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shaun the brummie

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  1. why would we be shitting ourselves...nothing but a 3rd division club...in shitland..lol..you're scum and you know it..after manchester do you think we'll have any scumbags from shitland down here...after independence the trains heading to scotland will be full of undesirables(that means non english)...but we know jocks haven't got any balls to vote for independence...now shut the fuck up you aint joining...until you've won the european championship 3 times(new rule to be brought in).....and that fucks you wannabe's up doesn't it...LOL
  2. who gives a shit that was then this is now...and with any luck you'll be a foreign country soon........like ghana....fancy bragging about being good at TOSSING.........LOL
  3. not quite as embarrassing as saying you're good at TOSSING.....PMSL....TOSSING and wear SKIRTS....ooohh deary me
  4. and by what right do you jump over the other leagues and 100's of english clubs.........get in the queue at the bottom..conference at least....
  5. as an english man with no affiliation to rangers or any scottish club,but supporting a team in birmingham that wears blue.i think if you go into div 3,pack your home ground,but for away matches dont go to them but donate the ticket money to rangers,that would be a double whammy against the anti rangers mob.....and as for the anti english,provo loving,pub bomber worshipping,terrorist supporting organisation that is celtic........"one green bottle,standing on a wall"......you know how it ends...........no green bottles........
  6. NO WAY..are rangers old or new ever going to get into english football.we should be kicking the welsh out.what we need is for the united kingdom to be broken up,then no more scots led labour party can lie and lead us into illegal wars,or flood england with illegal immigrants and asylum seekers,that cant be kicked out because of the anti english human rights act..bought to england by the scots led labour party.if you wont vote for independence then at least let us have a vote on it(illegals and asylum seekers barred),you know what we'd do,it'd be f**K off uk hello ENGLAND.we really dont care what happens to rangers or any club in scotland its your problem for the scots to sort,not for the english to pick up the pieces.ENGLAND FOREVER Britain NEVER.........
  7. waiting for "IT" to finally happen......aint wanted,aint needed.....try n.ireland.
  8. you hypocritical jocks dont fool us english.loyal to the queen,who gives a fuck.after the scots led labour government,the last thing we want to do is help anymore free loading jocks.any how were will you play your home matches,they'll be selling ibrox any time now.so grow a pair and vote for independence,then at least you'll fuck celtics chances up of joining english football.seriously though,give up football.you're crap at it....take up the scottish national sport instead....which is.....TOSSING.......ENGLAND FOREVER Britain NEVER.....
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