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Posts posted by krissg910

  1. i had 100s of diff kits, some of the teams i had never even heard of.

    was more about what i liked the look of at that age, though i always had my home and away strips aswell.

    dont think it has anything to do with who u support

  2. are tbk still in the mix or is that their interest now over?

    if they can get whyte to agree the shares to them they could re-approach d&P and im sure their offer would seem far more workable.

    are they still going to try and buy the club is my ??

    and good luck mr miller, hope you do the best job you can and not try to fuck us over.

  3. agree with everything you say mate but thats just it, nobody wants to officialy bring it back as that element of idiots/neds call them what you want will just keep using the sectarian wording, esp when fuelled up. ive got to be honest a few times ive sung it, but yeah i agree the loudest football chant there was, it needs to officially come back in some way.

    sectarin til i die :wanker:

  4. If they actually spoke to the football authorities rather than the press then perhaps they could agree the transfer of Rangers Football Club's SFA and SPL membership.

    If anyone from TBK is reading this YOU HAVE BEEN RUMBLED. It takes a lot of effort to turn overwhelming support into scepticism but you have managed it. You have sought to manipulate our support, you have pushed the CVA agenda despite not having the money to achieve it and as the posts on here today show the tide is turning. You totally lack credibility. If you cannot organise a bid for the club despite Murray having had over a YEAR since he initially tried to buy the club then why should I believe you have the ability or intellect to be trusted to run the club.

    Step up guys and for god sakes can you please start and be honest.

    And finally what is this Rangers 1899? That was when the limited company was formed NOT the club. The very mention of this undermines the view the company equals the club.

    have a rep m8

  5. I think protests backfire as if anything was to have a second sober thought it will appear by the optics that they were pressured.Even though these protests have no effect at all. Just gives ammo to the mopes and paedo fc

    Whish we could just voice our displeasure make it noted and wait until we are stable before settling scores.

    I hate being perceived acting like the whiners in the east when we should behave like the winners thry know we are

    DOING NOTHING GOT US HERE. the protesting should of started yrs ago.

    although i prefer protests/action that cause disruption. today was an excellent start and shows that our sleeping legions have finally arisen

  6. tbk are a fuckin joke.

    it is obvious that they are trying to get the club at the very very lowest price possible.

    imho they are not in it to "save the rangers" as they claim. yes they want to save our club(which i am greatful for) but there main reasons for doing so are to make money and stroke their egos.

    i have no problem with the above reasons i just dont accept that they are doing it selflessly.

    they are also expecting the fans to buy(pay) for the club for them which really gets on my wick.

    so we(fans) pay for there 85% stake in rangers then in 10yrs time they sell up making a great profit. remembers me to much of a certain man who resides in monaco.

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