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Posts posted by jebus197

  1. This sporting integrity crap is a joke. The SPL and SFA are blackmailing us for 2 million quid. Neither of them can survive without it. I say tell them to go fuck themselves and we start negotiations to form a breakaway FA and league with Longmuir at the head of it.

    If anybody could get a hold of this guy and plant this idea in his head, it could work.

  2. You have to declare your said 'Duress' when the agreement is made, for it to be known. You cannot agree to something now, sign for it and then declare in two weeks time that you did it under duress, much like is being suggested here.

    Too many people are trying to pretend they know the law in the case of Rangers and the SFA/SPL!

    McCoist stated clearly that he did make his objections known.

  3. Longmuir holds all the cards I think. His position could be a game changer. Literally. If he decides in favour of Rangers and the SFL and decides that Scottish football needs a shake-up, he could do it. Don't forget that as much as the SPL need to pay the SFA their 2 million membership fee, the SFA need that membership fee money too, in order that they can survive and function.

    I hope this guy sees this and plays a smart move. Many clubs in the SFL actively want a shake up of football in Scotland - and if this guy is as clever as I hope he is, he sounds like just the guy to do it.

    The SPL and SFA want their cake and to eat it. I don't think they should get it.

    The removal of titles is outright blackmail. We are effectively being blackmailed for 2 million quid. Sporting integrity my arse!

  4. There will be NO taking away of titles. Any suggestion of this should be considered bunk. They may try, but if they try they will spell their own demise - and the demise of the SPL - and probably the end of the SFA too. I'm not convinced that ending the tyranny of the SPL isn't in the best interests of everyone anyway. But we do have some bargaining power on our side.

    I just want to point out that this really is an attempt to humiliate us and to rob us of our history. You guys are optimists, which is good. But if the SFA did succeed in this plan, it would total the single largest punishment heaped on any club in the history of professional football. The humiliation would be real and almost impossible to recover from. It's a symbolic act that says, 'hey even though you say we can't take your history from you, we're taking it anyway!' They want to reduce Rangers FC to little more than a footballing joke. And it would be a joke. As optimistic as you might be, it would be a shame like no other levied against any club previously.

    This is a non-negotiable position. Period.

    It's also worth pointing out that if these guys cause the downfall of Rangers, or stop us from playing this season, or try to impose any more penalties on us they will instantly become among the most hated people in Scotland. I'm a peaceful man, but I wouldn't like to be in their shoes if that happened.

  5. Let me put this as briefly as I can. 2 Million quid. That is our bargaining chip. If the SPL don't get our TV rights then they can't afford to pay their SFA membership. If they can't pay, no premier league teams can play. The fallout will be the collapse of the SPL.

    But what better way to hit back at all those fuckers who tried to screw us? It might mean a season without football, or playing non professional games, or finding ways to play games outside of the league structure like testimonials. but at some point, somebody has to blink and admit that it's time Scottish football was radically rearranged.

    Lets deal with the corruption in ALL of the game, lets deal with the living on budgets we can't afford etc. They are all hypocrites if they think we believe any corruption was limited to Rangers. Lets sweep out the stench and start with a new brush.

  6. You have to admit it's exciting. It's a Mexican stand off of epic proportions. Who will blink first? Will the SPL blink and give in to our demands for punishments to end and for TV rights to be retained by the SFL and Rangers - so that we can cut our own TV right deal? Or will Rangers blink and accept more punishment/blackmail in the form of stripping titles?

    I say we don't blink. These guys know that without us it will be the end of them and probably the end of the SPL too. They know we can take them down with us. They are clearly extremely concerned at this prospect. The SFA clearly feel they are holding some significant cards and can cut a deal that is truly in the interests of Scottish football. That's why they have said that the SPL will be treated just like any other bidder.

    I say FUCK THE SPL! It's time for a change. There's no reason why we should sell our TV rights to them, not without some pretty major concessions at least. Even then I'm still inclined to say fuck them! Because what happens if Scottish Premier League football collapses? We'll put simply all those fuckers who had it in for us get their comeuppance.

    It takes balls to fight, because we could lose. But what other choice is open to us now? We have taken every punishment that has been thrown at us so far. It has to stop somewhere. Also why shouldn't we throw some of the mud back that's been thrown at us? The SFA know that we (the Rangers fans) pay a large proportion of their wages. We have a chance to cut corruption out of the top flight of the game for good. We do this by causing the collapse of the SPL and the SFA.

    It's exciting times boys.

  7. I posted this in another thread, but nobody read it it seems:

    OK I hope I see a plan. Can we not all call Sky and ESPN and register our support for an exclusive bid by these companies to bid for all the games in SFL division 3?

    We can fight back. We can fight all those people who tried to fuck us. We can persuade them that screening Premier league games is pointless in Scotland without Rangers in it.

    Let's tell the lot of them, all those players, all those managers, all those pundits and journalists who made a living off our backs to go fuck themselves.

    Also my guess is this mass trend in Sky cancellations is beginning to bite - and Sky may no longer see the SPL as a viable financial proposition. Lets make sure that trend continues and accellerates as much as possible.

    What I would like to see is nothing short of the collapse of the entire SPL and the SFA - and for us to play within our own league, or a restructured SFL - with honesty and integrity at our core from the outset. We must be single minded and determined in this goal. I think it is possible and that it can be achived. The current system is corrupt, unworkable and unsustainable.

    We are the greatest club and the greatest supporters in the world - but the one thing we have to our advantage is people power - and we have a lot of it. So get on the talkshows and get spreading the news. Make the SPL the most unpopular league in the world that no one in their right mind would touch with a bargepole. If we are offered promotion at any point in the future (if it still exists) then we should refuse it.

    They wanted a fight. So I think we should give it to them. The Rangers fans should say no to a SPL TV deal on our games. Get phoning the Rangers hotlines, or whoever the fuck is in charge of the phones at Ibrox and let them know our position. We have a chance I think to take the entire SPL down with us if that's what we want.

    And don't just call SKY once, call them maybe 4 or 5 times, or as many times as you can afford. Each time you will get a new operator. Tell them the SPL is worthless without Rangers and that you do not nor would not support any deal involving the future involvement of the SPL in screening Rangers games. We can fuck them if we want. But we only have a short time to do it.

    Be polite, tell them you were a subscriber but that you want to talk to someone and make a complaint about your subscription. Tell them that you are considering renewing - but that you want to check some details before you consider doing so. Make sure you express your support for Sky screening SFL division 3 Rangers games exclusively. Tell them that that's the only way you would renew your subscription.

  8. OK I read that thread and I hope I see a plan. Can we not all call Sky and ESPN and register our support for an exclusive bid by these companies to bid for all the games in SFL division 3?

    We can fight back. We can fight all those people who tried to fuck us. We can persuade them that screening Premier league games is pointless in Scotland without Rangers in it.

    Let's tell the lot of them, all those players, all those managers, all those pundits and journalists who made a living off our backs to go fuck themselves.

    Also my guess is this mass trend in Sky cancellations is beginning to bite - and Sky may no longer see the SPL as a viable financial proposition. Lets make sure that trend continues and accellerates as much as possible.

    What I would like to see is nothing short of the collapse of the entire SPL and the SFA - and for us to play within our own league, or a restructured SFL - with honesty and integrity at our core from the outset. We must be single minded and determined in this goal. I think it is possible and that it can be achived. The current system is corrupt, unworkable and unsustainable.

    We are the greatest club and the greatest supporters in the world - but the one thing we have to our advantage is people power - and we have a lot of it. So get on the talkshows and get spreading the news. Make the SPL the most unpopular league in the world that no one in their right mind would touch with a bargepole. If we are offered promotion at any point in the future (if it still exists) then we should refuse it.

    They wanted a fight. So I think we should give it to them. The Rangers fans should say no to a SPL TV deal on our games. Get phoning the Rangers hotlines, or whoever the fuck is in charge of the phones at Ibrox and let them know our position. We have a chance I think to take the entire SPL down with us if that's what we want. We have a deadline of 5pm Monday to get calling. No Surrender! And we get to make all those cunts pay!

    And don't just call SKY once, call them maybe 4 or 5 times, or as many times as you can afford. Each time you will get a new operator. Tell them the SPL is worthless without Rangers and that you do not nor would not support any deal involving the future involvement of the SPL in screening Rangers games. We can fuck them if we want. But we only have a short time to do it.

    Be polite, tell them you were a subscriber but that you want to talk to someone and make a complaint about your subscription. Tell them that you are considering renewing - but that you want to check some details before you consider doing so. Make sure you express your support for Sky screening SFL division 3 Rangers games exclusively. Tell them that that's the only way you would renew your subscription.

  9. the funniest thing would be if we had a sky deal and the spl didnt.

    that would be the biggest fuck you possible

    Yeah we want the rights to our own games. We need the cash, right? So why not bid for them ourselves?

    Unless (which is probably inevitable) the SFA have written it into their own rule book (half of which they just make up as they go along) that they require a bung from us in order for us to have licence to play.

  10. And as a result of his actions he has ruined his reputation with a lot of supporters. All he has done since he started this campaign is talk nonsense, absolute nonsense. Thought he was putting in a bid last week for the 10million that it would (according to him and the goalie) take to buy out green?? Turns out like all the rest of his stories, it was garbage and he doesn't have the money. His actions of trying to get fans to starve Rangers are a disgrace, and damage this could cause could be catastrophic. If he wants to organise a fan buy out, then fine, do it, but no need to wage war against the current regime who by all accounts have done nothing wrong, although in the eyes of bombers brigade investing in the club to make a profit is a heinous crime (far worse than fronting a bid for a couple of yahoos to buy the club).

    What would make me get behind someone, is someone with genuine leadership qualities, shared goals and a level of intelligence that I can a)respect and b)think will be appropriate to guide us forward. Bomber has none of these qualities and his actions now appear to be more about a personal vendetta against Green than anything else. So feel free to join Browns vendetta and put the club which you no doubt claim to love in serious jeopardy.

    Totally agree. Bomber is no leader of men. He is the leader of morons. A moron among morons. Why would anyone trust him at the helm of this club? We get that he's a fan. Great. We're all fans. But there's hardly a man here who would really say (unless they were demented) that they have the know how and confidence to get us out of the mess we are all now in.

    As for a fan buy out, see above. It's a noble idea. But not if it involves having a bunch of totally moronic fans, without any business experience and without any kind of business savvy whatsoever, as the board of directors of our club, where every major moronic decision is voted on by these fans and implemented. If you really want a bunch of alky neds running our club, that's up to you. But for me, this sounds like a prescription for disaster.

    As a measure of just moronic these guys are, try asking them why they think wrecking the club, just because Bomber tells them to is a good idea? The majority of them won't be able to give an answer, except that 'bomber said it was.' The few that can answer will tell you that they think (or bomber thinks) that wrecking the club will force Green to sell it to Bomber and Co, probably for a £1 (given that that's probably all he has). But they don't have the brains to understand that damaging the club even more, will cause it to shrink even more - perhaps to the point of having to sell off major assets - like Ibrox for example. On top of that we would probably have to go through all this same shit all over again (SFA and division 3 entry etc.)

    So do let us know when all of this starts sounding like a good idea.

    This may not be about Bomber. But no doubt if he hears about it and shows up, he will probably try to hijack it and try to wreck the club a bit more.

  11. 24 hours with no more bad news? I can't remember the last time that happened. I wish they would just give us the fucking licence and then tell us the worst that is likely to happen, so we can deal with it and move on.

    Also can someone please explain the logic of fan on the above forum - and on this and other forums too, saying they won't renew their season tickets in response to Rangers accepting sanctions? I must be dim, but I really just don't understand it (except I've noticed that a lot of fans seem to be quite easily led lol). Are they just morons or something? What do they hope to achieve? Do they not understand that not renewing their tickets will condemn Rangers to history? How can you say "I'm not buying a season ticket", and then in the same sentence shout "WATP!" ? These aren't rhetorical questions BTW. I'm really struggling to understand how their minds are working?

    How can you say you don't want anyone else to do anything that will hurt this club, - and then say if they do, then you will do everything in your power to hurt the club too?

    Have these guys taken the wrong kind of drugs or something? Or are they really, genuinely just that dumb? (Again not a rhetorical question.)

  12. How refreshing this forum is. Over in facebook land, the support is almost unanimously in favour of Brown and boycotts etc. They seem to have him down as some kind of freedom fighter, or new messiah on there.

    Me, I think no matter how passionate somebody might be, it doesn't make you by definition a good owner of a football club. What we need is cool business brains to get us through all of this - and I just don't think that Brown has anything nearly like what we need in this department.

  13. Puhhhhh. Is that the noise your hoop makes when you fhart?

    I don't know who that's referring to mate, but I think those jokes are kind of old and stale (if you'll excuse the pun.) Just because some fans are near their wits end after reading so much bad news that just goes, on and on, and on, doesn't make them a Tim. There's no one inventing bad news or bad publicity here. We don't need to, as sad and gut wrenching as it is, there more than enough to go round for everyone.

  14. When is the f***ing nightmare going to end! I'm losing sleep, my wife is sick of me talking non stop about it, the cat stays out of kicking range and even my 2 year old keeps saying "daddy, be happy!" I wish they would just sort it out once and for all, today, preferably, then we can all get back to the real business of football! Christ, I feel like we are all extras in a really shit eldorado type soap opera!!

    I feel your pain mate. Lol.

  15. This really is the definition of a massive "cluster fuck"! Any hopes that we might be near the end of this process seem to be all but dashed! As this rate they'll be humping our corpse hard for months to come yet. From all of the above, from a very unappealing menu, only a Scottish cup ban would provide a reasonable compromise for everyone. It would be a way of clearing the decks and to allow the process of recovery to begin.

    But how much can we depend on the SFA to deliver this? There are enough people who want to see Rangers dead to far from guarantee this. They could just as easily take any of the other options open to them through this process. This includes a playing ban and expulsion from the SFA. (Which is the same thing.) What's the odds that there aren't people in the SFA who really want to see this?

    Also there are new daggers waiting for us further down the line when these supposedly illegal player payments are investigated.

    You guys think we can survive anything. But we can't survive if our investors lose interest and walk away, because we are banned from playing football, or banned from the SFA (which is the same thing), or if we are forced maybe to pay back money we won due to past title victories. It's almost getting difficult to keep track of the multitude of different ways that we're fucked!

  16. I think some of you guys need to get on message. You are not helping the club by threatening not to buy tickets. The club may have no say in the matter. Green and Co. can't just go into the SFA and 'batter them', or 'kick their heads in' and make them change their minds (or however you imagine these things work.) But by not buying tickets the only thing you are punishing is Rangers - and you'll be doing it a time when the club may be at the weakest it has ever been. Where's the fucking common sense in that? You will effectively be voting for the end of Rangers for good. Period.

    So what are you guys saying? "We will follow for as long as it's a good enough deal for us to bother." You are all throwing conditions into your loyalty and support now? What happened to the unity and saying you would follow to the end? I think maybe the only answer to this thread is that either you should follow or fuck off. If you can't support this club at a time when it needs you most, then when can you be relied on?

  17. The punishment should fit the crime. Almost every guy here accepts this. Division 3 wasn't an easy choice, but it was an honourable choice, that a lot of guys here were prepared to make. But the punishment just goes on, and on, and on. I mean FFS!!! It has become completely ridiculous. It's almost like some people are trying to erase this club from the face of history - even going as far now as to threaten the stripping of titles.

    We are just a fucking football club. What these guys did was wrong - but there's no way that the fans deserve to go on endlessly suffering as a result of this.

    Besides which a lot of the punishments are BS. They really, genuinely have no basis in law. The only reason we are forced to play along with them, is because the SFA hold the big stick of a licence to play in division 3 over us.

    Sure we could have taken punishment. We did that and we did it with dignity. But all the rest of this shite is just utterly vindictive now. The SFA could have drawn a line if they wanted and said they thought demotion to division 3 was punishment enough (which it is). But day by day, they seem to spend their time dreaming up newer and ever more bizarre ways to fuck us over - and to try to destroy us as a club forever.

    A better solution I say is to disband the SFA permanently and to rethink the entire structure of how Scottish football is managed and governed. Better still the guys at the SFA should be invited to *emigrate* from the shores of this country, preferably never to return. (Certainly at least not as free men, lol.) Even if the second part of this plan is slightly impractical, the correct solution, if this battering continues any further, is simply for all of the members of the SFA to go. I think this should become the central focus of our attention for as long as it takes us to achieve. If any of them have swords they could fall on, now would be a good time to look them out and to give them a good hard polish.

    Someone does need to take the fall for all of this - and I'm sick of it all just being about us.

  18. who gives a fuck what tom boyd says :lol:

    Yeah I hear that. But I just want to know how bad it's likely to get? I don't want to wake up to any more surprises. Every morning I type 'Rangers' into Google, I have draw me breath before I hit the enter button. I'd like that to stop. Very soon if possible.

    Also I don't really agree if this thing about stripping titles does gain steam, that it's completely meaningless. A club in large part *is* it's history - and that history isn't something you can just imagine, or make up, or rewrite when you feel like it. If that were the case, you might as well say that you're supporting a brand new club.

    It might not go that way, but the track record in people screwing us hasn't been great so far. I really do think there are a lot of people who would like to see us gone from Scottish football for good. If you do read on other fan forums, as much as this would hurt them financially, this does appear to be the prevailing viewpoint. A smaller, much less rich league, where all of those teams that may have felt they got squeezed out in the past by the Old Firm hegemony, might get a better crack of the whip. I suppose it must get kind of boring watching your tiny spit of a team, get beat by either Rangers or Celtic for the millionth time - and to finish nowhere in the league yet again. So I guess you can understand some of their motivation. But a lot of it really is just hatred. Some of these clubs probably will sink - and they would clearly rather that, than see us prosper.

    The thing that worries me, is how bad might things get before some of Green's backers start to pull the plug? Things are too much of a mess at the minute for anyone to jump in and take over, since they would clearly have to face all the same shit. Just because they are Rangers supporters doesn't mean they would make any better an effort of it. After all, Rangers fans haven't exactly had a great track record in making good business decisions so far.

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