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No Hablo Inglés

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Posts posted by No Hablo Inglés

  1. British players are, generally, shit and overpriced. Would you really prefer paying £35m for Andy Carrol over getting Özil for £10m....thought not, your idea is shit. (and I can give so many other examples) Also I am sure this would only perpetuate the long ball shite that we see too often right now, I would honestly rather we signed only Spanish players if we were going for something like this.

  2. Never laughed at a maddie mccann joke? How about cancer? Black folk? Asians?

    Fuck off ya bunch a hypocritical cunts

    Shut up ya fenian bastard!

    Who's the hypocritical cunt now? You can give it out about people you don't know but when it comes back you reply with the typical "fenian" response because you're too stupid from years of heavy drinking to mask your depression and living in a house that is ravaged by mould to be able to properly form even the most basic of arguments.

    This joke is not nearly as bad as a cancer joke, people care about the many cancer victims. No-one cares abut your shitehole home and no-show father.

  3. is it any wonder we,re in such a mess when me and some of our fans are just fucking stupid use and I have let the side down by the way .best about it is I no who I are

    Completely agree with what you are trying to say. The hobos and junkies here in the Netherlands speak better English than some (use know who use are) on here.

  4. forget the crap about Sky, forget everything about sudden rule changes, forget buzz words like "sporting integrity".

    The simple fact is if we got into SFL1 those bassa will get their cake and eat it. One season of tightening their belts knowing we will be right back giving them the gravy train again. Whereas div 3 will give them time to implode as i don't see banks holding out on the debts till we get back to restore the missing fund levels

    WE WILL SIMPLY CLIMB THE LEAGUE SEASON AFTER SEASON BACK TO THE TOP!! but will the likes of ICT, hearts, aberdeen, St Mirren, etc? after all if we are sent to div 3 it sets the precedence and i would be quite happy to see their "sporting integrity" make them languish in lower leagues for a number of seasons.

    SO DIV 3 could give us the bonus of not having to suffer the likes of the sheep for a good 6-7 years.

    Because it is currently so entertaining to watch us play such strong SPL teams, overflowing with quality, such as St Mirren ...could probably do with a little implosion to be fair on the rest of europe who cannot compete with us.

    You honestly want the quality of opposition to be even more shit?...which in turn will make us even more shit. Is the football on show now to good of a quality?

    Am I the only person who still sees football as entertainment and not simply a way to piss money away every Saturday?

  5. The loan was not due for settlement and the loan repayments had been kept up to date.

    If that were truly the case then Lloyds could not have done anything to influence us. What exactly did LBG do that is so shameful? (Genuine question) Was it pushing through the sale of the club? or putting their own man on the board? Neither could have been done if we were run correctly....and as a bank in such times their number one priority is to get the money back. If they were to answer to football fans before their shareholders then that would be complete business malpractice.

  6. Yet more propaganda from the anti-Greens :lol:

    D & P talked to Lloyds about this before Green took over.

    The only thing that concerns me in that article is that LBG are involved at all.

    After their shameful treatment of us before, why are they still in the picture ?

    What shameful treatment? Trying to get money back that was lent to us?...I sure hate those people who try to get you to return a loan.

  7. Can someone please tell me why it is assumed that we know more about the finances of other teams in the SPL than the chairmen of such teams? If any of the clubs were in the slightest danger of going bust then they would say yes 1000 times....

    And this love we seem to hold of the SPL decimating itself, we must realise that one day we hope to be back there, and are we to be so vindictive as to wish the whole league is weaker, which will lead to football that is even worse than the shite that we witness every week already (not rangers, the majority of other teams). Cutting off our nose to spite our face? It might be hard for some of you to consider right now, but football is entertainment, and as the entertainment level drops, the fans will leave, and everything will go to shit.

    This is the kind of paranoid bullshit in-fighting that has ruined scottish football for everyone involved. We don't need this.

  8. I try to support england...i really do, but when you hear the match buildup and they talk about joe hart being the best keeper in the world (competing with neuer) and how casillas and buffon are past it, and that gerrard is world class (he has the positional and tactical intelligence of a retarded monkey), it just creates this desire inside me to see them proven wrong as they are living in some kind of fantasy land.

    Now I know this is not representative of every england fan, but it is my main input while living here in the Netherlands, and interestingly, the Dutch also seem to want england to lose...they say its something about arrogance...

  9. People will die, companies can be liquidated, but an idea will live on.

    That is what Rangers Football Club is, an idea, we will continue to watch the club that our fathers watched, supporting them in the same way. We are the people, we are the same people as before, and nothing changes that. We did not cause this, and nor shall we be punished for this, we shall enjoy watching and supporting our team as we always had, and as long as we believe it is The Rangers, then it is the same Rangers as always.

    The essence of any club is its fans, not the name of the company, so let us fans now forge a new era of success for The Rangers, adding to the 54 titles we have already witnessed.

  10. Rangers' potential new owner Charles Green admits he plans to spend less than a year at the Ibrox club.

    Green is heading a consortium in place to buy the financially-stricken outfit and will find out whether his offer to creditors is sufficient on Thursday.

    Rangers director Dave King has accused Green of lacking the funding to take the club forward beyond then and predicted he would not last a season in charge.

    Quick exit

    Green denied the first accusation but admits he sees turning round Rangers as a relatively short-term task.

    The former Sheffield United chief executive told the Daily Record: "Dave King said he didn't think I'd still be here in a year's time and do you know what? He's right.

    "It isn't my intention to be here longer than that.

    "If nothing much is added to what I can see on the table at the moment I believe I can get over all the hurdles in a year.

    "I'd be very disappointed if I am not out of the club quickly."

    Green revealed the personal benefits he anticipates from turning around the club.

    "I'll be getting £2million in shares, not cash," he said.

    Green's group have pledged £8.5million for creditors, the vast majority of which is due to be repaid with interest from the club by 2020.

    Rangers currently owe Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs more than £21million and that figure could more than quadruple depending on the outcome of a tax tribunal.

    Green has urged fans to exert political pressure to ensure the tax authority accepts the reduced payments on offer.

    "Fans should be urging their politicians to apply some pressure so that the CVA is accepted," he said.


    Green also insisted the funding from his investors, only two of whom have been named, was in place and he would not be able to use season-ticket money to fund his deal.

    "The first-phase funding, £10million, is all there," he said.

    "Yes, I will raise £20million more and I say that well aware of just how difficult it is to raise money these days."


    I actually quite like this guys honesty and pragmatism (not that it matters because he is all we have), and he seems to have a good vision of turning the club around quickly and then passing it to someone else to take it to the next level. Also, I think the £8 million debt he is owed will end up being part of any takeover at a later date, so it shouldn't really effect the club, and to be honest, I think it is very justified if he and his consortium end up saving the club. Don't want to talk too soon though.

    EDIT: I see that this is from his interview on RTV so most will have already seen it, could an admin delete if necessary. Thanks.

  11. The problem is that although they hit us with something that wasn't in the book...they have much worse punishments available to them that they chose not to use, now, because of the inadequacy of the book they may need to use such punishment.

    If we were hit with something much wore than what was available we should have gone to court, but in this situation it was fairly stupid because it just pisses off the people who have to give us the punishment and a simple look at the rule book would show that this was actually not such a bad middle ground between the low punishments and the high ones.

  12. I almost feel like its worth an experiment...create a fake account, say the same about Lennon, and see how long before it is noticed. At which point absolutely bombard everyone with complaints about Regan saying the same.

    Obviously start it somewhere a little untraceable ;)

  13. Even down to the glasses and track suit. Norwich play pathetic football, and he will get found out at Villa. It might take two seasons, but Villa have a bigger problem than someone like Lambert can solve, and that is that they are playing in a League that is three tier, and they are stuck in tier two, and will be there till the money bubble bursts.

    Not having a go at you...but can you define "pathetic football" and if it differs from a certain players description of us as playing "anti-football"? If not then is the latter more justified than the former, as the gulf in wealth in the two circumstances is similar.

    Just want to hear your opinion on both, I will never slate someone for wanting to see teams play entertaining football, as that is what football is about, entertainment.

  14. Diouf first and now this. There are some players that I just don't want around my club no matter how desperate we are. I am far from a traditionalist and I realise that the modern game is very commercial and leaves little room for sentimentality, but ask yourself one question...what would you say about him if celtic were the ones trying to sign him right now? I guess something along the lines of "horrible player who suits that club perfectly", only a few months ago I saw people on here wanting him out of football completely, supporting your team is one thing, but changing your ideas as soon as a player is linked with us is irrational.

    Also, I don't think he is good enough, "bite" is overrated completely in scotland, i'd take a good passer like ness or mccabe over him any day...we have had too many players in recent times who cannot play football but get into our team because they hit players hard and try hard, which explains our recent ass rapings in europe. Im looking at McCulloch and Edu among others.

    I just also want to say that I'm not directly accusing anyone of hypocrisy in the first paragraph, it is just my judgement of the general mood around here. ;)

  15. Excellent proposal. By already signing a contract for a £5.5m buying of the assets it puts pressure on the creditors to accept the £8.3m CVA...HMRC simply cannot reject that, they are impartial and accountable to us citizens and therefore must take as much money as they can get, which is through the CVA. No matter how bitter they may be at losing out on however much they are owed, and the actions of the previous board, they simply cannot professionally refuse the CVA now. Other companies, i.e. Ticketus, must do what is best for the shareholders, and that is to get as much money as possible.

    I am positive about our situation for the first time in many many months now.

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