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Hammy McConville

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  1. I take a viagra tablet every night... it stops me rolling out of bed!
  2. Iv'e had 81 years of practice at it chief. I'm old, not daft!
  3. Hammy McConville, on 25 July 2013 - 09:49 PM, said: You will believe exactly what you want to believe, I have little control over that. Do you still go to sleep with the light on? Hammy is on Fire Well, do you?
  4. You've offered nothin yet! Except maybe your insecurity!
  5. You will believe exactly what you want to believe, I have little control over that. Do you still go to sleep with the light on?
  6. Oh dear! Pap bricks at it when you don't understand it! Just for you, and this'll be the second time I've explained it; My laddie told me not to use my own name on a forum, so I picked my Granny's name. I begin to understand now why he said that, I thought the tims were supposed to be paranoid too!
  7. Less than 3 million unemployed and seeking work in this country is accurate. That's the one side. Nearly 7 million have no job that's the fact!
  8. With respect! I'm not the one who sees bigotry in every scrape that written!
  9. I never said the article was inaccurate, I said it was limited, one sided and badly written. But it seems I'm not allowed an opinion!
  10. Don't have a clue chief, but if fury wants a debate about bigotry and the press, I'm his man! To criticise the press for being biased, then producing a badly written, limited and one sided article, based largely on hearsay is irresponsible.
  11. The forum is full of football chat yet you seem to want to discuss this. Probably because that's the subject of the thread! As stated the forum is full of talk of Sheffield and Bristol before it. Have a gander. This thread is about the press! He will be aware he doesn’t speak for you and has already told you that. Obviously it’s his own interpretation ffs it’s his blog. Somebody posted it on here, and I have an opinion! I’m afraid it goes with the territory.. Plus you are wrong and Chris is correct. I didn't say he wasn't correct, I said it was unbalanced, badly written and limited. Mileage? From the truth…heaven forbid. You don't know it's the truth, you only believe it's the truth, but it won't win Rangers the league, rest assured of that. Now you’re going mad mate. They way anything is reported has an impact and while football may not be able to turn anyone in to a bigot I’m sure you will agree the way it is reported, or the facts/ill-informed opinion attached to these reports (see the last 18 months of hatred directed at us) do have an impact. They may have an impact on the feeble minded, I'll give you that! Simply pointing out some home truths is one of the ways we will continue to address issues where our club are attacked or where we clearly see media bias. And there you are.... still on your knees!
  12. The papers have had 'double standards' for years chief... you seem to think that Mr Graham has released an exclusive here. But as I'm just about sick of saying on this thread, he doesn't speak for me. His article is limited in scope and has no balance to it and I don't need to be associated with anyone who, like Chris Graham wants to play down the strides made by our Club in eliminating bigotry and hatred by highlighting the very things that cause the bigotry and hatred, and that is the way the papers report things; or mor accurately, his interpretation of the way the papers report things. Nobody, and I mean nobody, needs to be telling me what I should be thinking, or suggesting that I'm too stupid to think and have to wait on him telling me how to do it!
  13. Frankly, I couldn't care less what gets sung in a football stadium, any football stadium, anywhere, anybody who wants to be offended by it should stay away from a football stadium. Football 'humour' is just not PC, never has been.... live with it. Did you miss that bit?
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