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Posts posted by theySTILLKNOW

  1. As a kid during the John Greig years I never missed a game for 3 seasons,it caused havoc in my family after nearly every game at Ibrox me and my brother kicked the hell out of my dad all the way along the Paisley Road,once we reached the Monday we were determined to go back,back then the cups where in sections and you could end up anywhere,I think we ended up in Cowdenbeath one round,the stadium had big monster truck tyres round it.

  2. A group of us (all Rangers)went to London years ago and got off the train at Euston about 6 in the morning a couple of the Chelsea guys came and collected us,unfortunately they took us to their parents house and gave us 2 bottles of vodka and 1 whiskey we drank it within minutes and their parents kicked us out,they took us to chelsea. When we parked the cars their was a window cleaner and the Chelsea boys paid him £50 to come to Harrods with us,HE went up and stole all the Union Jacks from the front shop.

    A cop car appeared and they were trying to jail us,until they realised we were Rangers supporters,he told us to get to fuck,while walking back to the cop car he gave us a wrong rendiition of the sash.

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