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Everything posted by RangersForMe3

  1. We certainly feel there will be a financial benefit as well as the numurous TV appearances that give certain people the motivation to run the saverangers campaign. There is nothing to suggest that saverangers is about fan ownership, it all points to fan representation on the board and we all know who that "rep" will be. This is where our concept is different, we are not interested in the spotlight, that naturally would come with success, but this is what we hope will be the remit of the figureheads, if say it was Walter Smith etc then they would be the ones to convey the fans ideas to the media, it would also cut out expenses too. TBF, this is was Dingwall has so many people at his beck and call because they all want to be famous. We wont be interested in media engagements and the like, we just want our club back.
  2. Repeatedly said what we are trying to do. It isnt as simple as it seems, these people are busy and you need to get contacts that know them. It is ok to say we need this and we need that, we know we do, we have said we do We are trying to get this to happen, once the first door opens, then the rest become easier. We are hopeful of speaking to a wealthy fan at the game today (not Paul Murray) If anyone knows Paul Murray we want to put some ideas to him.
  3. Nobody said they have to run everything by the fans, that is ridiculous As for the rest, thanks for your input, it has been received and noted. I look forward to seeing what you are doing to try and help and then we can all be as disrespectful as you are.
  4. Questions always welcomed mate, hopefully that covers what we are trying to do bud
  5. Yes mate one idea we have had is regional meetings/leaders to get the word out, it sprang up from having people spread the word to the bears around them overseas. All help will be appreciated and most certainly needed mate
  6. I am sure i replied back to every post, as i always try to do mate, sorry if i didn't, it wasn't intentional if i didn't. The numbers dont really matter, nobody knows for sure how many fans we can get to sign up for membership, we all have opinions on it and they all differ, some say it can be achived, some say it can't, nobody knows until we try. The point on doubling it is just going to alienate fans IMO, if they want to spend £200 why not just buy 2? Due to demographics it will be hard to just get a meeting organised, hopefully at the next home game we can arrange one, but the problem is that not all fans can make every game. We have been offered a venue in East Kilbride F.O.C for meetings, so that is another option, but again demographics and spare time for everyone make it hard to get a meeting together. Am looking at the possibility of having an online meeting on a temporay MSN thing where we can all be invted in to one single chat and have the meeting online, that way opinions can be met with nthe highest number of fans attending. It is quite clear in the first Step that the idea hinges on multiple people heading it, we have made that clear from the start it is the main important factor, and we are trying hard to get access to these type of people to show them the model, but it isnt easy to get connections with them, but we are making some progress as we speak. We are aware of the backing we may well need from wealthy fans, but we are addressing that situation hopefully at the game today we can get the idea discussed with a wealthy fan, there is also the possibility that donations can be made if the worst comes to the worst if 200 people chipped in £2 a week or whatever figures the costs per week ran at, at this stage things like this would be discussed at the meeting. As for fans on the board, ideally that is the vision, but any fan wishing to be put forward for the board would have to present their credentials and reasons why they believe they are the right man for the job and then let the members vote for which they think is the best options based on credentials and experience of being able to do the job. There is a possibility that some of the lesser known wealthy fans may be the options. At this stage as long as the person has the right ideal (that he see's Rangers in the way i do) and he has the ability to do the job, they would have my vote, but they would need many many votes to get that far, and be multi successful in various projects and businesses they have been involved. Anyone with petty agendas and self interest would be quickly dismissed with no support, which is one reason why this works. There will be no one man in charge, it will be a joint thing, which is why the voting system will work, if we screew up it will be the majority who have screwed up too and not just one guy pushing his beliefs. This is for the fans by the fans And i would like to make it abundantly clear from the off I HAVE NO INTEREST IN BEING ON THE BOARD OR HAVING ANY RUNNING OF THE CLUB. I want no limelight, i am just happy plugging away in the dark making this a success, let the people who are the best for the job do what they do best. All help is welcomed mate, we need it, nobody knows more than us that we need to move fast, but it isnt as easy as that, firstly we need to make inroads into getting access to the people we need to see this, we are doing that but it isnt easy to get to these people and i have asked repeatedly for help from ADMIN/NARSA/UB/TBO etc on this thread. We cant do it on our own, but we have a base model that over 90% of the people who have seen it want to support it. I keep saying it The time is now
  7. Thanks mate, we need as many of the fans onboard and to spread the word, momentum will quickly gain.
  8. It's not that simple, do you have any idea how we can get access to him? We are struggling, but we are working behind behind the scenes to get the right high profile people in, next week will see us have a website/twitter/fb and blogs then word will really be out. In the meantime, spread the word to your friends and family who are bluenoses, any bluenoses.
  9. He has access to the RST accounts, he has access to all the interest, if he spends money on behalf of the RST then he is spending money he is making from interest. I'm out
  10. Excellent mate, the more people who are willing to help the better, i agree its an area that needs to be looked at properly but we have so many more important issues to work on just now, that side of it will take care of itself.
  11. Good man, glad to have you onboard, spread the word to all the bears you know. The time is now
  12. Thanks mate, much appreciated. I would have preffered he looked on the link so he can see the reaction, but hey ho beggers cant be chosers.
  13. But he baited me by saying you said he was stealing and did i agree that he was stealing.
  14. I never said that he is stealing money from the RST. I did say that they surely must be benefitting from the interest on the account. And it is also not in Rangers best interests for them to have it. So as i know this is a never back down point, i am no longer going to waste my time banging my head against a brick wall chatting to you about the RST because i have no interest in them. They do not speak for me.
  15. Well it must be making interest, he will have access to it, what if he gave the exact money owed to RFC, do you think he wouldnt use the interest or keep it there? Regardless of whether he is buying his groceries with it, it is in an account it shouldnt be making interest.
  16. Not just your opinion mate, that is why it is clearly marked Step 1) it is fundamental and we are trying to get into the mix where we can get access to the right people.
  17. I tried but i couldnt find anywhere to message him privately, i did put it on his all on his athlete page, if you could send him a link to the thread and he can sign in with his facebook and leave a comment that would be amazing mate. I would dearly love to speak to him about this. As for help, any help would be appreciated, with leaflets etc, we wont go down that road unless we have the front end people in place.
  18. Cheers mate, we need all the support we can get.
  19. It is truly disgusting they are sitting with 100k of our clubs money making that man money. It shows his lack of heart for the real cause, his only cause is his cause. Is he going into games yet? or still sitting in the WRC counting his mag cash? The man is hoodwinking the bears and the worst thing is, they cannot see it.
  20. It hasnt garnered a bean, pledges from people, and they reckon they have removed all of Timmys fake bids. Just because they clumsily smashed out saverangers as they knew the net was closing in on them getting their arses on the board, doesnt make it the right vehicle. Infact i truly believe that they did it solely to stop anyone else having a fair crack at it and that my friend is far from in Rangers best interests
  21. So we should all blindly back Dingwalls feeble attempt to hoodwink the fans into posturing him on the board ar RFC? It is that kind of blind optimism that will get it in massive trouble, should he succeed. I would rather have SDM back in charge and i cannot stand him.
  22. Because i am passionate about trying to save the club lol Saverangers isnt the only scheme that can be organised, there can be many, just saverangers has too much "baggage" with too many folk Personally i feel the RST is mugging off the fans with this, just my view.
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