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Kaiser Wull

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Posts posted by Kaiser Wull

  1. One thing that really posses me off is the amount of numpties who lump us in with them as if it is an old firm thing and are not capable of separating us from them.

    Aye, that is a real pisser.

    As Bogtrotters pointed out, compare our club's reaction to being deprived of a Champions League Final by a club that was busted for cheating to Septic's reaction to being denied a penalty that *might* have resulted in them reaching a domestic Cup Final in one of Europe's smaller leagues.

    So are we the same as *them*? No. Not even close. And I'm very grateful for that.

  2. Heard Collins on the news last night. Arrogant self-loving prick of a man.

    Just want answers. We asked a question and just want an answer. Blah blah blah.

    If this cunt was chocolate he'd eat himself.

    That'll be the same John Collins whose blatant handball prevented the Netherlands from scoring a goal against Scotland at Euro '96, will it? He got away with it, and I don't recall the Dutch sending a letter to UEFA...

  3. http://splwatch.blogspot.in/2008/08/stephen-mcmanus-scores-handball-goal.html

    ICT might want to use this for Meekings appeal. John Hughes was the Falkirk manager at the time, isn't Karma a bitch!

    Good spot. If the SFA can use DR 200 to retrospectively punish players guilty of deliberate handball (and I don't think Meekings was) then why have they waited until this very moment to do so? And if it represents a change of policy by the Compliance Office then the question must again be: why now?

    Answers on a postcard, please...

  4. Deer SFA,

    We wis pure robbed ' n that. That refuree wis shite. He wis letting thae Invurness fans oan tae the pitch, so he wis. An' thae wur pure throwin' oor players doon in the boax, so they wur.

    So gonnae dae sumthin aboot it, no? Mebbes ye could rellygait Rangurs back tae divisyun.... eh ye ken the wan that comes efter too. Well, that wan. An' gie us the cup an aw. An gonnae tell big Yogi that he's no suppost tae beet us, no?


    Septic Eff See

  5. Checked some other fans websites, Hearts fans are convinced the videos are a piss take. Certainly if you put them all together its like something out of Little Britain. Little Ireland maybe. I must say reading these threads is the funniest thing I've seen in a long time.

    They're the only fans in the world that are a parody of themselves...

  6. That's not he point. Surely we should have been afforded the opportunity to do so.

    Absolutely. Our lads were running on empty. Given a few days rest, the players would have been fresher and Walter would have had more time to plan for the final. Sure, Zenit had better players but we had a strong team. The SFA's bias (fuelled by you know who) against us cost us the chance of a proper tilt at the Europa League as well as the SPL title.

  7. Trust me mate, if I felt I had a choice I wouldn't be voting for either. As things stand it will be Labour with a heavy heart.

    What I'd much rather is a proportional representation system so I can vote for what and who I really want.

    I'd like a 'none of the above' option on the ballot paper. Right now, it's a toss up between voting for the least unpalatable option (which isn't good enough in a supposedly advanced society) or not voting at all.

  8. Sheriff O'Carroll there's your answer right there,becoming a tarrier cesspit of a country can honestly see us going the same way as NI as more and more get sick of the hypocrisy

    I don't get the impression that he's interested in football. And I can tell you that he's not exactly the most popular Sheriff east of the Mississippi.

  9. It defies logic.

    He was convicted of assaulting a police officer, having been placed on Community Service for a similar offence last year. On top of that, the BBC reported that he had several other convictions for assault and breach of the peace. That's more than enough to justify a custodial sentence, yet Sheriff O'Carroll decided not to jail him.

    However, the lad who sang TBB (which was a stupid thing to do, but didn't cause injury to anyone) gets four months in jail courtesy of Sheriff Crozier.

    In any society run by people who don't sit on their brains*, the guy with the penchant for attacking cops would go to jail and the idiotic singer would get a methaporical kick up the jacksie. Not in Scotland, though.

    To misquote Hamlet: something is rotten in the State of Scotland...

    *(or have a certain agenda...)

  10. Scottish Nhazi party and Lhabour are carving this country up as we speak. even more so after the votes.

    Can honestly see this place turning into an international joke. Fuck, I was talkin to a Texan a while back, and he laughed his ass off at us.

    I can remember when we used to laugh at America for being a law suit country and how pathetic it was... Now they laugh at us (from northern Canada to Florida)...

    Fat Sam and sturgefish have a lot to answer for

    The people who put those idiots in power have even more to answer.

  11. It's hard to imagine anyone being quite that stupid and selfish but...

    Sadly, human nature being what it is, that's not so hard to imagine.

    May, 1985, was a horrible time for football - Heysel followed less than three weeks after Valley Parade. In total, nearly 100 people went to the football and never came home.

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