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New Signing
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New Signing

New Signing (1/12)



  1. Scarborough - CG has stated we will be in England soon and Pontins holiday camp fits the bill
  2. Aye Buckhind High School was a bit of a rugger place with little time for fitba. Probably not amused by non-Fifers cuffing us.
  3. Never a truer word spoken - in Methil's fair city the girls ain't so pretty.
  4. I think you need faith these days that all will come right. Substitute loyal if you wish but that has connurtations
  5. Unless the restucture is imposed I don't think we'll see you at New Bayview - Queen's Park should gub us in the Playoffs an doon There is a subtle difference between 2nd and 3rd (not as big a one as 2nd to 1st). EFFC were handling 2nd, now I fear for them and would want the next tie to be against the inane Rangers seenin last weeks. Most 2nd Div teams could give a good account of themselves home or away against 1 up front which simply doesn't work in the lower reaches, How many amateur or even pub teams try it?!
  6. Yeah - Fife stinks. Does this mean I'm a cafflik as think CG is a clown?
  7. So you believe CG is a trueblue as opposed to the outsider view that he is rifling every last penny oot the Rangers? He;s got it in his veins so cannot help himself spouting any propaganda he thinks the faithful will like? Can I sell you a nice timeshare too?
  8. Is that yer comeback? Pfffffffffffffffff
  9. 3rd team? Don't get me started on them TheCludge - so disappointing. Aachen got loads o money, build a new stadium and forgot the Team. We are teamshare with the Aachen fans as both black n gold and other ties (visit each other regularly) but they suck royally and have lost me aboots a grand on Betfair backing Aachen. Then when you lay Aachen, they effing win
  10. You clearly don't understand the culture where I live. You maybe have blue blinkers on. It would have caused even more of a riot if I'd pointed oot the truth that Rangers are now my wee team who Stirling can cuff with their chances. If no restructure, Rangers can win the 2nd Div with an even higher wage bill. EFFC might be relegated by Queen's Park - that is the shakes with local teams not glory hunting. Someone pointed oot to me that Rangers now can forget Gretna points tally, can also forget EFFC's tally when we won promotion. Less points than an EFFC playing brickies as against full-time pros????
  11. Great points gogzy - now I see why we can agree on things
  12. I can honsesty say that the Rangers REAL support were nicer and more welcoming when we were gubbed @ Ibrox than this bunch have been to me.
  13. That was all, with a view that the sun don't shine oot o Greens ass and what he says is 95% tripe - we all remember th Dallas Cowboys. Cos they play "Football" did he get blindsided while watching the 4,45 from Kelso?
  14. Smoke more - this is becoming painful - next I'm a taigie cvnt. Why to RM people dislike honest views?
  15. What a fanny - I've openly said East Fife with 2nd team Gers. Is the id not a bit of a clue idiot?
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