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Posts posted by Theulstergazelle

  1. As unbelievable as it seems, there is a game to go out and win tomorrow.

    Same team as the one that started against Hearts no doubt, unless he actually drops Smith for Temps.

    Going for a 3-1 Rangers win.

    and just a side note, condolences to the young Cowdenbeath player who's other half sadly passed away this week, just months after they lost their baby daughter. Can't imagine what he's going through.

    Sounds horrific. :( Thoughts with him.

    I think we will win this, there? can i go now? 3-1. :21:

  2. The game will be horrible. The atmosphere will be pure poison and both teams play like dog shit. Many people from the around the world will be watching, eseciall England. They'll be looking at this game and shaking their fucking head. No wonder they don't want us down their.

    The atmosphere will be electric. utterly electric. whether you call that poison that is your choice, IMO i prefer fans screaming at each other and singing to the end of their lungs as apposed to a half loud volume of "citeh, citeh, citeh" on repeat, the world won't be let down.

  3. The problem is there will be zero playing within yourself. They will be pumped for this infact I think they will be more pumped than us.They will be breaking a neck to score at every opportunity. Records will be broken, it will be utter humiliation.

    Surely I'm not the only one who isn't thinking it could be close? 1-1 come 90 mins? They're wonderstriker hasn't scored in a while and manager seems gutless. Hopefully when we walk out the players will see passionate fans and give their all knowing many, many scouts/football people are watching. Same could be said on they're end though.

  4. I don't think people should be writing us off so easily.

    Three of our back four could easily have been playing in this fixture if the events of 2012 hadn't happened.

    One of our forwards was the second top scorer in the SPFL last year - although not exactly setting things alight this year- and the other, Kenny Miller, would run all day to beat the Tims.

    Our midfield might be a weak link but three of the regular four have all played top flight football.

    I know the above players haven't exactly blown our skirts up in the past two seasons but it's not as if we're playing with 11 weans (unlike the Tims like to :) ) and they have all, with the exception of a couple, had their day playing top flight so I don't think it's smart to write us off in the way people have.

    Everybody knows form goes out the window with an Old Firm game so I believe we'll give them a fright.

    And they have diddy ambrose, daly can look at him and he'd fall.

  5. Aye, other news elsewhere, boring news.

    Here is a good question of the good days, ones of which i have no doubts we will return to soon, although not quickly.

    Beating them, thousands upon thousands roaring at bad decisions, goals and most of all, the get it up yee reactions :thumbup:

    Here is one i remember in particular, one me and my 3 mates went to ( 2 from the usa ) and they fucking adored it. made them switch from us football fans to the real stuff - albeit im no sure if they still watch!


    Any you lot remember in particular?

    Also - 2:10 in on that video, try not to cry! :ph34r:

  6. 2pm. It would be interesting if this would end up a bigger crowd than what we have been getting for a couple of months. This will be more enjoyable than what we have had to endure so hopefully alot of bears turn up and make a good day of it for Fernando and his family.

    Should be a good crowd for that i don't doubt

  7. Well wishing them good luck is a disgraceful thing to say for a supposed rangers fan.

    Hate them more than the harriers the ugly cunts

    Football really is just a game of who can act the hardest isn't it? Sweet jesus. Let someone say what they want. Your the type of person who think the ranjurs n sellik playurs aim Facebook statuses at each other. They don't give a fuck.

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