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Mark Walters

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Everything posted by Mark Walters

  1. People being drunk doesn't bother me unless they are acting like cunts. Simply having a drink doesn't make you one.
  2. They've only conceded 7 goals all season 3 of which have come from us. They're a tough team to open up at home.
  3. Like cunts? What behaviour happens at Rangers' games that is any different from the world over. I suppose if they weren't there there'd be running battles in the stands and outright chaos
  4. I'm sure if you were to point that out to them they'd be unable to compute and spontaneously combust.
  5. haha fucking topper. It is scary though that limited public resources are being wasted on this pish.
  6. Going to Scotland? watch yourself as there is zero tolerance on naughty behaviour This waste of a high viz jacket is on over 20 grand per year fs
  7. Better from rangers, starting to get a bit of a grip of the game after a slow and shoddy start.
  8. Can't believe that wasn't a free kick, some of the officiating this season has been astonishing.
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