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Posts posted by BlueVanguard

  1. When Novo becomes a Free Agent we should get on Twitter and give him a wee push, End of the day its his choice and i would rather he would choose us instead of the Fans egging him on he should want to.

    If he doesn't sign then you can blame those fucking bastards that gave him nothing but hell by targeting his home because he played for us

  2. haha some crackers there i forgot to add mine

    If i scored it would be the Obv Gazzas Flute celebration

    with my music being the tune of flute for 50p haha

    I would also run and hug a few of the fans with joy and probs shite myself and have to change my underwear with the Roar of Ibrox i would make my fringe fall off

    Changes to Ibrox would be a We Are the People, Rename a stand 9 in a row

    and a nice big Ally McCoist statue outside Ibrox along with a Walter Smith Statue and Stand

    :21: :21:

    P.s I did panic because i know theres some guys on heer who love to give out a roasting just for there own self pleasure hahaha :lol:

  3. Just wanted to start a thread guys about all our Dreams

    My dream is to run out the dug out for the best team in the world

    while simply the best is being played and the Best fans in the world cheering and singing

    Just the question is if you played for Rangers and i know most of use will want unpaid and play for free which i totally agree with and would do the same but if you could get 2 things from Rangers every week instead of a wage what would it be.

    how would you celebrate if you scored

    what would be your music if you scored


    or if you could make several changes to Rangers what would you do if you owned a big stake in Rangers. Would you change any parts of the Stadium open a new shrine in honour of McCoist etc

    Just got bored haha just love the bears so much that i go into dreamland

    there's a 50/50 chance i could be slaughtered for making such a Shite topic haha

    but it was just a general idea

  4. Honestly mate read the op again.

    Think on my part i read half the story and jumped the Gun.

    Whatever came across my mind at first i just typed it down anyway Realizing OP is right now i still don't regret what i had wrote just in case any Guests or members do think what i was getting at

    Full apologies OP my bad, Totally agree if you where meaning when was explained there with Fans walking away because of the bad times we went through just get built up a lot Over not having a ST i guess. Sorry

  5. It sounds like if you dont have a Season Ticket then fuckoff your not a real fan and have nothing to do with being a Real Rangers fan.

    Season Ticket holder or not supporting Rangers through the good times and bad times counts for a lot even if its not attending Ibrox. Think its just a touchy subject thats all mate, Lot of fans who dont go to Ibrox may feel hurt and let down they cant attend the games or they dont go.

  6. I had a job last year and did not have a ST does that make me a disloyal fan, Ill always support Rangers and any fan who says a fan without a ST is not a real fan then that's bullshit

    If i had a job then i probs still could not make the games as I am now engaged and have a new flat at the start of next month so need all the cash for that. And i do know you says in your Topic about fans without cash you understand but there's still people with cash who still love Rangers

    Think the Topic could hurt or offend some bears that's only my opinion as many will disagree with and many will agree with

  7. Disagree with your Post mate but that's my opinion there's Bears from all over the world that cant make the Games but still check there results celebrate when they score or win and watch them on TV or listen to them on the Radio

    Im Rangers Daft love the Teddy bears, Unemployed and don't have a penny for a ST and im hurting and i know lots of other fans who love Rangers and cant afford a ST, As long as somebody wears the clubs colors and they are public that they love the Rangers then it doesn't matter in my opinion, Yes its good going to Ibrox giving the Club money and supporting them at any given time but not everyone can do that

  8. Who gives a fuck that was all about Old Co and the cunts who ran it got Greedy and fucked us over, Where now a new Company with History intact with a hole new running of the club


  9. It's refreshing to see a set up that offers to help a struggling member club who obviously understand how important it is to not only the community but also the football world in general.

    Now I fail to see any similarities from our neighbors across the border in dealing with a situation like this, I mean The Rangers were kicked from pillar to post by the people in charge of our game yet a few hours down the road a club in a situation similar in aspects get’s the full support of their governing body?

    It's just yet another example of what this country has become when it comes to football and how our great club has been targeted by corrupt and frankly evil people.

    English FA have a understanding with there clubs down to a T

    Sadly the SFA are corrupt bastards and have made a right dogs meal of the hole Rangers fiasco they certainly tripped over there own feet on this one, They had no clue what they where doing they just seemed to kick us when we where down so it just proved that there was a ring of hatred for Rangers and there always will be.

    SFA for me are a bunch of wankers :wanker: and should never be forgotten for what they did to Glasgow Rangers and its nice to see Pompy getting the full support of there countrys football heads

  10. Scotland . What I had for the national team I lost tonight .

    I found it hard enough to watch mcgregor and Naismith , felt like watching an ex girlfriend getting humped as I watched them sing the national nursery rythme knowing how they treated us.

    Then my boy Black getting booed .......fuck them all . There aren't enough HIVs to make that noise . it was the trannies .

    It's over . Say goodnight to the bearded village Idiot with the baseball cap.

    Wit ????

    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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