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Posts posted by iconicman

  1. bunch of sensetive wee souls..... :lol:

    The world must be a hard place for you guys to live in with all these people making such nasty comments.....

    The comments were in poor taste and annoying. The propaganda against our club continues and should be challenged.

    The man is a :wanker: and it's interesting to see there is the 'humour' defence available to him on national radio yet not to our fans for some songs.

  2. All

    I'm sure many of you were as incensed as I was with Richard Gordon's comments on Sportsound, asking whether the Hamilton Chairman would rather have a terminal illness or manage Rangers. I complained and received the following, fairly toothless response

    Thanks for contacting us about BBC Scotland’s ‘Sportsound’.

    I understand you felt comments made about terminal illnesses and Rangers swere offensive.

    Your comments were passed to the Editor of ‘Sportsound’, who has asked that I forward his response as follows:

    “Thank you for your comments regarding Richard Gordon’s interview with Ronnie MacDonald on ‘Sportsound’, broadcast on Saturday, 14th April.

    I’m sorry you were unhappy with the comments made on the programme.

    As you know, this was at the end of an interview with the outgoing Hamilton chairman. The transcript reads:

    Richard Gordon: "So what happens for you now Ronnie, do you move and start elsewhere with another club, what do you..."

    Ronnie MacDonald: "I've had a lot of theories this week; I've had everything from terminal illness to taking over Rangers."

    Richard: “Which of the two would you prefer?”

    This was intended to be a light hearted remark but, having spoken to Richard Gordon, he accepts that it may have caused offence to those who have relatives in such a state and regrets the comment, which was made in a live broadcast.

    Thank you, once again, for taking the time to contact us.”

    Yes, it would seem it's perfectly acceptable to make such disparaging remarks about our club, it's all in humour after all. We've no right to be annoyed that our club is derided so unless we have relatives with a terminal illness? :wanker:

    Strange there is the humour defence for others and not for us.

  3. D&P are obligated to report any 'financial misconduct' at RFC in the three years before administration -- to the Sec. State for Business. Why is it taking them so long to report the conduct of SDM and Shyte? This is a legal obligation on their part --- another failure on the part of Dumb & Dumber??

    It's not something they'll do lightly and anyway, their first priority is securing the best deal for creditors and trying to keep the business continuing.

    If the club ends up in liquidation (either by newco CVA or doomsday) a liquidator has far wider powers to sanction directors of companies.

  4. Pfft.

    St Johnstone deserve nothing from The Rangers support. Nothing at all. And, preferably, nothing at all right now.

    The team deserve backing from the Rangers support this season, I care nothing for St Johnstone.

  5. Hasn't King said for the past 2 months liquidation was inevitable? Seems he may well be right.

    I don't understand what the sticking point is. Unless ALL of the bids contain conditions that prevent the administrators accepting them, they just need to pick the best one for creditors, then put it up to a vote.

    It might fail and liquidation happens anyway, but I just don't understand what is preventing attempting a CVA.

  6. It's not unfortunately. The decision has to be made only on the balance of probabilities, not beyond reasonable doubt.

    I don't believe that is strictly true. Yes, in general civil cases the burden of proof is on the balance of probabilities and not beyond reasonable doubt.

    However, tax law is something else. It might look like a duck, quack like a duck and smell like a duck, but if you've got the legal letter that says it's a swan....

    Tax specialists make their money by making ducks not be ducks.

  7. 00000042.gif We are on the whole very attached to our club, but as you say that does not attach itself to getting together and righting a perceived wrong

    Which I believe it the correct behaviour. We all support the one club, and leave it at football on the pitch. It's the others that take it beyond the pitch that are the problem.

  8. Is it possible we don't appreciate how much shit we are actually in. I feel fucking sick.

    I think many people believe we're too big to fall. We're not.

    One thing is for sure, the fans and public are not being made aware of the stumbling blocks, so we can't comment on who is to blame. Whyte? Ticketus? HMRC? Bidders secretly want liquidation? Who knows, because we're not being told anything.

  9. Simply deluded. He has more resources than all our opposition except one. We got our asses kicked this season pre-admin and it was all down to very poor tactics and management.

    In saying that I like how Ng is turning out. I hope he isn't a fan of "wong bawl" football though. :P

    So given this situation, where we out muscle everyone except Celtic, then where would you expect us to finish in the season? A comfortable second? Check.

    Ally deserves credit and a chance to manage just a football team, and not a club going through crisis.

  10. We might be out of administration come the World Cup...in Qatar <cr>

    More likely it seems stalling tactics are being employed until the result of the FTT is known, presumably, negotiations are on hold until HMRC know where their bargaining position starts. £100m or £30m?

    Wish to fluck we could fast forward to August.

  11. The administrators are insolvency practitioners, not football Chairman, and temporary placements at that. They have no power and no SPL Chairman would take anything they have to say into account. I'd be surprised if they were allowed to speak.

  12. I'm not sure about forcing the share on us, as being a new entity would mean we have a choice to accept or decline.

    There must be something else that hasnt been mentioned yet, because Rangers in any form is undoubtedly a better prospect than no rangers (in terms of the spl). Not saying the SPL should show us a better deal than we have at the moment but this is so shockingly biased that i can only think we are missing something.

    We'll see but I'm pretty sure it's the plan to hold us in the SPL while screwing us over at the same time. We get heehaw, they get Sky deal and travelling support.

    Win win for them.

  13. Faslane

    Agreed they are not idiots; greedy, self serving, Rangers hating scum yes they are, not idiots.

    Boss already touched on this but I believe the plan is one of the resolutions will force newco to take the SPL share, therefore we'll be unable to join Div3?

    Wouldn't put it past the skeelit buggers to force us along their path. We might find an unexpected ally in Celtic. If we choose to side with the SPL10 in the changes to the TV money and voting rights, we'll probably end up with more cash (assuming we're hamstrung to finish second), plus we have more ability to adapt to the new finance structure than Celtic does.

    Perhaps we can agree a veto each?

    The enemy of my enemy is my friend and all that.

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