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Posts posted by McGonigle

  1. Why on earth do posters put up lies like this?

    The deal IS NOT DONE yet it's passed on as fact! All that does is render the poster and the forum as chick young like.

    Poor show, and the site just gets ridiculed elsewhere, and rightly so.

  2. CW needs to start litigating

    Legally, haven't heard Mr whyte taking the BBC on in the courts yet in the news! I have a feeling he'll go for them in the courts if we win the Tax Case. In my opinion he'll be thinking 'first things first'.

    We may need positive spin in the media but at the moment the media are desperately hoping we get done so no point in any person dealing with them, articulate or not. First we need to know will we be doing a damage limitations job and circling the wagons or will we be more assertive.

    Personally I'd prefer we had our own Radio Channel, a weekly newspaper and withdrew all cooperation with the media. Just let Vanguard Bears watch the media for anything libellous.

  3. A couple of weeks ago they said it could be a matter of weeks. It's rather annoying waiting but I just hope the longer they take the better the news will be.

    It would be nice to know from which direction the news will come. Will they tell Rangers first or just make a press announcement.

    Fingers crossed - if it goes our way, I'd expect the team to react with some positive football as at thee moment they look like a team waiting on their jotters.

  4. CELTIC supporters have once again caused outrage in Edinburgh after their latest visit to Tynecastle.

    For there are reports of the Hearts ball boys and girls having to be rushed to safety, away from their positions in front of the stand housing Celtic supporters, after being targeted by a hail of missiles.

    Last season one ball boy was smacked on the head by a coin thrown by Celtic fans and needed hospital treatment for a brain injury.

    Now I understand various groups of Hearts supporters now plan to approach Edinburgh and Borders Police to demand an answer as to why there was not a stronger and more visible police presence among the Celtic supporters this week, given what happened last season.

    Hearts will also come under fire from their own supporters for the lack of a stronger and more proactive presence of stewards in the stand taken over by the IRA singing and chanting Celtic supporters.

    It is also believed that a ten-year-old schoolboy was struck by a coin. The primary schoolboy was in the area of the Wheatfield stand within missile throwing range of Celtic supporters in the away stand and was felled when things turned ugly at half time.

    There are fears among Heart of Midlothian supporters that their club and Edinburgh and Borders Police backed off as they feared a backlash from Celtic following an outcry from Parkhead supporters against police officers who attempted to control the Celtic supporters who were on the brink of rioting at Tynecastle last season.

    Television and newspapers made an attack on Celtic manager Neil The Bigot by one deranged Hearts nut, who was promptly arrested, almost their only focus, all but ignoring the mayhem which went on in the stand occupied by Celtic zealots.

    But the media did give huge prominence to wild and totally unsubstantiated claims by Celtic supporters of heavy handed policing and stewarding.

    It is a tactic which seems to be working for Celtic fans as it appears to have put police on the back foot, with the stand where Celtic fans gather at Tynecastle becoming a virtual no-go area for the police.

    As well as ball boys and girls having to be removed from in front of Celtic’s IRA chanting supporters for their own safety as missiles rained down on them and the injury to one primary schoolboy in the Wheatfield Stand, hit by a missile, there was also considerable damage to a number of the seats in the stand where Celtic supporters congregated.

    Following the knife attack on a Celtic supporter in the Celtic stand at Inverness and the Inverness steward who was spat on by a drunk Celtic fan before the match, there is now a real fear that the extreme element of IRA supporting zealots among travelling Celtic fans have scared off decent Celtic supporters from following their club.

    And that can only be bad news for all other Scottish Premier League clubs and their supporters, who must now brace themselves for trouble when the IRA zealots arrive in town brandishing Celtic colours and flying the Tricolour of the Republic of Ireland.


    They truly are animals, and as for the Police - what a shower of cowards. They walk into the crowds at Ibrox randomly picking people out while our support don't interfere, but at Parkhead thhey continually refuse to enter the crowd. COWARDS.

  5. There will always be a Rangers, whatever happens.

    If you don't want to support us if "we are starting from scratch" then you shouldn't be hanging about "supporting" us now.

    Glory hunter springs to mind.

    Glory hunter my ass. I supported Rangers all the way through Celtic's NIAR so don't give me that guff! I support Rangers NOT Rangers Rovers or Utd! To support a Utd or a Rovers would mean I've wasted all those years supporting Rangers, it will be gone dead.

    If the club dies my support won't be transferred to Utd or Rovers, and I'll bet most Bears will see it that way. It's important Mr Whyte understands this.

  6. Very strange post.... ''I'll always be a Bear but I won't start supporting a team that are starting from scratch with no history. I support Mr Whyte but I dearly hope he understands that without our past we are nothing!''

    Even if the worst were to happen, which it won't, NO history is lost FFS!

    Yer either oan the swally, listenin to too many taigs or worse?!


    I will always be a Bear but if we went the way of Airdrie to become Airdrie Utd etc I would take the view that we are no more. There would be no 54 etc. I would view us as like Third Lanark.

    Our history defines us and if Rangers Utd went on to win the title next season that would be trophy number 1. My team will always be Rangers no other.

  7. On the HMRC positive side 'if' Rangers were finished then HMRC would be denying themselves huge amounts of Tax in future years as I (and most Rangers fans wouldn't support another team) would spent the money i do on Rangers on extra holidays.

    My Rangers money would be largely spent abroad.

    What the haters of Rangers want is for us to have to 'start again' with a new team 'Rangers United' or so, but with no history to retain ie League Titles won etc. I'll always be a Bear but I won't start supporting a team that are starting from scratch with no history. I support Mr Whyte but I dearly hope he understands that without our past we are nothing!

    No retained (and growing) Rangers history would signal the end of football for this Bear, and the end of competitive football in Scotland! Let's hope HMRC arrive at a sensible agreement with Mr Whyte 'if' the Tax Case goes against us!

    I'm hopeful we'll still be here in years to come because without us there is no competition just an unhealthy one team League. Wish they'd reach a decision soon so we start rebuilding Rangers FC.

  8. We need to start fighting back. In all the little way that social media allows. We need to let all Bears now that speaking to the BBC, visiting their website, buying into there endless stream of bile only make things worse.

    Whether these story's turn out to be true or not, they are damaging our club. I for one am with Whyte 100% until proven otherwise.


    It's a small step, but we need to start getting at them. Let them know that it isn't only the Chairman who is fed up of their bile, but the paying public as well.

    Well said. If you could come up with a way of UN TUNING tv sets I'm sure many more would stop paying the licence fee and let them know why too.

  9. Nobody was going on about these 'circumstances' when we had such a big lead earlier in the season.

    Too many excuses towards Ally from some, only has himself to blame with shocking tactics, selections and signings.

    Absolutely spot on.

    He added to a squad that was playing great football at the tail end of last season and now he's well settled and Walter's influence is on the wane we get the piss poor showings. Nobody's fault but his, and if he isn't removed I honestly feel Celtic will gather momentum.

    I'd bring in Jimmy Calderwood or any other manager with experience to stop the rot.

  10. Fourthed ...or is it quadrumpled...who knows....just ban taigs like this guy at the very least and consider locking these fuds out until after the tax case......

    You really are a tiresome fool.

    I am not a Tim and yet you keep repeated yourself with that accusation despite Admin warnings at the top of the page. How on earth you managed to not get banned is amazing.

    A fool of the highest order, you must be contributing money to this site, because there must be a reason they allow you to stay unbanned.

    A tiresome fool indeed.

  11. Because every other person who joins is only interested in talking about how the club is doing ‘Poor business’ or want to start protest marches against CW and his men.

    I have yet to see any posts from certain new members that are even slightly positive or go on to post about the team and players…the focus is solely on the tax case and Whyte and Ally..

    You say stop acting childish with all this Tim stuff but the reality is if you were on here for the past month or so you would see why some turn to this because we are sick and tired of people who waste their time registering on RM just to post shite about Rangers.

    I for one am sick of all this negative bullshit that’s posted on here daily and the way I and some others see it is that it’s coming from new members all of a sudden.

    I understand and agree with most of what you say.

    I support Whyte.

    I know the negative side is a downer but I do believe it's time for Rangers fans to group together and support Mr Whyte that was the point in my thread.

    I'd love to come on, say I've won £100,000,000 and have just called the Chairman but I can't sadly.

  12. I genuniely thuink this place would be better to shut the site for registrations until after the tax case…..


    Must say you (and others, who use smiley things) and come out with these Tim inferences are very childish! I have said nothing to suggest I'm from the dark side but rather than try and argue a point you just take the easy route - turning the place into a McCarthy Communist witch hunt!

    Argue against me that's fine but act your fucking age mate.

  13. That sounds like a terrible way to do business. We have already burnt many bridges through our transfer 'negotiations'. Resorting to such pedantry will only ruin our reputation further.

    I totally agree!

    In a prefect world yes, trouble is Murray has taken us close to the abyss and we need to start fighting dirty just to survive. We can't afford ethics at the moment.

  14. If Ally said he didn't want away, he didn't want away. End of. Would believe Ally over Whyte and Russel any day of the week.

    Having read Leggat's point of view I'm in agreement with him that Jela has been angling for a move for a while now - as he said only thing preventing him putting it in writing was the 5% (£300,000).

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