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Posts posted by jebus197

  1. I'm done anyway guys. (For the night at least). It's interesting that most of you (although I'm no longer convinced the 'majority') just don't get it. If you had half a brain cell to share between you, you would have worked it out that the way to win is not to play the game. (To quote a favourite movie of mine). We are and have been widely despised throughout a lot of Scottish football because we (along with 'that other team') have developed a reputation as being a bigoted club with a significant minority of really quite unsavoury fan support.

    We have not made a good go of winning friends in the past. The evidence is all around for all to see.

    I stick by my original comment. We have an opportunity to change that. There's nobody left to hate. Except maybe the SFA and the SPL. But we get to have the pleasure of getting on with playing football while we watch from a safe distance while hopefully these guys all implode. What I'm saying is we can just make it about fun and football and we don't have to care about any of that crap any more.

    The best way we can win is to give these guys nothing to hate. To carry ourself with pride and dignity all the way back to the top. I'm not sure 3 years would be long enough for us to forget about Celtic, or for them to forget about us. But there's no gurantee that in 3 years Celtic will still even be there, or be playing in a Scottish league. I have it on good information that they are shortly about to post their biggest annual loss in their history. They're scratching their heads over why this is happening, but the reality is our departure from the SPL has hurt them hugely too.

    So the way I look at it, it's a divorce. I would almost be happy to see Rangers never play in the SPL again, at least not under the current structure and management of the SFA and SPL. If that means the divorce becomes permanent, then so be it. The fan base and the support for this club clearly aren't going anywhere.

    I just think we can build something good out of this. Something even better than we had before. And if that means we ditch all of the hatred and bigotry too, then all the better.

    I don't apologise for hoping for something better, or for holding our fans to a higher standard than the opposition, because that's exactly how we prove that we are better than them.

  2. Big man on an internet board, bet you would not say that to any bears face you cockend

    I've said it to plenty of Rangers supporters faces. And Celtic supporters. They took it in good humour. You forget, not everyone is as narrow minded as you ...

  3. What is the club's history the OP is wishing to deny ??

    I think he's refering to the part of the history where some supporters seem to think you have to be a bigot in order to be a supporter of this club. Lol. I have plenty of evidence that you don't.

  4. but being a bigot is not necessarily a bad thing. Its a word used to make you feel bad and think that what you are doing is wrong.

    That's not always the case i think most people would find that a hatred and intolerance of Nazism is a justifiable bigoted stance for example

    So you want to have a big old Nazi love in? Lol.

  5. Your hatred for something makes you a bigot. Everyone is bigoted in someway now fuck off and take up morris dancing or some shite with yer taig pals

    I don't have any 'taig' friends. I do however have several Catholic, Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, aethist and agnostic friends. I would happily spend an hour in any of their company, than I would in minute in yours.

    I bet you kneel down and pray to an effigy of King Billy every night, lol.

  6. You realise the irony of this statement, don't you.

    I make no excuse for despising bigotry and those who indulge in such practices. Also I am clearly in much less of a minority than you think. To hate hatred is probably the only good use for this particular emotion.

    In any case for those guys still puzzling over a decent definition of bigotry, you could do worse than read this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bigotry

    See how many of these criteria you meet. Run a little self test if you want. If you feel some, or all of it might apply to you, then it's pretty likely to be a safe bet that you probably are a bigot.

    I'm not saying anyone here is, but it might help you decide for yourself. ;)

  7. Bud I understand where you come from with this. However it fails to take into account a variety of circumstances. If we were a group in isolation than yes we can easily choose the likes and dislikes of the group. Characteristics and group consensus will shape that .

    Its called groupisim its basically the same thing that allows young men to fight for their country and feel proud of it.

    As a group we have a responsibility to that group to defend it and yes even attack those that want to destroy us.

    Now I am not advocating we go over and start killing them, but the form of war we are waged in is a fight against oppression, they would have us feeling guilty about being proud to support Rangers and they do this by attacking the group identity. They try to erode our identity and make it look to be something that is wrong

    Doing nothing and ignoring it (dignified Silence) will do nothing as the people will only hear one side. The attacks grow bolder and then it becomes a perceived truth.

    So yes I will use the terms I wish to describe them as long as they continue to threaten my right to do so.

    Oh and I am an atheist its nothing to do with religion for me the words I use to describe them are just that words

    I'm just making a stand for my own. And that's all. Whatever else people here say they subcribe to or believe in, as much as I love this club, don't make the mistake of thinking I have to subscibe to it too. I wouldn't make a good sheep.

  8. Racism now. Fuck you are doin well here. What Racism do you encounter at Ibrox?

    Infact Psb from on here is Asian and is a ST holder, surley he would hear all this awful racism?

    I didn't say there was racism at Ibrox. I said I hated both racism and bigotry and that they were seperate issues.

  9. Sectarianism and/or bigotry is no more prevalent at our club than at any other club in the country. I have no idea what the OP is getting at. It's in the nature of football fans to sing songs that will offend and irritate fans of the opposition. This happens all over the world!

    Maybe football just isn't for you?

    I'm all for songs and singing. I just draw the line personally at racism and bigotry. Other people may have other standards they choose to live by.

  10. I dont give a toss what you think, I dont need people like you telling me how to talk think sing celebrate or anything else, the Republic of Scotland is the way it is because of people that think like you, I hate people like you with a passion now piss off back to where you crawled from

    No hard feelings mate. I just as equally pleased that I'm not you.

  11. Get to fuck back to the sewer with the rest of the underclass of Scotland you ignorant fuckin prick, dont fuckin come on here spouting your shite I am sick to fuck of cunts like you with your words of wisdom now FUCK OFF

    I'm in awe of your eloquence!

  12. It really pisses me off when some hand wringer comes on here spouting shit like this.

    Unlike many Rangers fans I'm an atheiest / agnostic, am not a supporter of the monarchy and have no feelings about the Irish issue except hoping fervently for a lasting peace.

    But protestant faith, loyalism, and support for the monarchy are a major fabric of our history and the glue which binds much of our support.

    I'm totally accepting of that. Despite being a non monarchist, I'm an ardent supporter of the British Union, I enjoy all the old Rangers and loyalist songs and I accept and love the club for what it is; a major British institution and a broad church of which all can join the congregation.

    What we don't need is handwringers who try to re-write history and tag us as sectarian bigots.

    Either accept and love the club for what it is oR FUCK OFF.

    No mate, you have it wrong. Indeed the point I made is that not all of us are secterian biggots. Maybe you missed it?

  13. I am a Rangers fan first and foremost, I am proud of my club and happy with the history and roots of the fans that support the club, I dont buy into all the PC shite we have been forced to endure because A:It has not made one bit of difference to Scotland and its view of Rangers or its fans and B: those on the other side of town do whatever they like without the persecution we have had to endure, I am proud to be British and proud of every one of my fellow fans, I am fed up being told what to do what to sing and how to behave, I am 48 years old and a very successful businessman so being brought up in a fiercely proud Rangers family through the 70s 80 and 90s has done me no wrong, maybe its time we got back to those days of good Protestant values because it certainly never did me or my family any harm.

    God Bless the Queen

    No one should force anyone into anything. You have clearly made your choice. But the way to really beat a man is to stand above what he does and to not live by similarly low standards. There is a lot of resentment in Scottish football against us (and aginst Celtic) because we are seen as a 'secterian club'. Now I think there's no need for it. Guys on here might be busily inventing new scapgoats and new reasons to go on hating - but we have a clear 3 year (at least) window. Hating can be such a tiring thing. I hope if maybe we do go through this period of time some of that hatred will just run out of steam and petre out.

    Anyway I didn't do this to gain rep as I knew exactly the opposite was likely to happen. Nor did I do it to criticise anyone else, or to extol the merits of PC, or because I think other people should think or behave the way I do. I did it because it was important for me to make a stand for what I believe in, regardless of what it might cost me.

    I don't care if I'm in a minority. Before I came on this forum, nobody ever questioned my loyalty or support for this club. But some of the guys here have done what no one else previously has managed to do.

    Thankfully I have found I'm not alone. So I probably will 'fuck off' and spend more time with all of my 'taig' anti-secterian friends.

  14. This may be old news and might have been posted previously - and I know I am probably going to be called a 'taig' and lose the remainder of my rep for saying this, but I just read this and thought it was an excellent piece: http://www.therangersstandard.co.uk/index.php/forum/article-debate/588-no-more-old-firm

    I want to throw my hand in wholeheatedly with this perspective. Reading around certain people's comments on these matters often made me cringe and made me think twice about why I supported this club. It's not something I can change. I don't feel I have or ever had any choice in the matter. Like most people, the club we support is just something that get's passed onto us by our Dads when we are very small.

    But I don't support secterianism in any shape or form whatsoever. I cringe at even the very use of the word 'taig'. I have never sang a secterian song in my life. I don't care about the Queen, or Jesus. They mean exactly nothing to me. What I care about is to watch 11 men run out on to the pitch and play their hearts out, for a club that (for better or worse) I love. In a sense this club are the only connection I still have with my Dad, who died several years ago.

    Now you might call me strange, or 'weird', or you might go off on some rant about me secretly being a 'Tim', or a traitor or,, question my sexuality or whatever. But here's the rub. You're wrong. And no doubt as alien as my perspective may seem to you, those who do sing secterian songs, or hold secterian sympathies or beliefs (Catholic, Protestant, Hindu, or Jewish, or whatever) are uttely and completely alien to me.

    Maybe all of this is over some folks heads here (or maybe it's under them lol), but I like what this guy has to say. I know a lot of Rangers fans are still smarting from the experiences of recent months, but I really think we have a chance to put all this crap behind us. I come on this forum and I regularly read comments about 'taigs' etc. and everyone just seems to take as the norm, as though it's something that should be accepted. But I think we have a chance to do something that wouldn't have been nearly as possible in the past. We can effectively forget Celtic and the whole secterian deal for at leat 3 years. Hopefully if we can live without it for 3 years, we can lean to live without it permanatly. There is no excuse for it any more in the division and in the position we're in. Some guys here might think that's tough logic, since 'the other team does it and all we are doing is giving them the same thing back.' But that's such an utterly idiotic perspective that it beggars belief. The way to win at this game, the way to really win and to beat your enemies in a way in which they can have no reply, is simply not to do it.

    Make it about the one thing we all care about most, which is watching those 11 good men and true play football. For us for the time being, Celtic can effectively 'cease to exist' Maybe we'll encounter them in an occasional cup match or whatever, but they are hardly a significant blip on our radar. I would love to take my wife and kids to see all these unique and intersting parts of Scotland that Rangers will travel to -and to Ibrox too to see home games. But right now I'm still nervous about that, as the secterian element is often still all too evident.

    But anyway, go ahead and vote me down. I'm not sure that this is a popular perspective around these forums -and if the evidence is anything to go by, I'm probably a minority.

    The Good news is I'm not alone. There's a Facebook group for people who think and feel like me with in excess of 600 members so far: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Rangers-Fans-Against-Sectarianism/139824442752365

    No doubt I'll be told to fuck off there permanantly if I'm not always happy with the way things are done around here - and sometimes I have been tempted to do exactly that. (Due to my many downvotes for not singing along to the same song sheet as some of the guys here). But at least now I know and can be happy that if I do, I won't be alone.

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