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  1. Shame, I'd have taken you for a pint pre match
  2. Cheers - I take it you aren't at the game ?
  3. Medal ... now there's a thing. Yes please, in a nice box as well thanks. Very generous on here.
  4. Jeez ... Did you know that Gullible isn't in the dictionary ... go and have look
  5. Take a look back in the 70's and 80's when, lets face it, United weren't exactly at their prime, one of the things they were respected for (and yes I did use the word respected) was their support. Supporters clubs would turn up week after week from Torbay in the south to Carlisle in the north, and lots of points in between. The away following was as good as it got. You can put it down to what happened at Munich if you want but whatever it was, the fact is the support wasn't simply from Manchester. Wind forward to the 90's when football began (according to Sky) - more and more it was seen as a clever dig at United and their fans to comment about the M1 on a match day, the Surrey accent, the daytrippers, the glory hunters (it was easy to avoid that label in the 80's as there wasn't much glory to hunt for) - it even became a fanzine thing at United - gone were the days when euro aways were full of flags from various parts of the UK - hardly happens now, not the done thing according to the fashion police running the magazines. So, all this lot that used to come in the 70's - do they still ? Certainly do. The coaches still turn up. Some of my best mates at United come from Nottingham, Barnet, Harrogate, Chester, Birmingham. Me - do I come from Manchester, no I don't (prepares to be fired at from all points) My dad went to United in the 50's, my mum had a season ticket until she died in 2004 ... do I sit there thinking I'm any less of a fan, do I shite ... served my time watching some god awful football, the last thing I'm going to do is bother about some kid spouting that I'm a glory hunting out of towner. Hope you enjoy the game. The ticketing arrangements would drive me mad so I hope that goes without too much hassle.
  6. Sums me up that ... a right and fitting label ... after all, I've only been going since 79, had a season ticket since mid 80's, done some seasons without missing a home or away - through the 80's when things weren't quite like they have been recently - been to countless euro aways, slept overnight at the ground for away tickets, been in the "home" end at West Ham, Spurs, Forest, Leeds, Liverpool, Chelsea, Sheff Wednesday, Sunderland, Blackburn when I didn't have an away ticket ... Glory hunter that's me ... oh and just to keep me company, I know loads who've done that and more Keep believing the bollox if it keeps you happy
  7. classy that - must have taken a while to come up with that witty, original masterpiece
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