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Posts posted by ab4113

  1. After the match we will have a Q&A with Leggo who promises to tell us ‘what’s going on and reveal the plans the new Rangers regime have for Rangers


    And chic and co are going to share there future plans with someone who called them ' snakeoil salesmen etc' think i'll give

    It a miss and just go to the game, then my own local, with friends who talk about the gers and not run them down, the crawl up there arse

  2. You don't care about 17 year old Barrie McKay (for example) going to take a shy and having a stand full of grown men telling him he's a no good orange bastard? Get a grip mate, since when did the Rangers support decide it was an OK attitude to leave their own????

    And this will not happen if we are in there shitehole of grounds???, re you having a laugh, these basterds scream at all our playesrs anytime the get near to them, So if barry or anyone else at that age (17-18) cannot handle it they should not be playing for rangers, i think you would be surprised our young guns will laugh at the shower of spl shite

  3. I wonder if it's the same john jonstone that played for the youth set up about 10-12 years ago?

    No, sits across the walkway from me, his dad is two seats away, also called john, and his brother has the next seat, but is hardly there now due to work, all good bears

  4. What exactly are you saying then, having watched bumbling brown, i was more embarressed by

    Him, thencharles green, brown has offered us nothing as evidence apart from tit bits, which amounted to fuck all

  5. I'm assuming its bullshit, but i got a text saying bomber is the front man for a group containing; Goram and Gazza.

    i hope to fuck its bullshit anyway, can you imagine.

    Gorams not got a pot to piss in, has to sell his soul to The Sun every couple of weeks for £500 to spunk at the

    Bookies, so anything with him in it, is all to get in the papers for more dough

  6. At times i feel sorry for charles green, he seems to be the scapegoat for everything, he is trying to get us a league place,

    Sorting out all this mess, dealing with constant shit flung at him, hecannot be sitting holding players hands as well, these two are money grabbing bastatds, out injured half the time, picking up millions over the years, now bleating on about how big fans they are ,

    Fuck off and i hope a serious injury on both of you, you could have left tje club with a bit of dignity instaed of blaming green etc, not saying he is doing everything perfect and upfront, or he will be good for us, but at least he is tryin something, more than can be said

    For other big fans/ ex players ,managers etc, when it comes to putting cash in, they go quiet, so naismith and whittekar, fuck off parasite bastards, and there will be more following, just waiting to see what flak these two get.

  7. hes a rat. fuck him.

    worse than a fucking tarrier.

    i wish him nothing but bad luck.

    Well said, looked gutted my arse put on expression then he will skip into his porshe, that WE paid for and head off for a big signing on fee, weasel little rhunt

  8. :wanker:

    I have been in the Green camp up until now but im starting to get nervous, there are still unanswered questions regarding investors and finances to take us forward, now we have players deserting us it is looking pretty poor for the foreseeable future, imagine we did end up staying in the SPL only to find we cant compete through lack of players and finances, Green you better have a game plan.

    Players are deserting us for there own greed, we are in the shite , and the are kicking more all over us, naismiths statement was a disgrace, hope the little kunt is finished, rangers fan my arse, made a fortune offus hope those knees are fucked ya wee slimy bastard

  9. For some reason I've still got the RST page on my Facebook, and I know it's hardly an official statement every time they post something, but I find some of the stuff bizarre.

    Season ticket money being withheld, a pro-Rangers rally (God knows what that actually is, I'm guessing it's really a pro-Walter rally?) and today they're seeing it as a success that sponsors have began pulling out in support of Walter's consortium as reported by The Herald. Is there anything this group won't do to get rid of Green, who is being treated like a piece of dirt, and quite frankly, I find it disgraceful. Has the guy really done anything wrong apart from not have a passion for The Rangers? Don't get me wrong, I do support Walter's consortium, but I think these muppets are simply taking it too far.

    If they don't come up with the funds that are sufficient to buy us, and Green's consortium remains on, does this group really have any credibility left at all? Can they still remain as what many see as the main supporter group, with Dingwall being "the mouth of the fans"? They'll be left in complete limbo, and I wouldn't expect Green to have any cooperation with them again.

    The trouble with the RST, is it is now run as the Mark Dingwall, Rangers Fans Leader, trust now, as he sems to want a say on everything, in reality he is a nobody like most of th RST board now, represent no kunt but themselves, await the usual ' howcdo you know anything about us' posts RST , great idea, hijacked by arseholes who have now ruined it, feel sorry for anyone who was ( maybe some still hanging in ther) but the appeal to no one now

  10. Eric Drysdale

    So he worked for RBS, says it all, humped there shareholders now wants to fcuk us, weasel prick

    Eric was invited to join the Board in December 1998, after helping form a Shareholders’ Association in 1996/97. He has been a Rovers’ supporter all of his life and a shareholder since 1984. He was closely involved with the Reclaim the Rovers efforts and he acted as liaison among the sellers, buyers and investors. His primary responsibilities are the management of cash flow, corporate governance and representation of the club at SFL and SFA meetings.

    Eric, who was born in Dundee, was educated at Kirkcaldy High School and he graduated from St Andrews’ University. He is a chartered banker and he has worked for RBS for over 32 years. He is currently the Sector Policy Manager, with responsibility for setting lending policy and guidelines for a number of key industries, vital to the UK economy. Professional football is one of his sectors.

    In what little spare time he has, Eric enjoys working out in the gym and spending time with his wife and dog. He volunteers for Capability Scotland in Perth.

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