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Everything posted by tgishome

  1. There clearly is no point in trying to talk to you and those like you as your lack of understanding, common sense and any level of decency know no bounds. You and those like you are the reason the clubs fans get a bad name. It's a shame really that Rangers Media had fell to this level as the idea of having a site where reasoned and educated argument could take place without attack and profanity, shame on you and those like you!
  2. Well sonny, not being able to offer anything other than profanities proved my point about your education, or lack of!
  3. I am sure that you know the role a director should play, our clearly are not, don't think I called them spivs, but if the shoe fits?
  4. You clearly don't read posts before going off on a rant, either read and understand or leave it alone?
  5. Just because you don't understand, don't get too excited? A lack of transparency tells you that nobody can say or will say where the 22m has gone so you can only imagine (have an opinion of) where it has gone. They spent it, why not declare it, every penny, every other company can?
  6. What makes you think its a good idea to give the directors even more money, King is trying to buy the club with the fans, what part don't you understand?
  7. Its your opinion, so no need for an answer that has you ranting, especially "half fu"
  8. He will not buy the shares at the moment as the current board will just envelope that money as they have done so very well in the past
  9. Unity will never happen as long as the people running the club do so in a similar way to recent and current regimes, what Mr King proposes offers positives and the least we could do is listen?? 120 day review...please!!
  10. 1. I think you will find that penny shares are sitting as options to our directors and manager for whenever they wish to cash them in, in addition the £1.5m emergency money (that the directors said they don't need) can be paid back in penny shares to Lax/Eas if they so choose. Try reading the statements to the stock exchange for your information 2. I think, again, listening to financial analysts (who know more about it than me and you) have stated that the deals are poor and better could have been sought elsewhere, "clearly the directors wished to keep the deal in-house" in other words for their own personal gain?? 3. Not a made up statement just an opinion on why they directors need 120 days (BP can complete a business review in 30 days) 4. As I said, just my thoughts and thank you for having a normal discussion!!
  11. Why would anyone in their right mind give cash to the current regime, the one thing they have proved is that they can make money disappear without consequence?
  12. Firstly, lets listen to his plans to "put up" and then judge him Secondly, the "call to boycott" is an alternative way of securing you money and supporting the team
  13. Given the troubles Murray, White, Green and the current "lot" have caused/are causing, all of which who have been less than prudent (at best) with the clubs finances, I am amazed at anyone who wishes to slag-off Dave King as some "fans" are doing already, after only his opening statement. The current board issue penny shares to each other for future huge personal gain, take on poor commercial loans against club assets, operate like a secret society, take 120 days for a business review and seem incapable of bringing in new investment. Mr Wallace (I was at Man City so can be trusted, why?) asked for 120 days to complete a business review, currently larger world-wide corporations take between 14 and 60 days, Rangers need 120 days?? (is day 121 the season ticket sale day I wonder). Surely Rangers fans are not this naive? Mr King seems to be open to investing large amounts, bringing together other investors and involving the fans at a senior level so why not at least wait and see what he proposes (we are currently waiting 120 days for the directors), if not good then we can move on from him. I can understand that fans are fed up reading about the off field issues but we must focus on securing the best long term future for the club. P.s. Would all the characters that look to insult posts for no reason other than their lack of education, resist doing so to this post as it won't bother me but will make you look like no better than one of the other lot!!
  14. My spelling is correct, was that your point or are you just another dimwit that just likes to abuse?
  15. http://leggoland2.blogspot.co.uk/ Good read from informed, unbiased journalist that offers the legal opinion that is if Whyte is convicted the club can seek recourse for all lost revenues and punishments. Now wouldn't that be fun?????
  16. Dear genuine, free and able thinking Rangers fans (all others can leave now) I previously posted a note calling into question the loyalty or lack of it of players who will decide not to join newco club, I was lambasted left, right and centre with even my loyalty to Rangers called into question by the "hard of thinking" and now what I was talking about has come to pass. (!) I fully understand that throughout this saga the players have been kept in the dark as much as the supporters, I also understand that they, like us mere mortals need to look after themselves and their families (poor souls who stuggle to survive on a weekly wage many of us have as an annual salary) but I wonder: 1. How can players expect "normal thinking Rangers fans" to believe their bullshit about past loyalty and love of the club when they are like deserting rats fleeing from a sinking ship (which we are not) 2. Players were seen by many as heroes (by God don't they enjoy reminding us of that fact) at the time when they agreed to take between a 25% and 75% pay cut for a 2-4 month period. Given the average wage of £15,000.00 per week, the poor souls had to get by with only an average of £7,500.00 per week, how did the poor wee souls survive for all of nearly four months?? No doubting it was a genuine gesture at the time but now we have hit rock bottom, where is that "love for the club", that "loyalty"?? 3. Messrs Naismith and Whittiker are at pains to emphasise that it is not a financial decision, how dumb do they think we are.... obviously mental and those who fall for their lines clearly are!! 4. The players reasons for leaving are "not financial" but are for "poor communication from Green" and "the lack of knowledge on which Division they are playing in next season"? Ok, communication point is valid but far from fatal and if they only waited until 4th July they would know which division they would be in (why not train or stay away till then, I wonder why not?) 5. If it not for greed then should we assume that their massive signing on fees (because there is no transfer fee) will be donated to the club "they love", "its about our ambition as players, not money"......"? I see all who decide to jump ship as traitors of the lowest order, forget the "good luck, you did well for us", politically correct bullshit, although perhaps cleansing the club of these two-faced badge kissers will be good in the long term although many of the hard of thinking will no doubt question me as the players are heroes, remember?????? To be fair the Green camp should have been keeping them in touch with what was happening through the administration period and only sending them an email last week is poor practise but it does not make him the guilty party in the players desertion! Go with our wishes......to hell!!
  17. Firstly you are right, under TUPE regulations the transfer should be agreed between the two parties, Green and Co should have shown more respect and even now an apology and a "let's talk" would be helpful. Agreement is best practise but is not necessary in law. Also under TUPE regulations the club have no choice but to transfer the contracts offering continuity and security for the employees Secondly, they did take a wage drop of between 25% and 50% (average wage of £15,000 per week) and had to survive on £7,500.00 per week (average), poor souls must have really struggled but to be fair it was a nice gesture as we tried to survive via a CVA, I did note only McCoist and McCulloch offered to finish the season for nothing!!!! Lastly, do you really think players give a flying shit what fans say? Reality check needed here!
  18. POOR POST Just because you do not agree with me does not mean it is a poor post. You still see departing players are our hero's and thats ok if you are under 10 years old, I see them for what they are (by the sounds of things, so does Ally McCoist) strange that!! PAY REDUCTION Between 25 and 75 percent reduction on massive wages for a four month period.....nice and helpful (at the time) gesture but nothing more! Taking £15k a week as an average, I think they could survive on £7500.00 per week for a few months... how did they manage? NO REASON, WHY SHOULD THEY STAY Its called loyalty (giving McCabe his break, giving Aluko a higher stage to perform after doing next to nothing at his four previous clubs including the mighty Aberdeen) and given the probability that we will only spend 12 months out of the SPL, its hardly a hardship over the full length of their career CELIK Expectation of being a Champions League player, if you saw him play I think you know that was a non-starter. He, like Wylde whom you don't mentioned, scamperred at the first sign of trouble and should be remembered for doing that and not for attempting something positive! PLAYERS THINK OF AMBITION NOT MONEY Who are you thinking of, are you high? Greg Wylde - who is he playing for now? Mervan Celik - the Champions League player now at FC Nobody (not in Champions League) Some moves muted in the press like Davis to Southampton (EPL relegation fight, no silverware or Europe) McGregor to West Brom (EPL mid-table at best or relegation fight with no silverware or Europe) will move free of charge with a huge signing-on fee as no transfer fee and very good wages...............ambition, grow up! WHATS NEXT Might be a good idea to wait and find out where we will be playing before prostituting themselves to the highest bidder THINGS WILL NEVER BE THE SAME AGAIN Calm down, Rangers have gone through administration etc, nobody died! Over a perion of the next 3-5 years Rangers will return to the top and enjoy all that brings including defeating those who wish to put us out of business currently, be fighting for silverware and titles and after 3 years playing again in Europe So grow up, calm down and resist from slagging off other peoples opinion just for the sake of it
  19. POOR POST Just because you do not agree with me does not mean it is a poor post. You still see departing players are our hero's and thats ok if you are under 10 years old, I see them for what they are (by the sounds of things, so does Ally McCoist) strange that!! PAY REDUCTION Between 25 and 75 percent reduction on massive wages for a four month period.....nice and helpful (at the time) gesture but nothing more! Taking £15k a week as an average, I think they could survive on £7500.00 per week for a few months... how did they manage? NO REASON, WHY SHOULD THEY STAY Its called loyalty (giving McCabe his break, giving Aluko a higher stage to perform after doing next to nothing at his four previous clubs including the mighty Aberdeen) and given the probability that we will only spend 12 months out of the SPL, its hardly a hardship over the full length of their career CELIK Expectation of being a Champions League player, if you saw him play I think you know that was a non-starter. He, like Wylde whom you don't mentioned, scamperred at the first sign of trouble and should be remembered for doing that and not for attempting something positive! PLAYERS THINK OF AMBITION NOT MONEY Who are you thinking of, are you high? Greg Wylde - who is he playing for now? Mervan Celik - the Champions League player now at FC Nobody (not in Champions League) Some moves muted in the press like Davis to Southampton (EPL relegation fight, no silverware or Europe) McGregor to West Brom (EPL mid-table at best or relegation fight with no silverware or Europe) will move free of charge with a huge signing-on fee as no transfer fee and very good wages...............ambition, grow up! WHATS NEXT Might be a good idea to wait and find out where we will be playing before prostituting themselves to the highest bidder THINGS WILL NEVER BE THE SAME AGAIN Calm down, Rangers have gone through administration etc, nobody died! Over a perion of the next 3-5 years Rangers will return to the top and enjoy all that brings including defeating those who wish to put us out of business currently, be fighting for silverware and titles and after 3 years playing again in Europe So grow up, calm down and resist from slagging off other peoples opinion just for the sake of it
  20. It is the law of the land..... if the club wish to renegotiate the players contracts they must gain the agreement of the players. Should the players say no then the original contracts stand until they agree a new deal or the contract ends
  21. Alnic 3856, not very well written, perhaps you should follow your own advice and "Keep Calm". If you read a book, read one on employment law that confirm that staff who agree to a transfer of contract under TUPE regulations are guaranteed their previous terms and conditions. Before you lambast a fellow supporter, think and if thats too much to ask then read appropriate material that may educate your mind
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