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Posts posted by CraigG

  1. ....Is a certainty. Keep calm.

    There are no certainties and we'd better stop thinking that there are. This league is going to be a battle and there will be a lot of hard fought games, not the easy stroll that some predicted. If we go into games assuming we will certainly win then we are going to be in trouble. A lot of it is attitude.

  2. I Missed the 1st half today but what I seen in the 2nd and the other 2 away Games simply is not good enough.

    I know these teams will have full teams behind the ball but surely the players we have should be able to pass there way through??

    We have had some terrible ref decisions but blaming them does not cover up the incompetence being shown by our players!!

    Mr Mcoist will need to boot some arses or he may find Mr Green will boot his!!

    when a full-time professional team fails to beat a bunch of part-timers, not once, not twice, but three times, then it is legitimate to start asking questions. I know it is still early days but it is entirely possible that we won't go up this season if this form continues. As I say, it's early days and we could win the next five games by big margins but it's not wrong for people to ask questions now.

  3. Btw, its not all about us being stronger, some of us have morals and a reason to support Rangers. Maybe if more of us realised what a vile set of cunts they were back then, we wouldnt be in this position now. Silver trophies mean fuck all to me, if they are won using the enemies players.

    That, and your other comments don't make you a 'bad' supporter. They make it sound like you are no sort of supporter at all. I'm not saying you're not a supporter, just that your posts make you sound like that.

  4. It is going to take time. Despite where we are, every third division team will treat playing against us as a cup final and will be dying to beat us so they can say that they did. They have had a pre season etc and we have not. I say give us time.

    Maybe we should start treating every game as if it is a cup final.

  5. Don't we ever learn,,, yeah let's buy more players, always the Rangers way, if it's broke, pump more money in.

    No, we must have a foundation of how we play the game starting with the youth up to first team, all play same way, then we can bring in youth as they know the system.

    Unfortunately, we will never have that with the staff we have at Ibrox, sorry.

    I was really hoping that we would go down the youth development route. However, I fear more duff signings may be to come.

  6. Whenever you get over your 'Scouse not English' phase, and therefore get over yourselves, give us a call and we will happily welcome you back into civilized society!

    I've never used that phrase in my life and it is only a minority of wankers who do. Do you always generalise about people when armed with such little evidence?

  7. :lol:

    Scousers don't belong amongst the human race never mind the champions league.

    There are thousands of Rangers supporting scousers. No-one like us and we don't care, eh? The likes of you don't even care for the people who do like us, so fuckoff.

  8. I'm on the phone but if that guys location says Liverpool or such like he's been screaming bheast for moths

    So having a different opinion from you makes me a bheast? And you wonder why people hate us when you insult fellow fans like that? With fans like you we don't have much need of enemies. I seem to remember that you wanted us to go out of business rather than receive a licence to play.

  9. Could you point us to 'these pricks' who think that supporting The Rangers means you need hate everyone and everything else?

    If you can - I'd hate to think you were unable to do so.

    And then, if you can indeed point to 'these pricks', explain how 'these pricks' do so much harm to, ahem, 'us'?

    You and RFC52 for a start. I think I've explained about the ahrm you do with your self-centred attitudes.

  10. Could you point us to 'these pricks' who think that supporting The Rangers means you need hate everyone and everything else?

    If you can - I'd hate to think you were unable to do so.

    And then, if you can indeed point to 'these pricks', explain how 'these pricks' do so much harm to, ahem, 'us'?

    OK then. People like you whjo accuse anyone with a dissenting opinion of being a taig. You are obviously unaware of any faults of your own so it is up to others to point them out. And yes, I do think thjat expressing hatred for the followers of every other team, including the national side is likely to instill a negative view of all things Rangers with the followers of those sides. But you know best about everything so I am obviously wrong or worse still, a taig.

  11. I assume you are one of the deserters - the ill informed who equate supporting your national team with supportting the SFA/SNP - then again you have demonstarted time and time again that you dont have the intelligence to make or follow a logical argument so no surprises there !

    I await your considered response - although I expect it will be are your normal level of either selective quoting, making things up or name calling and swearing.

    Well said. I can't stand these pricks who think that supporting Rangers means that you need to hate everyone and everything else. They do so much harm to us and are blind to the damage that they cause. Anyone who has that 'no-one likes us, we don't care' has serious issues.

  12. I think people might have been getting carried away in expecting a full house for a match like this. It's East Fife - that is not a big draw, especially as there are going to be lots of games against that sort of team this season. It's no good saying that you should only go to watch Rangers. That is not how most fans will look at it. On this boards, people will talk about how many tickets they are buying but boards like this are not representative of the majority of fans.

  13. We have a chance to play a certain way, that should be replicated through all our youth teams , like Barca, so when anyone is called upon they know the system and can fit in with no worries. This will be a hard couple years but we must rise to the challenge and let's play slinky football, a passing game, will take time, but we must do away with the punt up the park football.

    It's a great idea but we'd need Barcelona quality coaches to do it.

  14. Well m8 you could say that hillwalkers/mountain climbers are just as fuck'n stupid..but hey they're not supporting a football club :craphead:

    And they are not getting Rangers a bad name. FFS, if it was say an Aberdeen fan, you would be calling for his head. Let's leave the hypocrisy to others, eh?

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