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Posts posted by ClydebankBearWATP

  1. Dc is the best wrestler in the ufc, if gustaffson can take him down, dc defo can that's what worries me.

    I hate DC and hope Jones smashes him so Jones better bring his A game and a reallysolid plan to stop the takedown or else he WILL lose

  2. I can't take pleasure or anything even approaching entertainment in football now for the past year and a half. Every week we get deeper and deeper into shit that football supporters just shouldn't have to think about and I can't see any way out. I was up for the one off challenge of ał lifetime and to be pay of that history but we've managed to make a cunt of it like no other team on history.

    I recently started a new job at the beginning of November meaning no more nights or weekends and my first thoughts were of buying my first ever season ticket but now I can't even watch us play on a stream. I doubt I'll ever feel the same way about Rangers ever again. There doesn't seem any end to this total utter nightmare.

    Tell you wit mate I know where your coming from. Almost becomes a chore following Rangers but I still would if I could afford it.

    See wit to do, find who your local junior team is and go watch them if you can. Don't need to worry about boardroom shite, fan infighting etc etc.

    I've been going for the past year, a 5er in and to be honest it's better entertainment. Never a dull game. Let's me get a break from all the shite at Rangers and just enjoy a few beers and the football. Rangers is too close to heart to separate everything.

    It's done wonders for me, should try it

  3. Would of been interesting to see where we would be if an unknown manager came in. Chances are we would not be in the same league but we might of been financially more sound. I just dont think fans would be happy at being in the 4th or 3rd tier for a number of seasons even if we were making money.

    Lol wit. You trying to say another manager wouldn't of got us out of those part time leagues even without being able to sign overrated shite?

  4. Yawn. Since he burst onto the scene he's not improved for me. Still struggles to beat a man unles he knocks the ball into 20 yard of space then it's 75/25 wether the ball gets past the first man. Could be down to the manager but he has had 2 years to improve and 1 good game in 7-8 against lower league opposition is not good enough

  5. Absolutely guaranteed we will drop more points to Hearts in the table and if that happens the longer he stays the worse it will get.

    Say we drop another 4 points over the next month then he walks away he will really be leaving us in the shit for his own gain. Then he can quite rightly be called an utter cunt

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