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Everything posted by berkshirebear

  1. How many games did we draw last year where we didn't make any changes till too late in the game. We need to start gambling and turning these games into wins if we want to win the league.
  2. Not sure you can be certain they won't score!! Although hope you're right!!
  3. He did it a lot last year as well though. I reckon he's just being cautious but sometimes think this has cost us in games. Tbf I don't think it's just Gerrard as others have pointed out, Walter Smith was very similar and it used to drive me nuts then aswell especially in the Uefa cup final when I think we didn't really go for it enough!
  4. It's not just about this game, I thought it cost us in games last year.
  5. This Forum would be hell of a boring if we can't question any decisions made by Gerrard!! Gerarrd hasn't won anything yet so not such we can't question some of his decisions as if he's the second coming of Jose Mourinho!!!
  6. It's awfully decent of you to stick up for RFC though.
  7. Not criticising Ojo, I'm having a wee moan about Gerrard lack of subs costing us in numerous games, and his apparent lack of learning from these games.
  8. Are people not allowed to have an opinion... You seem really triggered, are you Ojo??
  9. I can't see how anyone can seriously argue that a knackered player is better on the pitch than someone raring to go unless it's obviously ronaldo or some other talisman. Not sure Ojo is that player yet.
  10. I hope im wrong and we get through next week and win the league, just a bit worried by the lack of pro active subs in games.
  11. I think he accused me of being suspect. And I think anyone using child abuse as banter is a bit strange to be fair.
  12. Score draw and we're out. Not saying its a bad result but don't think Ojo is so indespensible that we couldn't have given Jones a go (especially with his recent form) Best form of defence being attack and all that!!
  13. Not sure what goes on in people's head that use child abuse as some sort of banter... Think you're the suspect one mate.
  14. Yeah not like Alex ferguson ever used a sub...
  15. Because I want the club to maximise our potential?? Love keyboard warriors like you who claim everyone is suspect when they voice an opinion..
  16. Not sure 0-0 is such a great result with the away goals rule to be honest.
  17. That game was crying out for Jones after 60-70 minutes were his pace could have been a massive weapon, why doesnt SG seem to like using his subs. I think it cost us massively last year and he doesn't seem to be learning. Will it cost us this year as well?? I'm loving what he's done to the club in terms of standards etc so don't mean to be too critical, but just failing to see his plan with subs!!
  18. So why not make subs. Does my head in tbh!!!
  19. Couldn't log on. I'm assuming due to the amount of traffic but that's a complete guess..
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