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Posts posted by allyharp

  1. The ref totally overreacted there was no need for this to be the end of his night.

    But that said, Cousin was an idiot to do what he did. I've never been a big fan of him and it's all down to attitude. Most of the time he doesn't look interested, and then he goes and gets sent off for something stupid. And he didn't seem terribly bothered as he was walking off the park either.

  2. I agree somewhat with your point batman, people like Papa must prioritise and realise there are more important things in life. But you definitely put it across in the wrong manner.

    And I must say I found this hilarious! :lol:

    Why are you on a Rangers forum if you're not excited at the prospect of a European trophy? Sanctimonious clown, feck off back to the 3rd world ya balloon.
  3. 14th May 2008

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    I'll be here trying to study for my exam on the 15th :(

    What a fucking terrible day for an exam :(

    Fuck the exam buddy, thats what im doin. iv got one on the 15th but this only comes around once every 30 years. exams can be sat again this cani (in my opinion)

    I can't mate, my education is more important to me than any football game.

    Do you even get a chance to resit exams once your into 3rd and 4th year of uni? I know we couldn't resit anything we failed in 3rd year, so if you did fail you'd be hoping to resit the entire year again. But I don't even know if that's allowed - I know plenty of people who have bailed out with a standard degree but nobody who has actually resat 3rd year.

  4. Darcheville looked tired, and he's bound to get subbed at some point in every match he plays. Novo on the other hand was a strange one, but I liked seeing Buffel and think he made a good contribution.

    I've never been a huge fan of Cousin though, he really doesn't look interested half the time and didn't do too much when he came on tonight.

  5. McGayday will roast him on Sunday if he plays. Awful 1st half, slightly better in the 2nd. I dont know why our players play the ball 10 yard+ infront of him for him to run on to, he's as slow as a snail.

    Just do not feel comfortable with him in the team.

    Do you ever have anything good to say about Rangers always digging holes always tipping them to get gubbed i am starting to wonder about you sniff sniff.

    How dare you disagree Muff, you must be a Tim!

    I wonder about people who don't have the ability to take on board an opinion different to their own - I'd suggest an internet forum isn't for you!

    I agree with that Papa (tu)

    And I'm fucking sick of this 'sniff sniff' shite :rolleyes:

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