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Posts posted by Gowser

  1. [/qoute] oh i seen it all right and broadfoot was taken to the cleaners just not good enough.

    When exactly? Tell me in what minute, I have it taped, I will replay it and watch and if I am wrong will eat humble pie.

    In my opinion, Broadfoot for the majority of the game, although I will admit not all, kept McGeady from playing his game. Davies was allowing McGeady the space when he tried to turn inside whereas Broadfoot kept him down the channel. In fact, at one point Broadfoot skinned McGeady so I don't know what you're talking about. Evidence please.

    i think that you should watch the game again. :rolleyes:

    Having recorded the game, I have actually watched it a second time. As I said befoe, I will admit I am wrong if you can provide evidence. "I think you should watch the game again" is not really a good reply to "evidence please", is it? I still wait to be proven wrong.

  2. I liked Broadfoot when he first took over from Hutton and thought he was doing a good job all things considered. I know that he then had a few games where he was awful and the first 30 minutes of the Fiorentina game is an example of this.

    He did a good job today, and I think that many supporters will never acknowledge his good tackles/crosses/runs forward simply because he is not Alan Hutton.

    I got news for all you Broadfoot haters, he isn't Alan Hutton, he never will be and we should support him as much as we can as he is the best choice for right back at the moment.

    he is rubbish and should never have been signed, and today he was like a little lost boy out of his depth.

    Did you actually see the game or just listen to it and make the rest up in your mind?? Twice he saved us when they were through and it was never a penalty because that rat McDonald through himself in front of him that quick that Broadfoot had nowhere to go. The wee fud was looking for a penalty, Broadfoot couldn't stop .

    oh i seen it all right and broadfoot was taken to the cleaners just not good enough.

    When exactly? Tell me in what minute, I have it taped, I will replay it and watch and if I am wrong will eat humble pie.

    In my opinion, Broadfoot for the majority of the game, although I will admit not all, kept McGeady from playing his game. Davies was allowing McGeady the space when he tried to turn inside whereas Broadfoot kept him down the channel. In fact, at one point Broadfoot skinned McGeady so I don't know what you're talking about. Evidence please.

  3. I liked Broadfoot when he first took over from Hutton and thought he was doing a good job all things considered. I know that he then had a few games where he was awful and the first 30 minutes of the Fiorentina game is an example of this.

    He did a good job today, and I think that many supporters will never acknowledge his good tackles/crosses/runs forward simply because he is not Alan Hutton.

    I got news for all you Broadfoot haters, he isn't Alan Hutton, he never will be and we should support him as much as we can as he is the best choice for right back at the moment.

    he is rubbish and should never have been signed, and today he was like a little lost boy out of his depth.

    Did you actually see the game or just listen to it and make the rest up in your mind?? Twice he saved us when they were through and it was never a penalty because that rat McDonald through himself in front of him that quick that Broadfoot had nowhere to go. The wee fud was looking for a penalty, Broadfoot couldn't stop .

  4. If we hold up a banner saying "God Bless the Pope" how paranoid would they fucken inbred fucks get? They'd all start going "oh, the pope's a h**, he must support them!!"


    Power of suggestion? ;)

    you have got to be kiddin me on, god bless the pope!!?? why would u ever want to do that, for starters it isnt funny, we would look so stupid and the man is head of the church of rome and all the brainwashed scum.

    :doh: I am suggesting the paranoia of the tims, I think that's quite funny but if you don't tough!!

  5. I liked Broadfoot when he first took over from Hutton and thought he was doing a good job all things considered. I know that he then had a few games where he was awful and the first 30 minutes of the Fiorentina game is an example of this.

    He did a good job today, and I think that many supporters will never acknowledge his good tackles/crosses/runs forward simply because he is not Alan Hutton.

    I got news for all you Broadfoot haters, he isn't Alan Hutton, he never will be and we should support him as much as we can as he is the best choice for right back at the moment.

  6. He has been utter dross since Christmas, but there's bugger all else to play as you can see from the fact fucking Faye is suddenly back on the scene.

    I had my head in my hands when Faye came on, but he didn't do anything wrong, so give the guy a break.

  7. I have been shouting ever since he joined with us to pass the ball forward. In my house everyone starts shouting fucken nosebleed if he passes the halfway line or passes the ball forward. He might be a holding midfielder but that doesn't mean he has to pass the ball back every fucken time. Excuse the language, but that's what he does to me. At times he can be clever breaking up attacks but he doesn't offer enough for me to want in midfield every week, although he is a good squad player.

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    fuck off!!

    we will fight til the day is done

    No Surrender

    Big bob ftp will b after ur scummy players nxt week


    706 User(s) are browsing this forum (530 Guests and 0 Anonymous Users)

    530 now... They must've read this post and called their wee dirty friends over...

    Don't have a life do they? <_<

    most of the scumbags r on the arthur borat t-shirt thread

    we will have 2 c wot the sfa and fifa say about that

    could u imagine if bazza wore a god bless the queen t-shirt

    there would b a riot!!

    Imagine their faces if we held up a banner with a huge picture of Prince William saying "God Bless the future King Billy" :unionflag: :unionflag: :unionflag: :unionflag: :unionflag: :lol:

  9. Did anyone else notice that since that cowardly challenge by Hartley, Barry never kicked a ball after that? :angry2:

    He got nailed twice and that was that. Hartley put LM out for the season the other week too. Two yellow cards. JVOH should have been off in both games too.

    What pisses me off though is that no other mid fielder stepped up.

    How that guy gets away with so much is unbelieveable. :angry2:

  10. I wasted a good amount of money on going to watch that pish

    I think I had the right to boo!!!

    x2 mate... was a fucking disgrace!

    We should be playing ALOT better at home than that!

    I would have loved to have been there; ticket prices were too high for me though. If I was there, I would have been applauding the team.

    They kept a clean sheet. Big plus.

    It wasn't a great game but neither side played well.

    We have won one trophy this season and are still on course for another 3.

    Support the team, give them your backing and cheer them on. WATP :rangers:

    Obviously i will... but come on to fuck mate... get real here.... and be serious.

    I am being perfectly serious. You get real. Walter already said he was trying to build a team and that it would take a couple of seasons and yet look where we are. What are you wanting, jam on it? doh

  11. I wasted a good amount of money on going to watch that pish

    I think I had the right to boo!!!

    x2 mate... was a fucking disgrace!

    We should be playing ALOT better at home than that!

    I would have loved to have been there; ticket prices were too high for me though. If I was there, I would have been applauding the team.

    They kept a clean sheet. Big plus.

    It wasn't a great game but neither side played well.

    We have won one trophy this season and are still on course for another 3.

    Support the team, give them your backing and cheer them on. WATP :rangers:

  12. What the f*ck is that all about. I honestly don't know why these people even bother going to games?

    People have become far too cocky and are expecting us to win every match. Yes the performance was utter garbage but we have just beaten celtc, we have just won the CIS, we kept a clean sheet, we are still in the Scottish and lead celtc by 6 points with 1 game in hand.

    F*kn pathetic and embarrassing!

    (tu) Well said

  13. I may be wrong here but in the first half,i though i heard chants from the celtic fans towards darcheville,it sounded like "black headed monkey" but i may be wrong with this.

    I watched the game on celtanta but it was only for a few seconds i heard it,and wasnt 100% sure if thats what it was,anyone else hear this?

    Never heard it, but i'm sure i saw these guys in the Broomloan.......


    Unusual that the Celtic board turn out in their finery

  14. Right guys, this mob are just an accident waiting to happen.

    Kevin, wind yer pal up aboot how he looks like a monkey.

    Kirk, kick the gay boy up and doon the touchline until he says sorry for no' playin' for Scotland.

    Sasa, punch that Jap fanny.

    Carlos, ask McDonald what side he wants his hair parted before ye boot his coupon.

    Davie, ask Vinegar Joe tae keep his erms tae himself, or ye'll rip them aff.

    Christian, boot fuck oot a' anything that gets by the midfield.

    Steve, sing the sash.

    Barry, just keep rippin' the pish.

    Jean Claude, keep salutin'.

    Lee, just run aboot and look threatening.

    Finally Allan, keep yer cock in yer pants FFS.

    That is all.



    Fucken spat ma tea oot there

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