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Posts posted by BertContraband

  1. I always liked Namouchi, seems to get a bit of a slagging on here but it's all about opinions I suppose. Was disappointed when PLG let him go considering the pish he brought in. Amato was another I was gutted to see leave, always remember him skinning a few celtic players in the corner and setting up a goal in the 4-2 old firm game at Ibrox!

    His turn in the 1999 final was amazing too on treble day

  2. Its unbelievable this is still going, nearly a year since we won FTT yet we have to put up with the taxman acting the big bully with taxpayers money after we win the appeal too we should make sure the idiots who have wasted millions of the public's money lose their jobs for this shit.

    exactly. unless they plan to pursue other companies that used ebts in the past. no real relevance to us now anyway. just a corporate shell being kicked about like a burst ball

  3. I use exhale e cigarette which uses liquid nicotine and I haven't smoked now in 6 days. First time in 10 years so I'm all for it and brings in much needed revenue

    good progress mate. my auld da is 4 months on them. still has the last pack of real fags with a dozen in there. likes to show them off as hes not touched them!

    Improves health and more Income for the bears too!

  4. Didnt even know they were playing today til I spotted some hoops tops in town. Not to bothered as it was for a good cause. This terrible disease trumps all football rivalry.

    Wasnt what I was expecting in the Bears Den though when I seen the title!

  5. Wearing a mhanks top is wrong.

    If wearing it to support a charity helping fight cancer then that is an exception. Anyone who knows someone who has went through cancer will know what i mean. Proud of Carlos because i'm not sure if ex-celtic players would do that for us. Gentleman.

    He was with us for a season and left 5 years ago. Maybe could compare it to Ramon Vega or Ulrik Laursen playing in a charity game for us.

  6. Just had a look. Its a flaming football flying out of the stadium not a meteor heading towards it.

    The image could have been taken from google earth so should we take google to court for everything they have too?

    Too many bears paranoid. The advert also uses strips that resmble those of other clubs, I wonder if their fans are reacting the same.

  7. “Fingers crossed we will sign with adidas this week,” Ahmad revealed in Toronto.

    “They said to me we’ve lost Liverpool and Real Madrid, Rangers will be the biggest club we have. We would have spots in adidas stores in North America. There are massive brand development opportunities.

    “We have been in talks with Dallas Cowboys about commercial partnership and we are looking to start an academy in North America.”


    lies, lies, lies.

    this guy thinks he's due millions for doing nothing.

    I wish these companies would take him to court over these claims he has attrubuted to them and bankrupt the little cretin.

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