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Posts posted by Essandoh

  1. I highly doubt BBC fucking Scotland have had access to this information long before any other journalists would have picked it up, and surely its unlawful to publicise this "evidence" on national television whilst the case is currently ongoing? Can anyone clear that up?

  2. We should have moved the Tennent's sponsorship logo to the back of the strip. Below where the numbers go. Just looks silly positioned under the badge.

    Never thought of that myself, cracking idea. Though I suspect Tennent's were already pushing the boat out to have the size of their logo reduced to such a small standard, and that probably would have been a step too far unfortunately.

  3. I highly doubt that the bid will be successful, but regardless should it be then we would be foolish not to take advantage of the financial beneficiaries that it would bring to the Club. It's all very well telling the SFA where to go but this is a scenario where Rangers would lose out on a very big opportunity.

  4. Tomorrow's Daily Record:

    Rangers investor Mazen Houssami linked to Al-Qaeda

    By James Traynor and Keith Jackson

    In a RecordSport exclusive, we can reveal that the Middle Eastern lawyer has connections with the notorious terrorist group responsible for numerous atrocities against the West. In fact, sources tell us that he is the new head of Al-Qaeda, following the killing of Osama Bin Laden.

    (insert further character assassination here)

    I'm hearing that he doesn't pay his TV license either, the bastard.

  5. "So we've approached this with complete flexibility and we have approached it on the basis that this not a one-year or two-year deal, this is a five-ten year plan."

    I guess this is something that many in our support need to realise. The next few years by no means - assuming we can hold onto the bulk of this squad until the transfer embargo is over - are going to be years of failure where we'll struggle to hold onto 2nd place like certain green puppets of the papers would wish you to believe; however times are going to be difficult. This isn't all going to fix itself over night. We need to have patience, even when faced with a bad defeat on the back of another unexpected result.

    United we stand.

  6. Great post!

    What is happening in Scotland this year is wrong. Rangers Football Club should not escape any punishment; but Rangers Football Club should NOT be subject to discriminatory, biased, draconian sanctions imposed by an unfit and improper footballing body who couldn't run a tap nevermind a football association. As you have stated above, Rangers Football Club has more than received its punishment. It's a disgrace. People have tried, and are continuing to try, to kill my football Club and I'm not going to stand by and do nothing. That kangaroo court up at Hampden will have blood on its hands - and it won't be the blood of RFC, it will be the blood of Scottish Football.

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