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Posts posted by stooarts

  1. Just back from the game, don't know if anyone has posted this yet , but i thought the abuse that McGregor got from the Motherwell fans was absolutley shocking !!! The chants of "Rapist, Rapist" every time he touched the ball was beyond belief. do you think the mhedia will pick up on that ? Don't hold your breath !!

  2. No player in our squad has said he wants to go anywhere, the only people who say that are the doom and gloom merchants on this forum (of which there are plenty ! ), until somebody comes out and says they want away, which wont be until the end of season anyway, i would say to all true supporters, lets get behind the team and win this league, to the rest, SHUT THE FUCK UP !!!

  3. Broadfoot

    S. Smith


    I don't believe these 3 players bring a significant influence or quality to the team, and could/should be sold.

    Anyone else have any players who they think could go which wouldn't upset the team?

    with respect who would buy any of these 3

    I agree.

    I don't think we need Edu at all. Thomo, McCulloch and Davis are all better in his position. Bring in a Left Mid and a Right Mid and i'll be happy.

    McCulloch, FFS !!!!!!!!

  4. Any jounalist who picked up a story about an online petition on a scum fans site would be roundly mocked.

    Leave them stewing in their own pish and enjoy the fact we are 9 points clear and they are self impoding.

    You may have a point there because i am hearing that the fighting was between the Jungle Bhoys and ǝpɐbıɹq uǝǝɹb ǝɥʇ
  5. Think your missing the point here, i am not talking about joint sponsorships, i am talking about how much they are against it because they are convinced that they are the good guys and we are the bigots, any lazy journalist (and we know there are plenty of you out there) can pick up on this and use it for the usual agenda (stick the knife in Rangers)

  6. Hearing that on the Celtic forum they have started a petition against the new sponsorship deal with Tennants, they say they don't want to be associated with us. They do not want "guilt by association", can anyone start one on here (i don't know how) so we can show these inbred bastards that we hate them as much as they hate us.

    They are saying that they don't want people mentioning the "Old Firm" the next time WE riot in the streets. Also hearing there was a full scale battle between 2 groups of Smelltic fans tonight after the game against Morton and moderators on all the different Smelltic sites were telling people not to post anything about it incase any "outsiders" were watching, well i was !!

    These people are beneath contempt and i think it's time we organised something to let then know that we have had enough of this one sided campaign against our football club.

  7. we probably wont be able to fill the bench again on saturday. We are seriously struggling for players. We are probably going to end up with a midfield of whittaker mcculloch edu/thomson and davis with fleck and little/lafferty up front. Or possibly edu and thomson in midfield with mcculloch up front with fleck. Not exactly filling me with confidence for one of our toughest home games. Going to be a long 90mins i reckon
    This is shaping up to be a game when the support are going to have to play a part, i just hope the moaning faced bastards on this forum wont be there on saturday and we can roar the bears onto victory !
  8. Previous posters are right , the "scarf burners" were local junkies paid by the Daily Rhetard to do it. Mo Johnstons (who was a great player) first game for Rangers was a pre-season friendly against Spurs and there were 5,000 people locked out, so much for a boycott, but these things are never reported, surprise surprise !

    are you sure his first game wasnt against airdrie?

    First HOME game was against Spurs, Rangers won 1-0, goal scored by another new signing, Trevor Steven
  9. Previous posters are right , the "scarf burners" were local junkies paid by the Daily Rhetard to do it. Mo Johnstons (who was a great player) first game for Rangers was a pre-season friendly against Spurs and there were 5,000 people locked out, so much for a boycott, but these things are never reported, surprise surprise !

  10. I think everyone is giving Lafferty a hard time (alot of it probably inspired by comments in media). Thomson has been shite since he has came back, does nothing but dives in and launch balls to nobody. I would have big lee in my team ahed of him anyday at least he shows a bit of fight. ANYWAY THE t**** ARE LOSING COME ON YOU BAIRNS!!

    Thomson was fantastic until his injury and ever since that its just not worked for him, I said when he came back to give him time but its been at least 4 months since he's been back and still no signs of improvement, disappointed tbh (td)

    How many games has ha played in the last 4 months? FFS some people on here need to get a grip, why does anyone need to hack into this site, listening to some people on here the site will IMPLODE any day soon.
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