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Albertz 78

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Posts posted by Albertz 78

  1. Hearts,Dundee Hibs and then Aberdeen for me.

    Hearts only have money till the end of the season through fans share issue apparently.

    Thompson dipping into the family (his mums) bank account on a regular basis, fortune not that big by all accounts so not sure how long this will go on for.

    Milne doing something similar, however by his reaction must be close to the wire.

    Hearts have sold about 60% of their season tickets for next season already, 6 months from now they will have next to no income.

    Thompson can't keep pumping money into Dundee hibs forever his family are down to about £1m or so.

    Milne has to find £50m to build a new ground as shittodrie is costing a fortune to keep open while they are £12m in debt as well.

    I can see Rangers being back in the spl season after next even if they have to go to a 22 team top league.

  2. They do say be Careful what you Wish for .

    This could come back to bite a certain Section of our Support ,they know who they are.Those with Banners and Songs .

    Cant believe what's happening to Rangers,Bill Miller and now CG ,and I wouldn't be surprised if they Played a Part in chasing Bill NG as well.

    This is true, my big fear is now we will get another Bain type who sits on his backside and lets the SFA/SPL cabal shaft us 10 ways from Sunday.

    Green whatever his motivation may have been stood up for the club while the so called "real Rangers men" sat back and came out with the usual dignified silence crap.

  3. We should not let Murray off the hook here either, he wanted to sell the club to any clown that came along just to get away from a tax case that he caused in the first place.

    I've no doubts he knew about ticketus and Shyte not having any money before he handed the club over, wish that clown had bought Ayr utd and not us.

  4. Think he did leave to soon to be honest, should have stayed and fought his corner. Looks like now the mhedia can hound anyone out of Ibrox they want to.

    The second our next CEO gets his feet under the table expect attack after attack on him, every word he's ever said in his life will be micro analyzed and poured over for weeks on end.

  5. Not sure how much it costs to got to CAS but i'm guessing it's not cheap and if they lose which they will that will be consuderably more money they have to pay out. :7325:

    The spl cabal is starting to crumble big time without the blue pound, what a farce of a league they will be next season.

    - No sponser.

    - Reduced tv income

    - No doubt a record low number of seaon tickets sold.

    - Hearts about to go bust.

    - Yahoo fc have to play 3 qualifying rounds for the CL, if they fail that's £1m lost to the spl.

    - Abergreen, Dundee hibs and killie in serious trouble with the LBG.

    It's booming....

  6. Think anti-Rangers propaganda in the press has had a lot to do with most diddy team fans becoming more and more bitter towards Rangers over the last few years.

    The tax case and the way it was reported is a prime example we were tried,convicted and sentenced years before the verdict came out by the mhedia. It got to the point where any ill informed clown could go on snyde/radio Scotland and say Rangers had not paid £150m in tax and most of the guliible people in Scotland believed it.

    When we won the case the brain washed idiots who have had propaganda shoved down thier throats for years were so unable to accept the truth that Rangers acted 100% within the law that the only explanation they could come up with is it must be a goverment conspircy which added more fuel to the fire.

    The anti Rangers crap in the mhedia in this country is akin to what you get in North korea, if you keep repeating the same thing time and time again no matter if it's lies some people will believe it.

  7. The same rat who held up a banner promoting terrorism, got away with bigoted rants about Protestants online and was called an unrepentant bigot by several newspapers now gets only a 600 pound fine for a sickening verbal attack on Andy Goram????

    Only in Scotland could someone with such a vile history get away with a slap on the wrist.

  8. Hearts were able to sign a player if another left. one in one out. Still they never paid there tax did they? so they should have got the same rule as us.

    Hearts are a total and utter car crash of a club yet the sporting integrity mob don't seem to be baying for blood which is strange.

    If getting 7 winding up orders for non payment of tax is not bringing the game into disrepute then i really dont know what is.

    Also compare Romanov's constantly running his mouth and facing no charges to Green being pulled up for an off the cuff remark to his mate.

    One rule for Rangers and another for everyone else in this country, when Hearts get newcod i bet they are allowed to stay in the spl.

  9. So the board don't even believe him, but you do?

    The fact of the matter is, if the board backed him 100% there wouldn't be an independent commission.

    I don't think it's a case of the board not believing Green, but potentially serious allegations have been made against him and they must be investigated one way or another so the truth can come out.

    This is a far more complex issue than could have been resolved in a meeting lasting a few hours.

  10. An endorsement from the board would be nice but ultimately meaningless, an independant commission report has more credo.

    Not only would it have been meaningless but it would have been classed as a white wash by the mhedia and would have added fuel to the Rangers hating fire.

    We bring in a QC and a few lawyers to prove once and for all Shyte has no claim on the club or an assets and thats the end of the story.

    Only worry for me is Shyte seems to be on a mission to cause more damage to Rangers and we might see a drip,drip affect in the mheida every single day next week causing more problems.

  11. notice you don't mention anything about how we will be competitive when back in the top flight with only half the wage budget of them, and nothing about being happy we now have no scouts and are not replacing them. Nothing about how under the new green set up we intend to find players. I for one will never be happy to watch investors make money to the detriment of the playing squad, but each to his own. The other 40% of fans realise you all will come round to our way of thinking a few years down the line when you finally realise the infrastructure green is putting in place will leave us second best. Enjoy the next two seasons mate cause after that you will really see the fruition of Greens set up. As all your points prove he is a great business man but what about making rangers a force on the field? Do you think the two go hand in hand? Having a large turnover will be great but no good to me when it will not be invested in the football side. I want a scouting network not an agency. I want our own physios not an agency. I want to know rangers own all the rights to the players they sign. I want us to put as much money into our wage budget as possible while staying profitable, so we can be competitive in Europe never mind Scotland. None of these things will happen while Green runs the football side of the club, you just refuse to accept what Green is telling you. Easily bought off. Hopefully Green will change his mentality over time but one thing is for sure without fan pressure while he is setting up the infrastructure it will definitely never happen.

    We have been a financial mess for years now cause we have been spending money we borrowed or did not have, if our wage bill has to come down when back in the SPL then so be it. The alterative is insolvancy and all this crap we've went through the last 14 months again. As for "them" who can say what shape they will be in or wage bill they have be in two years from now?

    Hearts,Killie and St mirren have pumped that lot out of cups over the last 12 months, they are hardly the world beaters the mhedia make them out to be.

    Agree about the scouting needing sorted and other points, but we will never be run at a loss again just to win a Scottish or League cup. Unless a billionaire bought the club which is pie in the sky cutting costs would happen no matter who took over.

  12. Quite the opposite, Lieswell organised the hit but aint daft enough to deliver the bullets

    How true lieswell does not say anything in public as he does not have the baws to, he leaks anything he wants to say to his mouth piece on Septic quick news and they say it for him.

    He wanted us out of the SPL for two reasons Champions league money and so he can pay himself a big bonus of £700,000 which he gets everytime "they" win the league.

    We really got it up him by winning 3 in a row while on our knees financially.

  13. TBH i think Shyte is alone in this, he wants to dump the ticketus debt back on the club and save his own skin and he will do anything to make sure he worms his way out of paying £17m (not that he has that kind of money anyway).

    You don't tape privite conversations with people unless you plan to use it for blackmail purposes at a later date imho.

  14. I really dread to think where we would be without Green taking over right now.

    He took over a club that had about half a dozen players & no league to play in.

    Less than 12 months later he was one of the main reasons we brought in £22m from an IPO, as well as money from Sports direct,Puma and Blackthorn.

    Others may have had the money to buy Rangers but McColl aside they never had the money to run Rangers long term, without the ipo it would have been drastic cost cuts or worse for the club at this point in time.

  15. Think Green has proved he can do more than one job. And he's made alot of money doing it.Rangers will be his last job but it will be his biggest.

    I am certain he will still be here to do it.

    Was not so much talking about Green himself but people from Yorkshire being portayed as yokels who all work in a mill by the mhedia.

    Consdering the article had a few wee digs about Greens remarks last week i find it astonishing they then write a derogatory snide remark about people from Yorkshire trying to stereotype them.

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