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broomloan blue nose

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Posts posted by broomloan blue nose

  1. Can people stop posting fucking utter pish like we will beat them 4 or 5 nil we havent beaten any cunt 4 or 5 nil this season and we have only played shite teams..this will be a fucking hard game against a settled side in good form, we can beat them yes but it will be a tough game against determined opponents, these will be the same cunts that will be on the subway at fucking halftime if we aren't 3-0 up.

    doom and gloom. Another one that thinks div 3 is shite.i forgot the the sphell was far superior to all the teams we play this year.and by the way i sit in broomloan rear so we get out of ibrox last,which may i add is a privelage.never left before the final whistle and never will so so so there. I stick by my 4 nil prediction,

  2. Can people stop posting fucking utter pish like we will beat them 4 or 5 nil we havent beaten any cunt 4 or 5 nil this season and we have only played shite teams..this will be a fucking hard game against a settled side in good form, we can beat them yes but it will be a tough game against determined opponents, these will be the same cunts that will be on the subway at fucking halftime if we aren't 3-0 up.

  3. They done well in the first half, 2nd half once their adrenaline ran out it was like playing against a drunk pub team who were playing together for the first time. As much as i hate the SPL the level is far higher than what we played today! Lets not kid ourselves on here.

    then how did three sphell sides get knocked out the cup...yip their standards r very high.
  4. Think he done well last week bar his shooting.

    He made alot of good runs down the wing & beat a few players,think he suits the bigger parks for more width.

    Just needs to learn to pass more & brush up on his finishing,look's as if he's not 100% fit.

    yes noticed that last week myself mate.but u cant please everyone especially on here.3 days ago he was going to be the highest goalscorer,but 1 bad game later hes shite. Got to fucking laugh.
  5. I dont beleive some people,ally mccoist is rangers through and through,he put 11 players on the park,that should be superior to teams in third div.to me ally has shown fight and determination for years not just the last 4or 5 months.as for the players,yes some r played out of position now and again,but a good player should be able to play anywhere.they have to want to be there simple as that, ps we dont have 4or 5 players for each position so sometimes someone has to be played out of position.

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