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Hateley's Bald Patch

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New Signing (1/12)



  1. I support no EPL team. I hardly see the point to be honest. Cambuslang Rangers are my other team.
  2. I have read the posts in this thread. Points to make: gudjohnsen is surplus to requirements and will be looking for a club. Rangers can offer him Champions League football. He would become an instant fans favourite at Ibrox Sunbed Bain can actually charm the birds from the trees - How else could he get the woman he currently has? Points to make against him coming: His wage demands would be astronomical - even half of those would prohibit his signing. He is injury prone too That's it.
  3. Sadly, I have not been a member of this particular forum before. I have heard people praising it, slagging it and generally talking about it on other forums and I thought I would give it a go. So far, so good. Just recognised the name in the email address, tis all. Oh right? Oh well if you have, or have ever had a member with my name - no luck. It's not the type of name you would associate with being a proddy but hey, such is life. Cheers for the welcomes lads. Welcome
  4. Sadly, I have not been a member of this particular forum before. I have heard people praising it, slagging it and generally talking about it on other forums and I thought I would give it a go. So far, so good.
  5. Being a cunt or not being a cunt isn't the issue here lads. This is a touchy subject but I would like to know who are the following of this forum: Cunts, forum gangsters, Google retort maestros, the "my mate is a journalist, mate of a journalist, works for someone at Murray park" usual tripe merchants, the bigots, the tramps and the good guys. Like I say, I am just an ordinary CUNT but I am a season ticket holding cunt and that's that. Also, any word or news on Gudjonssen?
  6. Okay, good morning people. markybear, I think you have a problem with new people. My user name is based on a conversation I had with some mates. It is not a slagging towards Hateley. As for me calling myself "an ordinary ball sac of a prod." Can I just say that Ace actually had some common sense with his post. It is just a line mate. No need to assume I am Celtic minded or anything. To the others, thank you for your welcome. I too, have a feeling that it will be short lived as I think the slaggings and piss taking will commence soon. No photo's of my girlfriend. I care not how you roll. The way I roll is no photos.
  7. Right, I am new. Gimme a chance to become acquainted with the logistics of this bloody thing please?
  8. Can you tell me why you smell shite? I understand these things are infiltrated by utter bastards at times, but if you have been on the other forums, you will see why I have decided to come on to this one. I am just an ugly, ordinary, ball sack of a prod. Just joining a forum. Fuck it.
  9. No Pics of the burd yet until such times as I can trust you fuckers...what am I saying? This is a forum of fellow prods, no chance! They would be on girlcameramirror.com before I can say: "Right ya whore."
  10. No, I have been about on the forums sites, FF and Oldfirmforums and to be honest they are pish as fuck. Full of idiot Celtic fans masquerading as Gers fans and just, generally, being fookers. Seems a bit better in here, like a show-flat ready to be populated by 30 Polish immigrants. It smells clean too...for now. On another note, who does the photoshop signatures? I got to get me one of them with Robery Prytz, a McDonalds logo and Sheena Easton.
  11. Evening/Morning - dependant on your perception of time. Just thought I would join you good people as there are a few dodgy coont forums kicking around and can't be arsed with the pish they talk. So, I thought I would come on here and see what pish you folk talk. I am a season ticket holder, copeland front, and have a burd who is way out of my league - just waiting for the day her medication wears off and she fucks off. Anyway chaps, here's to 3 in a row.
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