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Posts posted by AyrshireBlue

  1. The accuracy of the information is not the real issue here. The real issue is why are we haemorrhaging money by paying exorbitant salaries that are out of sync with our Income? Management eg Ally & 2 assistants are on £1.4m pa!! Why are we paying that level of Salary for playing 3rd rate Football in a 3rd rate League where the competing Manager earns approx £15k pa?

    Last night Ally proudly claimed that "our wage bill is a Third of what it was a couple of years ago", compared to what? I would guess an experienced SPL side that he inherited. Smoke & mirrors Ally, do not Patronise us with Platitudes.

    The rest of the Senior Management Team need to look at the Salaries of competing Teams in the League and adjust theirs when moving up the League.............hold on that would require Salary cuts NOW......do not see it happening. BTW I would Love to see Ally move upstairs and enjoy the Legendary status that we have adorned on him.

    First post and you plant this in the pakora thread :/

  2. A wee fella Corey from Beith passed away there of Cancer, he was only 9 (god rest his soul) for the majority of last season he had a chaffeur driven limo to home games courtesy of Rangers and he met McCoist on most match days including the players.

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