copy of the unreasonable behaviour to Charles Green and take another to the Police and get the idiot charged. He has to obey the law too and if you get a copper breaking the law on video, don't speak to the rent-a-uniform on the front desk, ask to speak to an Inspector or higher with regards to making an official complaint against the police. They shit themselves over this as this is one of the measures that the UK and Scottish Governments monitor.

  12. Twisted Sister - "We're Not Gonna Take It"

    Played from the build up at 3:01 would give a minute and 28 seconds of mostly chorus.

    Alternatively could play it from 1:29 which would stretch it out to two minutes (build up, chorus, guitar solo, build up, chorus).

    All credit to julescotia who included it in his Rangers-Motherwell video:


    Music from my youth. Hell yes, with the announcer stating "we have a wee message for the SPL"!

  13. As I have said repeatedly, we can only be policed if we agree to be policed.

    Here is some simple maths for you. 50,000 bears, 500 Police. 100:1 superiority of numbers. Working within the law, knowing your rights and non-violent resistance can stymie the Police. You only need to give your name if the police have accused you of an offence.

    If the policeman asks you your name, ask him why he he is asking for your name as you have commited no crime. He must justify that you have potentially commited a crime to allow him to ask for your name. Giving him a false name is illegal, but refusing to give your name is not unless he says that you HAVE commited a crime. Get stroppy about it. 50:1 odds gives most sensible people a swift sense of mortality.

    If you see a bear being hassled by a policeman for no reason, ask why he is being hassled and if 50 of us do it, so much the better. Suddenly the cooper will develop an urge to be elsewhere.

    We can initimidate back without violence, thus we must do it to prevent ourselves from being unfairly targetted.

  14. Right the sfa are fcking with us again with there disciplinery crap suspended sentance and Charles green gets a censure what does it mean and does it affect the team

    Censure: you've been a very naughty boy, don't do it again. But being honest, if we tried to dish you out a punishment, you would screw us over in the courts as you can prove what you have said is true.

  15. There are less than 1000 Police at a match. As soon as you have know this and that there are 40,000+ of us at a match, then you have to realise that we can only be policed if we CONSENT to being policed. If we refuse to be policed and let them push their agenda upon us then they cannot police us.

    Any sensible copper will realise that they cannot push against us too hard if we refuse to be pushed. This can be done in a non-violent way by simply refusing to comply en-mass and raising enough noise when they try to impose their rules on us. Fifty people telling you to GTF at the same time will give most people pause for thought, as the implicit threat of having so many people refusing to comply is threat enough. I have seen coppers beat a retreat when they have realised that they are seriously outnumbered by an organised opponent, resisting in this manner.

  16. Harold Vallances burial details via the CWCG website.

    My link


    Rank:Second Lieutenant

    Date of Death:28/09/1918


    Regiment/Service:Highland Light Infantry

    7th Bn.

    Grave ReferenceIV. G. 3.


    Additional Information:

    Son of Thos. and Marion Vallance, of Glasgow.

    From some of the information I have to hand I can fill in some gaps.

    At the age of 29, dying as a 2nd Lt in the 7th Bn then he will have been commissioned from the ranks given that the 7th Bn was raised at the start of the war. Also, given the attrition rate of junior officers meant that you would be unlikely to stay as a 2nd Lt for very long after a major battle. (There are instances of very junior 2Lts being promoted to Capt after a single battle as there was no-one else left to take up the role.) The British Army was running out of aristocracy and upper middle class public school educated young men to be officers. This meant they extended the opportunity to become an officer to those of lower middle class backgrounds especially those in the ranks who had shown themselves to be natural leaders whilst in the ranks. The one catch was that if you had been elevated from the ranks you had to be posted to a different Battalion from that which you had served in before.

    The 7th Bn was part of the 157th (Highland Light Infantry) Brigade of the 52nd Lowland Division. Other units were the 5th Bn HLI, 6th Bn HLI (2Lt Vallances original Bn), 9th Bn HLI and the 5th Bn A&SH. This Division was heavily involved in the 2nd Battle of the Somme, the 2nd Battle of Arras and the Advance on the Hindenburg line.

    Given that the cemetery was attached to three hospitals that existed in that area at various times in the war, it could be assumed that he had been wounded and had passed through the medical evacuation system. This would suggest that he was wounded during one of these three battles mentioned above, or as part of the daily attrition that occured in the First World War.

    I hope this helps.

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