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Posts posted by subcrawl

  1. I hope some of these answers are a joke or folk are tuned to the moon. Klopp, AVB, De Boer etc.

    McCall for me. Has had to rinse a new well team every season and always finishes second regardless. Also very much bleeds blue, having spoken to him I know this. Has turned over the tarriers on numerous occassions too. If he got the job we'd win the premier league within two seasons, of that there is no doubt.

  2. I think he'd be willing to take less from us than any English side (if any are really interested) as he probably feels he has unfinished business here and left under a cloud and a bit unpopular with the fans. He's made a lot of money since he left, didn't he successfully sue some team for a few hundred grand in wages?

  3. I don't get the hate for McCall here, especislly that fucking mental comment that he shites it against the taigs - he's beat them twice in the last year ffs!

    Done wonders on a shoestring at Motherwell and bleeds Rangers. Would happily take the job too, not sure McInnes although he's a bear would leave the sheep given the current situation of both teams.

  4. Until we threaten, scream and carry on like bheasts at the slightest hint of accusations we will never shake off the mhedias open season on us and tbh even if we did we still wouldn't as in a republican, Union hating Proddy hating Rangers hating Scotland we are now the real persecuted minority. Make no mistake about that celtic could be involved with another kiddy rape scandal but if Graham Wallace farted on the same day then thats all the mhedia need for another sweep sweep job. Ive given up on Scotland now and i thank my parents immensely for making sure i was raised in England.

    Quite ironic you're in Salford which is full of taigs.

  5. I don't even understand why there's talk of us possibly going into admin?

    Most other football clubs have millions of pounds worth of debt. As far as I know we have no debt whatsoever?

    If we have enough to tide us over till the summer then season ticket sales at an increased price, new kits and merchandise surely would be enough to get us through the next phase.

    I don't either. Is it because we have no credit facility?

  6. I just don't buy the shit eor even read it unless there's one lying around somewhere. In fairness I don't think you could call Jackson and Traynor taigs, though they employ that fud Keevins as the token one. I think it's one rule for the sports pages and another for elsewhere.

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