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Posts posted by AyrshireBlue

  1. The Olympic Stadium, Highbury along with Camp Nou were/are dated and not viable for a club of those stature.

    The finacial situation we find ourselves in at present, never in a million years would a couple of hundred million ever become avaikable to fund a new stadium.

    Ibrox is currently a 5* UEFA rated stadium, no need to move or increase capacity.

    50,000 is just the right capacity.

  2. It's a common part of youth development he's going through.

    Given a chance at the grass roots of the pro leagues, performs not to bad, laudes the atmosphere at Ibrox on matchdays then is dropped back to under 20s level.

    If he has the right attitude, he'd double his efforts to get back into the first team after sampling what it can be like.

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